I wish I could have just one...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2015
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St. Louis
Before this thread commences, I'd like it to be known, no, I do not drink every day, yes I can "not drink" as in I can go weeks without having a single beer, and no, it does not affect my life in a manner that some could consider a "problem".

Ok, now that that's out of the way, I wish I could have just One beer in a sitting. What I mean is, when I do drink, usually on the weekends or multiple days off in a row, I "can't" have just one beer. I seriously don't know how folks can, but I'm honestly envious.

Now don't get me wrong, if I go out to dinner with SWMBO, yes, of course I can have one beer and that be the end of it. But if I'm relaxing at home grilling, playing darts, at the river, around a bonfire, or just hanging out, one turns into three, three turns into six, and six very often will turn into twelve (beer dependent obviously).

That's about the extent of my "problem" if you will. I often wonder how people can have "a" beer and be done, especially when they don't have to be. I would say it's a level of immaturity on my part, but I rarely drink enough to get schmammered. I do feel it obviously, but I truly just thoroughly enjoy the taste of beer. Especially good beer.

How many do you all have on a regular basis? Are you a "beer a night and good" kind of person or are you a "three brews before bed" person?

Again, and I want to reiterate, I don't drink all the time, and there's plenty of times where I'll have three beers in an evening and it's all I need, but a lot of times when I know I don't have to work the next day boy that fourth is just too tantalizing etc, etc.

Anyways, it makes keeping a solid pipeline fully stocked when in an evening it's nothing for me to go through a six pack. I've contemplated continuing to brew beer but take a hiatus from the actual drinking part for a few months to even possibly, dare I say it :-/, a year. But just to A, lose the beer gut I've developed from copious amounts of delicious homebrew readily at my fingertips, to B, maybe get a better appreciation of my beer so I can be satisfied with one or two in a sitting (aka lower my alcohol tolerance ;)).

Am I the only one who finds it so easy to binge drink or better yet, how exactly do you limit yourself to one or two in a sitting and be satisfied?

*Should have labeled this "Do you have just one" but don't see the option to change the actual post header from my phone.
Trust me, you aren't the only one with this sort of issue. I've switched to smaller glasses, I have 2 that I really like that are both 10oz each. So I do half pints and I feel like if I have 3 or 4 half pints of different beer, it satisfies my appetite.

I think taking a year off is a bit drastic and unnecessary. Try smaller glasses, I think it really does work to help you cut back. It's like the smaller plate theory for eating meals at home; supposed to help you eat less.

But yeah, I don't go weeks without having a beer, but there are nights where you just want that extra pour or 3 and you end up feeling like crap the next day. Ask me about Tuesday of this week...ugh. Overall though, drinking less is awesome. You just appreciate the beer you get all the more.

Everything in moderation, as they say, including moderation.
I appreciate your honesty. I would like to say moderation, but it doesn't sound like you are capable of that. What you are describing sounds problematic to me, even if you are able to keep it under control. When 3 is considered moderation, "it's nothing for me to go through a six pack" and "six will very often turn into 12"...that is a lot of beer you are describing. Your post resonates because my dad was a beer drinker like that. Always a "good drunk", never abusive, never acted drunk, probably didn't feel drunk (because he had built up a tolerance), but drank a LOT. Eventually it caught up to him and he had severe health consequences from it. Died of liver cancer at 64 but had health problems long before that. If you truly can't drink in moderation, you may be better off with a cold turkey approach before it's too late.

Myself, I limit myself generally to one a day and no more than four days a week. Occasionally two or three in social situations.
I can certainly relate, to an extent... I (usually) only drink during weekends - admittedly the weekend sometimes starts on a Thursday - but a "typical" night woud be 1 or 2 beers before dinner, about 2 glasses of red wine during dinner, and usually a last beer before going to sleep. If I have people over that drink a bit more (like my parents and some friends of mine), I usually go along and add 2-3 drinks to that. In French, we say that I can be an "ivrogne", rather than a alcoholic: I don't drink everyday, far from it, but when I start, it's sometimes tough to stop...

I admit it "can" be problematic, but I feel like I have a good grasp on the reality and on the risks involved. My fear is to someday have to say "that's it, I quit forever". That would be too sad.

