Just how cool is SWMBO?

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The lady was going to buy me kegerator stuff for my bday but I declined (buying it my damned self!). She loves showing off my homebrew to her friends, and is a huge hophead.

Find a beer loving gal, dudes, it's totally worth it.
Yeah, it was a joke, and I wasn't looking for a response like anything. One problem with reading text is that you don't get to hear tone, or see someones face. HBT is usually a little more lighthearted than anyone thinking I really hit my wife and brag about it on an online forum. Never thought I'd have to confirm that one being a joke.

I think another tip off should have been the "Stop midget on midget crime" avatar, lol.

Specialkaye, what do midget jokes get me where you're from? haha....just kidding :)
Specialkaye, what do midget jokes get me where you're from? haha....just kidding :)

Usually another beer. Got a buddy that flies to Vegas just to watch midget wrestling. He's twisted enough that I think it's a turn on for him. And his wife encourages him to go....
Danger, Danger, Danger!!!!!! Do not ever, ever, ever let her hear you say that. It would be best to not even think that thought again. I am absolutely, deadly serious.

My wife has a job but I make more than her. On several occasions I've said (jokingly of course) "I bring home the bacon so you can cook it." We make fun of each other constantly.
I'm sure hoping that's a piss poor joke. Where I'm from, that'll get you a one way trip into the swamp with a dog tied around your neck. (Gators love dogs)

Instead of hijacking the thread, I was going to post my picture here but SWMBO deserves better than being in the same response as that quote.

Some of you guys can't take a joke. I laughed because I knew it wasn't serious. Relax and have a home brew.
I'm one of the lucky ones too. My SWMBO is constantly pushing me to get more toys.
My SWMBO and I get and "allowance" each week. Most of mine goes to beer supplies. I did get some extra money from work for a course I developed. Asked if I could purchase a freezer and some kegs and got the okay! She's supportive of my hobby but just wants to park her car in the garage once the snow flies.

"Hey babe, I want to make a pumpkin ale..."


Ahhh...the love of my life :D


(stole that from our wedding photog's site)
Some things just shouldn't be a basis for a joke.

My wife will look at me and in all seriousness say, "What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine." But, she hardly complains when I actually spend some of "my" money. She encourages me to "go out with the boys" and doesn't mind if I stop at the strip club. Thing is, I hardly ever do. Guess I was gone so much in the Navy, I really enjoy being home. She's currently a full time student and I'm the only income. So, even though I'm well into my mid-life, and cash strapped from paying her tuition, I can proudly say I'm sleeping with a college student.
My first date with my girlfriend we drank a bottle of Allagash Black. The second she invited me out to a beer bar and ordered an Aventinus (granted that was a year later). When she moved away a couple months ago for grad school, she missed brewing with me so much that she started a brewing/fermentation club. When she came back to visit for the first time we arranged to brew a gose that should be ready to drink by the time she comes back down for winter break. I’d say she’s pretty cool.
I wish I could say my wife would even have a sip of beer, at least just because I made it. She has never had even a drop of anything with alcohol. Actually, except for once I was drinking white wine sangria and she thought it was just OJ. She ran to the sink and spit it out and drank half a gallon of water. She says she's allergic to alcohol and whenever she drinks it, her fingers and face swell up. I'm shocked because she's philipino, and those little bastards could drink.
As a slight aside, Oldsock, your blog is great and I check it out often. Lots of awesome stuff there.

My wife hates beer, except for Shiner Bock, so I can't really share my beer passion with her, but she's open to any wine, cider, or graff that gets made. I'm just glad she's supportive of my addiction. :)
I wish I could say my wife would even have a sip of beer, at least just because I made it. She has never had even a drop of anything with alcohol. Actually, except for once I was drinking white wine sangria and she thought it was just OJ. She ran to the sink and spit it out and drank half a gallon of water. She says she's allergic to alcohol and whenever she drinks it, her fingers and face swell up. I'm shocked because she's philipino, and those little bastards could drink.

Been there, done that, and yes they can.
"Allergic Reactions to Alcoholic Drinks
It is possible to experience allergic reactions from drinking alcoholic beverages. The alcohol, however, is not typically the reason for these reactions. Another ingredient -- such as grapes in wine, various grains in beers (such as hops, barley, rye, corn or wheat), and the addition of yeast (for fermentation of sugars and generation of alcohol) -- may be the cause. The symptoms of these reactions may be exactly like those with any other food allergy reaction. "

"i have the same problem and i've always chalked it up to the fact that i'm asian. genetically, asians don't process alcohol that well and...."

