I'm old and crabby and will NOT read textspeak!

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I'm with you too Lorena. It kills me when people type in text speak. Even when I send text messages I spell out every word along with using punctuation and capitalization. It's one of my pet peeves.

You made me smile! I knew you were articulate and intelligent, but I think of you as a "youngster", you know!

I still laugh when I think about the first time I met you- asking you how old you were before I let you have a beer! :D
i'm actually even more lazier than text speak is. when i'm texting someone, and predictive text takes over, and/or spell check, i NEVER correct the spelling or grammatical "errors". what's funny to me, is my texts are also always understood, no matter how WAY off they may appear. and i've had some doozies. like here's an example- hay wif up? ryouy stil comma over?

this is amplified further when i'm drunk texting. and i never, ever capitalize. it bothers me when my phone automatically capitalizes the beginning of my mispelled, almost completely incomprehensible, and yet still able to get the point across, sentences. sorry. i guess i'm part of the problem. oh yeah, i don't vote either.
i'm actually even more lazier than text speak is. when i'm texting someone, and predictive text takes over, and/or spell check, i NEVER correct the spelling or grammatical "errors". what's funny to me, is my texts are also always understood, no matter how WAY off they may appear. and i've had some doozies. like here's an example- hay wif up? ryouy stil comma over?

this is amplified further when i'm drunk texting. and i never, ever capitalize. it bothers me when my phone automatically capitalizes the beginning of my mispelled, almost completely incomprehensible, and yet still able to get the point across, sentences. sorry. i guess i'm part of the problem. oh yeah, i don't vote either.

I'm sure we've all seen:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
I'm sure we've all seen:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

You seriously need to use a spell checker!!

....just kidding, I got it. :D
You made me smile! I knew you were articulate and intelligent, but I think of you as a "youngster", you know!

I still laugh when I think about the first time I met you- asking you how old you were before I let you have a beer! :D

I know, I look young for my age :). I think over my winter break I'm going to need to head up your way or to Crystal Falls. I think I'll get much more out of a visit now than I did when I first came. I'll be able to follow what you're talking about much more now! I have a bit more experience under my belt.
I'm sure we've all seen:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

That system is dependent on the correct first and last letter being used, which means a lot of textspeak is still unintelligible u no wot i mn lyk? it takes an age to work out by which time my brain has already written you off as an illiterate 11 year old who has the brain of a zucchini and the ramblings of something much worse than a drucken zul'jin cursing out a code monkey.
I know, I look young for my age :). I think over my winter break I'm going to need to head up your way or to Crystal Falls. I think I'll get much more out of a visit now than I did when I first came. I'll be able to follow what you're talking about much more now! I have a bit more experience under my belt.

Well, you know you're always invited! I'll be gone December 26- about Jan 7 or so, but the rest of the time I'll be around. I bet we could talk lschaivo into having a brewday at his house, and maybe have a few beers.
Kellie (a GenX'r) introduced me to "learn from my fail". Some of which is quite funny, but many entries are lol-speak and incomprehensible. Like I tell Hughes support: connect me to someone who speaks American English.
Textspeak (I didn't know it had an actual name till today) was invented by college students who graduated from school and when they got into the real world, they suddenly realized that they had just spent 16+ years in school and no one bothered to teach them how to spell....

So they invented this crap to try to convince others that they 'could' spell and use proper grammar/punctuation if they 'chose to',... It's their 'stand against the system'..

But in reality, the educational system failed them... They couldn't write out a complete sentence if their life depended on it.... (but they can put a rubber on a banana blindfolded with both hands tied behind their back!):ban:

I don't know what 70% of the acronyms mean that are thrown around here.. much less out there on everyones social network devices... I have yet to buy a book or newspaper or magazine that write like they do...

I hired a kid a few years back to help me build my house.. He had a high school diploma, but couldn't do fractions! :confused:
I hired a kid a few years back to help me build my house.. He had a high school diploma, but couldn't do fractions! :confused:

That's what scares me- these are the folks who will be choosing my nursing home and Medicare benefits in the future.