So I try to do an overall weekly limit: I usually don't go over 10-15 "drinks" per week, which is within the (upper range) of the limit for men, according to Quebec's alcohol education organization: http://educalcool.qc.ca/en/alcohol-and-you/health/moderation-by-the-numbers-2-3-4-0/#.V1nJu-R2Lzg. Granted, it also says a limit of 3 drink a day. That's the part that is not so easy for me.
Thanks guys, I appreciate your responses.

Pepindavid that sounds a lot like me! I "can" limit it when I need to, and although think "man a beer sounds good!" I don't have the addictive I "Have" to have one mentality. I've known plenty of alcoholics who literally "have" to drink otherwise they're shaking etc.

Yes the no shut off valve as I call it is problematic to am extent, but and I'm not trying to make excuses, but it's basically how folks around here were/are raised. It was nothing to see folks in the beer garden and working around the barns, or skinning deer and frying fish drinking (not guzzling like a college frat party) all day long and into the evening. Its nothing for some friends and I'll admit me on rare occasions to even drink up to a case of light beer throughout the day.

Again, this post is making me sound like an absolute alcoholic lol. But I know when I can drink and when I can't and don't have an issue not drinking, and literally have done so for weeks on end. Not even out of an "oh I'm not going to drink for weeks because I drink too much" mindset but out of a, I've been busy with this or that, working out, watching what I eat mindset etc.

I just find it hard, once that weird little magical, mental line has crossed somewhere between three and four beers, it's absolutely ridiculously impossible for me to not keep drinking beer. Be it just kicked back relaxing and watching a movie or whatever. Who knows, maybe I just need to limit it to two, or do the smaller glass approach.

But I'd like to do something so that I don't run through my home brew so quick, and b obvious health reasons, and c, well, I don't ever want it to get to an "addiction" level where I am forced to quit cold turkey forever. That would be most unpleasant.
Thanks guys, I appreciate your responses.

Pepindavid that sounds a lot like me! I "can" limit it when I need to, and although think "man a beer sounds good!" I don't have the addictive I "Have" to have one mentality. I've known plenty of alcoholics who literally "have" to drink otherwise they're shaking etc.

Yes the no shut off valve as I call it is problematic to am extent, but and I'm not trying to make excuses, but it's basically how folks around here were/are raised. It was nothing to see folks in the beer garden and working around the barns, or skinning deer and frying fish drinking (not guzzling like a college frat party) all day long and into the evening. Its nothing for some friends and I'll admit me on rare occasions to even drink up to a case of light beer throughout the day.

Again, this post is making me sound like an absolute alcoholic lol. But I know when I can drink and when I can't and don't have an issue not drinking, and literally have done so for weeks on end. Not even out of an "oh I'm not going to drink for weeks because I drink too much" mindset but out of a, I've been busy with this or that, working out, watching what I eat mindset etc.

I just find it hard, once that weird little magical, mental line has crossed somewhere between three and four beers, it's absolutely ridiculously impossible for me to not keep drinking beer. Be it just kicked back relaxing and watching a movie or whatever. Who knows, maybe I just need to limit it to two, or do the smaller glass approach.

But I'd like to do something so that I don't run through my home brew so quick, and b obvious health reasons, and c, well, I don't ever want it to get to an "addiction" level where I am forced to quit cold turkey forever. That would be most unpleasant.

