Is buying a kegerator for sparkling water worth it?

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New Member
Oct 13, 2023
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United States
Hi guys!

I figured to help me out, I can give you some context

- I go through about 5 lb of CO2 every 2 months.
- I currently drink about 2-5x 50oz botof seltzer every day.
- I use a 2L carbocap + PET bottle setup. It works, its quick, but its clunky to violently shake a bottle to carb it in 10s.
- I live in an apartment, and I'd likely store the kegerator in a second room as my kitchen is awfully tiny. The thought of lugging a 5 gal keg from kitchen to room seems...subideal. I dont think I have any way of plumbing from my sink to the keg...
- I have genuinely no tools nor interest in a DIY project converting some chest freezer to a kegerator. Buying something turnkey is my intentions....unless its stupidly easy to convert and I dont need many/any tools.
- Minimal cleaning required. Water doesn't get in my gas line with the carbocap setup, so I haven't cleaned the tube since i had this setup for like...over a year.
- My budget would be $1k or less, but I'd sure hope its less! I'd want something either cheap and replaceable, or a "Buy it for life/10+ years" product

So, with all the above said, is it worth it for me to buy a kegerator and buy a 5gal corny keg?

If not, are there any improvements you could offer for my 2L carbocap setup, either to make it easier or make more at a time?
You could make it work with a 5 cubic foot chest freezer, a keg or 2, and a picnic tap, since it sounds like you already have a co2 bottle and regulator. No work involved, and maybe $150-200 total.
Frankly, I think only you can answer that type of "worth it" question for yourself.
Off-the-shelf kegerators aren’t worth the money regardless, imho. A quality brand under-counter fridge is going to be far superior quality at half the price. Survey the used market first too, to potentially save even more.
It sounds like you are drinking between 3/4 and 2 gallons a day so maybe small kegs would work. You could get two 1.75 gallon kegs and rotate them in your existing fridge or a tiny mini fridge to have one carbonating and one dispensing from a mini tap or picnic tap.

If it’s not important for the seltzer to be cold you could even get a continuous carbonation lid and put a small 2 or 3 gallon keg under your sink connected up to your water supply and that would give you unlimited seltzer. You could even bottle and chill the seltzer after it’s made if drinking it cold is a big deal.
If I added up all the money I spent and spend brewing my own beer, then I'd have some of the most expensive beer I've ever drank. And I don't spend much on equipment compared to others.

What you have to ask yourself is will you enjoy doing the stuff you'll need to do and if you want to include that in your.... hobby.
this .

i love playing with my beer lines fridge regulators kegs etc everyday its part of the hobby

i also second the sodastream or minkegging option

you said you are using carb caps.

are you also using a tee piece cause ive carbed all sorts of stuff in PET with carb cap and tee piece. you can put it in a 3 cu ft dorm fridge no need for kegerator

no shaking needed just attach it to co2 drop temp and 5 days later or so you should have carbed liquid.
The bottle + carb cap actually seems pretty ideal, compared to any other solution short of a permanently plumbed, continuously carbed source. Can you identify what about your current setup is lacking, and worth $100+ to fix?
That's a LOT of water. I've never said this to anyone on this site before, but you might have a drinking problem.
i didnt want to say that but i also think its too much.
joking aside. thats a lot of gas. seriously. ask any gastroenterologist. they will tell you to limit gassy liquids.

gas in equals gas out . lol

increased belching flatulance bloating pain dyspepsia indigestion etc.

i think co2 is bad for teeth too but not sure.

i drink about a gallon of beer a week and think thats a lot. but at that rate i think the alcohol is prolly worse for me than the co2.
but from my horrible math you are up to at least a gallon a day of carbonated water

prolly too much

sorry to be a jerk

perfectly ok if you tell me to f- off