Wait. maybe it's a good thing we're raising a generation of illiterates! If they can't spell, do simple math, or have the ability to read and write, maybe we can sneak by!
That's what scares me- these are the folks who will be choosing my nursing home and Medicare benefits in the future.

Wait. maybe it's a good thing we're raising a generation of illiterates! If they can't spell, do simple math, or have the ability to read and write, maybe we can sneak by!

I could write enough rants on what the educational system in this country has become to fill many volumes of encyclopedia.. but I should probably learn from past mistakes for once, and stop while I'm behind!
That's what scares me- these are the folks who will be choosing my nursing home and Medicare benefits in the future.

Wait. maybe it's a good thing we're raising a generation of illiterates! If they can't spell, do simple math, or have the ability to read and write, maybe we can sneak by!
I'll settle for 150% of whatever benefits they're willing to give me. They can keep the other half.
Anyone else find that irony that even with this thread one of the OP's signature beers is "Da Yooper's House Pale Ale"? ;)

Or is "Da" not txt speak, but just gansta? :D
If you are looking for hypocrisy, you will always find it.. For that is by nature what humans are.. hypocrites...

I used the acronym "LOL" two posts after bashing the whole acronym concept...

But this whole 'social media' phenomenon has taken things to a totally 'absurd' level...
But see, You're trying to prove that something I got from the 'internet' that claims to be an authority, is false by pointing to something else on the 'internet' that claims to be an authority as 'evidence'...

So, unless you were there, how do you know for sure?
Then again, you call him "Benny" as if he was one of your childhood buddies.. so maybe you were there after all..
How old 'are' you anyways?


BTW, "Hypocrisy" relates to finding faults in others which we ourselves are guilty of.. If what you say is true (and we have no 'real' way of knowing whether Ben Franklin ever said what I have attributed to him as quote or not), then I would not be guilty of hypocrisy.. but rather 'error'.. (which is just being 'wrong')... Try and use the proper accusation next time...
It's "Da" as in "Da Bears."

Yes - I know, as in midwestern slang for "The"....

hence my point. :drunk:

Yuri has it right. It's NOT a midwestern slang term for "the". As we Yoopers are not cognizant of the fact that language can be subject to dialects or regional disfluencies, we just talk.

It's "da". Kinda like "yah". Except not.

Uff da. Youbetcha. Like that. Uff da doesn't mean "the" anything. It's just Uff da. It's untranslatable. Except if you've ever experienced an Uff da moment. Then you know.

For example, "hey dere". It's really not correctly substituted by "hey there". Because saying, "Hey there" makes no sense. But "hey dere" does. It means "Hi! What's happening?" in Yooperese.

Da Yooper's House Pale Ale doesn't really mean "The Yooper's House Pale Ale" because there is certainly more than one Yooper. It means DA Yooper's. As in THAT one. Da usually means "that" or "those", not "the". Because there are more than one.

ERGO, Da Bears. Da Yooper's House Pale Ale.
Yuri has it right. It's NOT a midwestern slang term for "the". As we Yoopers are not cognizant of the fact that language can be subject to dialects or regional disfluencies, we just talk.

It's "da". Kinda like "yah". Except not.

Uff da. Youbetcha. Like that. Uff da doesn't mean "the" anything. It's just Uff da. It's untranslatable. Except if you've ever experienced an Uff da moment. Then you know.

For example, "hey dere". It's really not correctly substituted by "hey there". Because saying, "Hey there" makes no sense. But "hey dere" does. It means "Hi! What's happening?" in Yooperese.

Da Yooper's House Pale Ale doesn't really mean "The Yooper's House Pale Ale" because there is certainly more than one Yooper. It means DA Yooper's. As in THAT one. Da usually means "that" or "those", not "the". Because there are more than one.