Yeah, you don't want to go cold turkey forever. You want to drink enough to be healthy and enjoy it for the rest of your life. I think the occasional day of overdoing it is probably fine. But you just need to keep the rest of the time pretty tame; couple beers isn't going to hurt you. Try the smaller glass thing. Trust me, it works. Even if you feel like you keep going back to the kegerator for more, it's still probably less volume than you would be drinking if it were pints.
I too can go several days without drinking no problem. No sweats, no aching for it, just don't feel like drinking. I can however, go out and have just one beer most of the time but sometimes i really get to loving the act of drinking beer especially good beer while having a good time. I feel you too on how easily I can go through 6-12 beers and be "ok" as in coherent and mostly tactful. I tell people all the time "I love beer" and then when i get a snicker or a look I explain that it's not in a "problem" sort of way or that i'm drinking to medicate, I just truly appreciate and love what beer is and the knowledge base behind making it great, the history of why it is the way it is, and the ability to take something like a Pale ale and never get the same beer from different people. I think that helps me get "carried away" or just have maybe one more (or six) than I should. It's a love of the craft (especially when my craft turns out good).
Used to be a daily beer drinker many years go - never cared for spirits (definition of Joe 6-pack). Then, I came down with pneumonia - sick as a dog for two weeks. Then feeling better for 3 days - then pneumonia again for another couple of weeks. I did not drink a drop during these 4 to 5 weeks. When I got to feeling better....I just no longer desired beer every day. Now, I enjoy one HB at bed time...but drink as much as I like on Friday only. I have lost weight - replaced my daily beer drinking time with workout time and feel much better each day. So...if you have a drinking problem and want to quit - you need to go out and get yourself a couple of cases of phuemonia!:rockin:
Thanks guys. I'm definitely going to try to do the smaller glass approach in the future. I think for the time being though I'm going to not drink at all during the week, and maybe stretch a six pack out over the course of a weekend, and that be it.

I know this thread makes me sound bad but, I really don't drink every single day or anything like that, but I'll be the first to admit that I do not have a shut off valve, and definitely fall into the "binge drinker" category, which from what I hear is probably worse than having one or two beers a night every night due to taxing your liver and what not all at one time.

To be completely honest, I wouldn't have one single problem drinking a beer a night, every night. I just know myself better than that, which is why I'm just not going to drink during the week at all, unless I work the weekend which I do every other so sometimes my weekend is Monday and Tuesday but you get the jist.

It always cracks me up, they say you should drink at least 8 cups of water a day and boy does that seem like torture, but drinking down 8 beers in an evening is no problem at all haha. Dang beer and how good it taste!

Anyways, I do appreciate all the motivation and thoughts, glad I'm not the only one out there that has a tough time with having just one. One of these days maybe, but until then, I've gotta behave myself!
I come from a family off alcoholics. I am not one but I also am very self aware of my drinking. All I can say is most (all that I've met) aren't self aware or worried about their drinking. You have a lot less of a chance becoming an alcoholic than those in denial. However binge drinking is a form of alcoholism, so don't let your guard down. I commend you on your reality check! Good job!
I honestly can't really relate. I do drink often. Like, I drink most days of the week, but I usually only have one beer when I do. Occasionally I'll have two or three, and maybe once every few weeks I'll have more than that. I have to say the last time I had a whopping 12 beers in a single day was like 13 years ago (and I remember really regretting it the next day).

That said, I have known people who have the exact same problem you're describing. Friends who don't have to drink every day and can even go for a week or so without drinking, but as soon as they have one beer, they can't stop. They're onto two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and so on.

Personally I do occasionally drink too much (but more like six beers as too much instead of twelve), but it's always of my own volition. Because there are nights where I'll have one beer and think "I want another beer," but I'll go "Nah, probably shouldn't" and don't. Having no limit at all seems pretty dangerous to me...

I don't really know what to recommend. Personally I'd say "moderation," but you've made it clear that you can't do that. Maybe you should try to force yourself to moderate. Force yourself to only drink 1 beer when you do and don't try to justify it to yourself as "I'll just have one more and then be done," because with the problem you described, more than one can easily turn into 12. Maybe you could just allow yourself to have more than one on Friday or Saturday?

Anyway, rooting for you, man.

It sounds like you are putting a lot of thought into your drinking and that is good. I drink around 12 to 15 pints a day along with some Vodka and have for many years.

Most of the people I know drink the same amount or more. I think it just really depends on the person.

I know that personally I love a few wake up beers with a Bloody Marry in the morning and lunch beers are normally light beers with food. and then I drink as much as I want in the evenings.

You will find the right amount for you :)


It sounds like you are putting a lot of thought into your drinking and that is good. I drink around 12 to 15 pints a day along with some Vodka and have for many years.

Most of the people I know drink the same amount or more. I think it just really depends on the person.