Well, I'm glad my SWMBO is not allergic. Else, I'd never have got the picture of her with a napkin on her head.
Okay, got a new one.
SWMBO and I were in back yard, cleaning up after an awesome outdoor movie night party. She looks me right in the eye, gestures towards our large storage shed, and says, "I can see that as a brew house, with your name on the sign above the door."

Looks like I've got the okay to turn the shed into a brew house. Now, to get rid of the clutter in there, like the riding lawn mower, all those pesky yard tools, and the stuff my kids left at home when they enlisted.
Nobody has touched this in a while. I must be the only guy with a cool SWMBO anymore.

Here's another one:
After making my first all grain beer, I moved the grain bag into the kitchen to measure out what I needed for doggie treats. The grain was sitting in the sparge kettle and it's quick becoming a super sticky sweet mess. I mean, it was still so sweet, you could smell the sweet.

So, SWMBO looks at the spent grain, looks at me, looks back to the spent grain and says, "You should make another beer out of that."

(In best TV preacher voice) Hallelujah, friends, she has been healed and hath seen the light!
a week ago, i suggested to my wife (who can't drink) we need a smoker. she said "no, we don't." i tempted her with smoked meat 2 days later (which she loves), and she said "you know, we need a smoker." i smoked some meat 2 days ago (with my brand new swmbo-approved smoker) , and she said "you know, you ought to brew when you're smoking meat. it goes together." now i know why i chose her :D
Nice SWMBO swaps, all. Here's my most recent...

I came home from work on Monday, beat to all hell and covered in drywall dust. I walk into my brew room and find SWMBO weighing out and grinding grains for an IPA. She says, "I also upped the hops a bit because 70 IBUs doesn't seem like that much anymore!".

Needless to say I'm searching desperately for the perfect ring.
I am diamond shopping as well. I post about her all the time so no need in going into it. She is pretty kick ass. I posted a thread about desktop background a few days ago. I just put a new pic on there that is all her brew. Mine have all gone to bottle or keg now.

She wants to sell my pool table and go to a bar and poker table in the man cave. I am deployed so I hope it all works out. I don't play pool that much anymore anyway. All in!
Not only does mine fully encourage my golf and brewing hobbies, she likes going to the nudie bar with me and once said, "You know, we should totally find a girlfriend to share."
SWMBO let me put my kegs in her wine cooler until we save up for a true kegerator. :)

She bought me my first keg setup (not including kegerator) as her wedding present to me! (I got her diamond earrings.)

She will taste my beers, but her favorite is still Coors Light, so until I start making lagers I won't be her favorite brewer. She loves wine kits, though!

She's also extremely generous, sharp as a whip-snap, and beautiful. SWMBO couldn't be cooler IMO.
SWMBO and I went to the wine and beer store, and she got herself a six pack of Harpoon Hard Cider, which she LOVES, and she took two of them out and replaced them with Harpoon Winter Warmer so I could try it, with out even asking me!

God I love that woman...
All good from what I see. My SWMBO has a very strong opinion about diamonds: "They're pretty and all that, but I don't need them."

And, about that girlfriend, if not pictures, which would surely be the best, a duly notarized affidavit in triplicate MIGHT be accepted as evidence. But, probably not.
My SWMBO not only loves the malty smell of brewday but also agreed to spend our christmas allotment on my brewing, so I have a bottle tree and sanitizer waiting for me.

I found 2 better bottles, a primary, and all of the bells and whistles (cappers, chemicals, brushes and spoons, etc) for $50 on CL. I jumped on it before I realized I didn't have a place to put it. Now I have beer and wine at my place, and wine bubbling at hers. Maybe even a kegerator at her place too by Christmas? Muhahahahahaha!
For my first date my SWMBO bought me a sixer of Founders centenial IPA. She doesn't like beer but tries a sip of every beer I make. She has no problem on me spending cash on brewing. She is buying me a grain mill for xmas. And she brags to everyone about how I brew my own beer. Her only thing is that I'm saving enough for our "future" - Read diamond ring.. Oh and she said she has no problem with me brewing in her garage. She's a keeper.
My sister in law recently asked me where i want a gift card to for christmas, so I told her brewmasterswarehouse.com. My wife said "do you really need MORE beer stuff"? I said "okay, cheesecake factory is fine". My wife loves some cheesecake factory.

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