ERGO, Da Bears. Da Yooper's House Pale Ale.

Somehow this seems appropriate about now :D

And yes - similar with the Apache Indians I work with: "o'er dere" means "over there" but not really... ;)
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But see, You're trying to prove that something I got from the 'internet' that claims to be an authority, is false by pointing to something else on the 'internet' that claims to be an authority as 'evidence'...

So, unless you were there, how do you know for sure?


It all makes sense now....

Beer is living proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy

is txt speak for:

Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards, there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine, a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.

;) :mug:
And yes - similar with the Apache Indians I work with: "o'er dere" means "over there" but not really... ;)

Exactly! oer dere really doesn't mean "over there" as you would think. It's the same way in the Northwoods. Saying "We go Green Bay" doesn't necessarily mean "We are going to Green Bay today". It might mean that in some point in the future we are going to Green Bay. Or perhaps we went yesterday. The tense isn't important in the least, and unnecessary modifiers are left out, as it doesn't really matter all that much.

A typical Yooper conversation:

Hey dere.
Hey dere.
Cold enough for ya?
Cripes sake. Bought blew da plow.
You betcha.
How 'bout dem Packers?
Nice talkin' to ya.
See youse.
Yah, see youse.

Really. Now, people from Maine will say that Mainers speak little. You haven't met many Yoopers who in the deepest conversation will offer those thoughts of "cripes", "uff da", and "cold enough for ya?" We have no other topics of conversations so that has to cover it.

Unless it's summer.

If summer falls on a Saturday, Yoopers have a picnic.
I just got this email from one of my friends:

>> BTW ..........Bring The Wheelchair
>> BYOB ........Bring Your Old Butt
>> DWI .......... Driving While Incontinent
>> FWB ..........Friend With Betablockers
>> FWIW ........Forgot Where I Was
>> FYI ............For Your Indigestion
>> GOML .......Get Off My Lawn
>> GTG ..........Gotta Groan
>> IMHMO .....In My HMO.
>> IMHO ........Is My Hearing-Aid On?
>> JK ..............Just Kvetching
>> LOL .......... Living On Lipitor
>> LWO ..........Lawrence Welk's On
>> OMG .........Ouch, My Groin!
>> ROFL - CGU... Rolling On The Floor Laughing - Can't Get Up
>> RULKM ........ Are You Leaving Kids Money?
>> SUS .......... Speak Up, Sonny
>> TGIF .........Thank Goodness It's Four (Four O'Clock - Early Bird
>> Special)
>> WIWYA ....When I Was Your Age
>> WTF ..........What's Today's Fish?
>> YYY ..........Yadda, yadda, yadda
>> IMHMO .....In My HMO.
>> OMG .........Ouch, My Groin!

These two almost made me spit up my coffee... Especially the first one.. An acronym embedded in another acronym... I gotta start making some of those up to get back at the yutes!
Attagirl, Yooper!!
no txtspk 4 me i c u r gr8

I can tolerate in a text message or if someone is using twitter and trying to cram their message into under 120 characters. However, it is intolerable in a business setting. A coworker frequently uses textspeak in emails, in addition to the poorest grammar I have ever seen in the workplace. I had to give a lesson on the difference between "your" and "you're".

Ugh! FML. I kid I kid.
Yoop, I work as a repair tech for Sprint now. Trust me, I get to see this stupid **** all day long. Customers phones are just filled with this mindless banter going on and on ad nauseum (literally!)

Does it make me a bad person for actually believing that I am better than people who text/type like that?
It is annoying when it's over the top ridiculous substituting numbers for letters, and I also refuse to do WORK just to understand what someone is trying to say...
I don't tend to mind capitalization mistakes too much because it doesn't actually change the meaning of the message, however
punctuation is a completely different matter, a comma or colon can DRASTICALLY and completely change the meaning of a sentence and far too many people do not understand that. It's really quite sad. :(

Edit: Oh, and I'm an English majour.