I know that personally I love a few wake up beers with a Bloody Marry in the morning and lunch beers are normally light beers with food. and then I drink as much as I want in the evenings.

You will find the right amount for you :)


Hahaha! Show off! :tank:
I bottle in bombers. I typically drink one every day, but that's the stopping point. If I kegged, I could just keep filling that glass too many times. If I bottled in babys (12 oz), I could always have another. Another bomber makes me think twice about a "second" beer. Works for me; may not work for many others.
I have a beer most days, and sometimes more than one but often just one.

I do like to have smaller glasses, but that's so I can drink 4 ounces of one kind and maybe 6 ounces of another from the kegerator. That's one reason I hated bottling- because I often didn't want 12 ounces of beer, but just a small pour.

I think some days I may have 3 or 4 four ounce pours, but most days more like one or two. One thing that I love is the rise in "session beers", so I can feel like I can have two beers and not over do it.

I guess it's important to note that I'm pretty small, and not very big physically (size 4 for people who know women's clothing sizes), so even a single 12 ounce beer could put me over the legal limit for 'impaired' and a "big" beer could put me over the legal limit for "drunk" in my state- so I'm very careful to never drink a full beer when I go out, but at home I feel much more free to have more than one if I want.

But I really don't like to feel buzzed or otherwise not myself, so I tend to not drink enough to make me feel that way.
Oooh Yoop! Session beer would be a great idea! But that would definitely open my mind's flood gates of "Oh this is definitely okay! Lol. But that's not necessarily a bad idea.

I'm kind of torn actually, because I think a big part of it is, I say to myself, well, I won't drink all week so then when the weekend comes around, I don't think a six pack is all that bad (But yes, that "6 pack" easily turns into 10-12 by the time the night's over depending on when I start). But on the other end of the spectrum, I can have one or two beers an evening and be alright... but more likely than not, I'll still have that six pack when the weekend rolls around.

Who knows. I'm conflicted. I love beer. Especially home brewed beer that just has that "It's okay, drink me" appeal lol
I haven't had a beer since Sunday, 4 days, and I miss it. I haven't been home brewing at all due to lack of funds so I have to get commercial beer if I want to drink. It sucks! I'm used to having 2 beers on tap and drinking 2-3 a night and 3-5 on weekends. I must say though it feels good to lay off for a bit and actually look forward to cracking one after a week of not drinking.
I think if you can go a long time without drinking without any issues then you're fine. I'd try to brew some more sessionable beers and see how that works.
I, like you, love the taste of beer. If it had no alcohol I'd still brew and drink the same amount!
Ironically bottling all my beer in 1 liter bottles helps me drink less. If I drink a liter of beer I can't teach my kids well and teaching my kids is really important to me so I only open the beer if my wife is drinking some with me after the kids have settled down, if I'm watching a TV show after the kids are in bed or if it's the weekend. Most week days I drink nothing since I don't want to have to finish the whole liter. And then never drink more than a liter unless there's a party or something since a whole second liter looks like a lot when you're eyeing it.

Also helps that most of my beers are pretty low gravity. Can enjoy actually drinking instead of sipping without getting too much alcohol.
I have at least 2 beers every day. I have a 5 tap keezer so it's difficult not to pull a couple at least especially on these hot days we've been having lately. Usually 2 beers on Monday thru Thursday, 3-4 on Fridays and 5-6 on Saturdays.

I track everything I drink in MyFitnessPal and never go over my calories. I am on a ketogenic diet which is a high fat, low carb diet, but I love beer way too much so I call it a keto food diet with beer. I'm steadily losing weight and with the amount I'm able to drink while doing so I stay satisfied.

