Lager in a kegerator

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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If you have an empty kegerator can you lager in it? I am toying with going to kegging and if i can it will be a large factor in my decision.
Well, need some more your batch sizes, your equipment, size of your intended kegerator, etc.

The answer can certainly be yes. If your kegerator will hold two cornies, you could lager in one corny while dispensing from another. If your kegerator only holds one corny, then you won't be able to dispense and lager at the same time. With lagering times of 4+ weeks, that's a long time to go without beer on tap.

Or you could use a full sized fridge. Lots of options here with the added space. It's pretty much up to your budget, your available space, your creativity, and approval from SWMBO.

One key piece of equipment here is temperature controller. It's nice to have predictable and consistent temps for lagering.

Edit: by 'lagering' I'm talking strictly about the aging portion at colder temperatures (not the fermentation of a lager beer). For this scenario, yes you can still do it but I wouldn't try to serve and dispense at the same time. 48-50F is a little warm for serving IMO.
Ok im thinking a 6.5 gal glass carboy in the fridge with airlock and was looking at a sanyo 4912. Would it fit in there? I would be more concerned about making a lager beer than lagering.
Pretty sure the carboy is too big. You need to use a bucket...or a 7gal conical (that's what I do).
Broozer I just purchased that exact fridge and my 6.5 glass carboys fit. All you need to do is remove the plastic trays from the door and keep it on the left side of the fridge.
ebeer said:
Pretty sure the carboy is too big. You need to use a bucket...or a 7gal conical (that's what I do).

What size stopper are you using for the blowoff tube? My 14.5 gallon conical fits, minus the air-lock which is preventing me from using the fridge to lager. Luckily my basement is ocld enough right now, but that will all change come April.
Pugilist said:
Broozer I just purchased that exact fridge and my 6.5 glass carboys fit. All you need to do is remove the plastic trays from the door and keep it on the left side of the fridge.

Thanks Pugilist! Does that 6.5 gal carboy fit with an airlock on top?
Glibbidy said:
What size stopper are you using for the blowoff tube? My 14.5 gallon conical fits, minus the air-lock which is preventing me from using the fridge to lager. Luckily my basement is ocld enough right now, but that will all change come April.

I use a thermowell from Morebeer, but the stopper is #6.5.