But yeah it would be very difficult for me to just have one beer and not want another. I guess that makes me an alcoholic, oh well!
I lost my twin brother and older sister to alcoholism. Both of them made it their life's work to be wasted all the time from an early age. (quantity not quality) I have always believed in moderation, and try to limit my consumption to 1 or 2 5oz tasting glasses a day and 3 or 4 12oz pints on weekends. If I ever get to the point that I HAVE to have one, I will just stop. I hope.
Odd note:
I did not even like beer until I started to make my own. The first brew I made was 1 month before my brothers passing.
I am re posting this from How much beer do you drink per day/week.
I lost my twin brother and older sister to alcoholism. Both of them made it their life's work to be wasted all the time from an early age. (quantity not quality) I have always believed in moderation, and try to limit my consumption to 1 or 2 5oz tasting glasses a day and 3 or 4 12oz pints on weekends. If I ever get to the point that I HAVE to have one, I will just stop. I hope.
Odd note:
I did not even like beer until I started to make my own. The first brew I made was 1 month before my brothers passing.
I am re posting this from How much beer do you drink per day/week.
Man, so sorry to hear that. That's very sad, indeed. It's a good thing you have a handle on your own consumption.

The psychological effect of smaller glasses has worked nicely for me and, like Yooper said, you get the variety without the quantity and that seems to satisfy my palate. Because if they're pints, they're just as easy to drink and you probably drink them just as fast.

But like someone else said, the fact that the OP is becoming more aware of his consumption is a step in the right direction. I went a long time not being aware of how much I drank and when I think back 5+ years ago, I can't remember how much I drank or what my drinking patterns were. I just know I drank a lot and spent Saturday and Sunday mornings in bed till 11am. I got tired (pun intended) of that sh*t. Granted I still overdo it on occasion. But, hey, I'm human.
Man, so sorry to hear that. That's very sad, indeed. It's a good thing you have a handle on your own consumption.

The psychological effect of smaller glasses has worked nicely for me and, like Yooper said, you get the variety without the quantity and that seems to satisfy my palate. Because if they're pints, they're just as easy to drink and you probably drink them just as fast.

But like someone else said, the fact that the OP is becoming more aware of his consumption is a step in the right direction. I went a long time not being aware of how much I drank and when I think back 5+ years ago, I can't remember how much I drank or what my drinking patterns were. I just know I drank a lot and spent Saturday and Sunday mornings in bed till 11am. I got tired (pun intended) of that sh*t. Granted I still overdo it on occasion. But, hey, I'm human.

Thank you for the kind words. I also agree that the OP is taking steps in the right direction. I also will overdo it sometimes, like you said, "we are only human":mug:
Oooh Yoop! Session beer would be a great idea! But that would definitely open my mind's flood gates of "Oh this is definitely okay! Lol. But that's not necessarily a bad idea.

I'm kind of torn actually, because I think a big part of it is, I say to myself, well, I won't drink all week so then when the weekend comes around, I don't think a six pack is all that bad (But yes, that "6 pack" easily turns into 10-12 by the time the night's over depending on when I start). But on the other end of the spectrum, I can have one or two beers an evening and be alright... but more likely than not, I'll still have that six pack when the weekend rolls around.

Who knows. I'm conflicted. I love beer. Especially home brewed beer that just has that "It's okay, drink me" appeal lol

I don't know how old you are, but one of things that came with old age (er, maturity) for me is being and staying fit. When I was younger, I did my share of binge drinking (and yes, sorry to say that having 10-12 one day of the week is binge drinking).

I'm really into being healthy and fit, and binge drinking is one of the most unhealthy things you can do for your body. I do moderation in just about everything- eating, exercising, drinking, sleeping, etc, and try my best to maintain a healthy weight and be fit. As a side note, I haven't had a doughnut in 30 years- so I just consider all that I do from brewing to making my own soap to eating paleo/primal and other things- just part of my whole life.

I make many of my own foods and drink, also as part of that healthy lifestyle. Sure, maybe "beer" isn't on anybody's nutritional guidelines as a health food, but it certainly is part of my whole-life approach to living. I eat real food, not food out of a package, and drink good beer and great wine as part of my appreciation of the things in life we have to enjoy.

Just as I wouldn't eat four pizzas tonight, I wouldn't drink 8 beers tonight. Nor would I watch 10 hours of TV. It's just simply excessive, if you know what I mean. Any of those things wouldn't make me feel very good, so I just wouldn't do them. It's easy for me to be like that now, but not so much when I was 30!
I don't know how old you are, but one of things that came with old age (er, maturity) for me is being and staying fit. When I was younger, I did my share of binge drinking (and yes, sorry to say that having 10-12 one day of the week is binge drinking).

I'm really into being healthy and fit, and binge drinking is one of the most unhealthy things you can do for your body. I do moderation in just about everything- eating, exercising, drinking, sleeping, etc, and try my best to maintain a healthy weight and be fit. As a side note, I haven't had a doughnut in 30 years- so I just consider all that I do from brewing to making my own soap to eating paleo/primal and other things- just part of my whole life.

I make many of my own foods and drink, also as part of that healthy lifestyle. Sure, maybe "beer" isn't on anybody's nutritional guidelines as a health food, but it certainly is part of my whole-life approach to living. I eat real food, not food out of a package, and drink good beer and great wine as part of my appreciation of the things in life we have to enjoy.

Just as I wouldn't eat four pizzas tonight, I wouldn't drink 8 beers tonight. Nor would I watch 10 hours of TV. It's just simply excessive, if you know what I mean. Any of those things wouldn't make me feel very good, so I just wouldn't do them. It's easy for me to be like that now, but not so much when I was 30!

How about spending too much time on HomeBrewTalk? ;) Just kidding, of course!!! 68k posts! Damn!

No, but that is a very good approach to life. I hardly watch TV anymore (Netflix, who has cable?). I like to read, and as far as I'm concerned, you can't read too much. Sometimes I kick myself because I want to read but then I have a beer and ambition to read goes out the window. Need to prioritize reading then beer. Once in a great while I can mix the two; slowly drink a beer while reading. It's quite relaxing.
A simple strategy to cut down might just be to start later in the evening; I find my pace doesn't really change and if I know I'm going to bed at 11, starting at 830 or 9 means I'm only having 1 or 2. Just slowing down the rate can have a huge impact on volume.
You know, I guess when I initially typed this, it probably would have been helpful if I said I drink that amount over the course of many many hours.

I don't drink 12 beers in a 2 hour time frame or what have you but it will be stretched over a 6-12 hour stretch.

I'm not saying that makes it all better but it maybe puts things in a better perspective.

Now on occasion, I will drink a six pack over the course of 2 movies, so what, maybe two an hour?
I drink a beer pretty much every night. Sometimes Sunday night is the exception. But on a typical weeknight, I pour a "nightly" as I call them as soon as I walk in the door. My nightlies consist of IPA, pales, maybe a gose or sour etc., i.e., not a porter, stout, etc. Then I usually have a nightcap later, or my "dessert beer" as I refer to them, which is usually a bigger beer (stouts, BA beers, etc) which is often times split with my roommate (brother). BUUUUTT...sometimes there's another nightly in there between the "just walked in" beer and the dessert beer.

Funny enough, there have been plenty of times where on a random Tuesday my brother and I will split some big whales and I wake up on Wednesday with a tiny bit of a hangover. Makes me feel old. I'm only 32 but I definitely can't recover like I could when I was 22...which I'm sure most people can attest to.

I find myself being a relatively slow drinker when I'm home in my chair wearing my soft pants watching tv. Hell, often times by the time I get to the bottom of the glass the beer is basically rodeo cool, i.e., room temp. But I love drinking the big dark beers really slowly and having different notes and flavors come out as the beer warms. Tryna dial in my palate!
You can meter your beer by using BPH (Beers Per Hour).
For me, the nightly HB before bed is usually .75 to 1 BPH (12 oz).
Tonight, guitar Friday - the speed will increase to 2.5 to 3 BPH.
BUT...I will slip a low ABV, light "beer" in every now and then so I am not staggering around and regretting tomorrow. :D

My father was a very strange binge drinker. He would go years without a drop. Then, out of the blue - he would start to drink vodka and ice tea, burbon, and warm Old Mil for 3 or 4 days straight - little to no sleep and no stopping the booze. He was a disabled combat injured WW2 vet. The pharmacy of meds that the VA provided him did not help at all.
Kudos to the OP! As I've been reflecting too but not brave enough to post about it.

To set context, I have 5 taps and brew every other weekend just cause I like that part of it so much and trying to keep up is just insane.

I myself having been drinking every night at least 3-4 beers with the weekly weeknight binge to 12-1am - past my bedtime (seems to always occur on Tuesday nights for some reason). I don't feel great the next day but you have to work so bear through it. Weekend rolls around and lately I don't feel like drinking on Friday so would binge on Saturday and Sunday.

One of the biggest problems (aside from what my liver looks like that I can't tell) is not getting good sleep. I'd always wake up no matter what at 3a and can't back to sleep for a couple hours. By then it's almost time to get up. Alcohol leaving your system evidently messes with REM sleep.

Fast forward to this week and I've had 2 beers each night and slept through the night. Now it's Friday today and I'm like "going to get me some beers today" which will probably be about 6-7 before the night is over.

Problem with me is that I can limit during the week but weekend comes and I am a binge drinker. I think for me this is best of everything - limit during weekdays and overdo it on weekends.

I like the idea of smaller glasses and bombers. With the tap it is too easy even if I do a small pour I go back more often.
To try to outline some kind of hard and fast rule that says “having X number of beers in a certain span of time is A-OK, but having X+1 beers over that same span of time is cause for concern” is a fool’s errand. Everybody is different in all kinds of ways. You just need to take stock of your life and exercise some adult judgement. If the main facets of your life are in good order (relationships, health, work, finances, etc.) and your drinking is not placing you in risky situations or other kinds of trouble, then don’t let the puritanical undercurrents of Western society make you feel like you should be signing up for a 12-step program.

So maybe you’re not exactly adding years to your life by indulging in beer… but you can’t be perfect in all ways. Eat a healthy diet, get some regular exercise, and enjoy your beer.
I love everything about beer...except the alcohol. All the flavors and styles to different serving glasses etc. I just find all of it intriguing to say the least.
I'm not sure your age, but pushing 50, I've found it takes a lot less to satisfy. In my younger days it was admittedly (usually) about the quantity. These days, it's more the quality. i love brewing and just enjoy sampling the fruits. Striving for the perfect pint!
The smaller glass thing also works great for me. The wife and I split beers often, and it's funny how having two glasses of beer is really just a bit less than 12 oz. When we binge drink, we may have 4 glasses apiece.
As I've aged, moderation is definitely easier. :tank:
You know, I guess when I initially typed this, it probably would have been helpful if I said I drink that amount over the course of many many hours.

I don't drink 12 beers in a 2 hour time frame or what have you but it will be stretched over a 6-12 hour stretch.

I'm not saying that makes it all better but it maybe puts things in a better perspective.

Now on occasion, I will drink a six pack over the course of 2 movies, so what, maybe two an hour?
This is kind of what I figured. No big deal man. If I'm drinking 10 beers, it's over like 10 hours. I seriously try not to do that too often as it makes the next day no fun. But it sure is fun as hell while you're doing it, if you're at an all day bbq or out with friends. Great times. But, less beer is probably a better choice in these situations regardless.
For sure guys, these are awesome responses.

Life is definitely good. Not a drunken bum by any stretch of the imagination, have a good job, starting my own business, lovely SWMBO, good kids, and good friends. Guess I really shouldn't be complaining or seeking change other than cutting back the "binge" part of the system.
I quit drinking for years because I could not just enjoy a beer and stop.

Then I went on a camping trip and had the first hangover of my life... I used to stay drunk..
After that. it was easy for me cus I'm too damn old for that hangover stuff.

I now drink a bomber and give myself an hour to see how that settles out...
For sure guys, these are awesome responses.

Life is definitely good. Not a drunken bum by any stretch of the imagination, have a good job, starting my own business, lovely SWMBO, good kids, and good friends. Guess I really shouldn't be complaining or seeking change other than cutting back the "binge" part of the system.

I applaude you for sharing. I don't take any of that from any from this. All of us have loved ones, work and responsibilities. We love beer that's a fact but just got to sometimes keep it in check. I know I do and if not my wife does for me, thankfully. It doesn't apply to beer but unfortunately beer damages us with too much. I realize I have a addictive personality (had many other obsessions) and when it becomes an issue its gone until things are back on track. Until then enjoy your beer in moderation on weekdays and indulging more when you have no responsibilites is not an issue for me.