I need to name my son.. any suggestions?

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Here are some names from my wife's side.....

Leah...they were gonna name him Casper if it was a boy
I've always been a fan of names that reflect the child's cultural heritage. Could be named for an ancestor, or just a traditional name in said culture, maybe a place name from "the old country." Maybe even a combination of 2 or 3 names. Example: Sarah + Erin = Seryn. You kind of have to spell it that way, cuz if you spell it Sarin, well, that's a nerve agent used in chemical warfare & let's face it, NOBODY wants that around.

So what's your heritage? Your wife's? Who are some people you both admire/respect? Or a quality you hope he will posses? I've always liked the names Johan (pronounced "Yohahn"), Sven, Leif (Layf), Gunther (Gunter), Christopher or Kristoff (Kreestoff), Ethan, Logan; Carson is kind of nice too.
Whatever name you & your wife finally decide on, congratulations to you both & I hope everybody is & remains happy & healthy.
Regards, GF.

Here is a Wiki article about my ancestry
Suspect Is A (brief description) Male.

Average White Male?
How much would that ruin a kids self image to be called Average his whole life?

How about Samuel. Sam Male sounds strong, not to mention sounds like you actually said Samuel. Though on the down side people may accuse him of being named after a hobbit.
Any of these would work I think..


I am partial to L'Carpetron Dookmarriot though. You're welcome.
And I shouldn't post a link here because of all the language, but Google George Carlin's "Guys named Todd."

And all of the -aden names? IMHO, in addition to being super common, they fail the 10-year-old boy test. (You know, say the name to a 10-year-old boy and see how quickly he can mock it.) It's a guarantee that they will ALL be called "Gayden" when they get to middle school.
I heard another test for boy's names. Try it in this sentence: "Get in the truck, ____."
Some names sound boyish.. i dont want to offend anyone.. i have some friends named Caleb.. but that shounds like a boys name.. what happens when he grows to be a man?
3 years to be a baby/toddler, 7 years to be a little boy, 8 years to be a tween/teen, and many many many decades to be a man.

I'm a big believer in giving a man's name to a baby boy.

EDIT: You don't see things like "Reporters were briefed on the airstrikes by Brig. Gen. Codie Johnson."
I'd say look into your family's past for one idea. Or maybe also your favorite TV/movie characters. We almost named our daughter Angelice, but changed it to Angela with her mother & grandmother's middle name of Marie. We have some James, Michaels & the like on my dad's side going back a few generations. So some combination of past names & character names can work if done right.One son I named after AJ Foyt, Anthony Joseph. Another James shelby (almost was James Tiberius!), Another after Sean Connery, Sean Patrick...imagination in this regard helps.
off topic, talking about making surnames work.

The previous company I worked for hired a travel agency to handle our travel arrangements. Our account manager was named Harry Manlove.
There were snickers all over the conference room when he introduced himself, via conference call.
Some names sound boyish.. i dont want to offend anyone.. i have some friends named Caleb.. but that shounds like a boys name.. what happens when he grows to be a man?

Caleb is a biblical name. I think it only sounds boyish because it was an unpopular name for decades. I think to people who grow up with Calebs around them will not have that perspective.
Caleb is a biblical name. I think it only sounds boyish because it was an unpopular name for decades. I think to people who grow up with Calebs around them will not have that perspective.

Caleb is a name derived from the Hebrew word for "dog." It's meant to indicate faithfulness & fidelity to God; in much the same way that a dog is faithful to it's human master; but seriously, who wants a name derived from the word "dog?"
Regards, GF.
My wife and I considered Brewer for our last son. He ended up with the name Adam Darwin (his brothers are Jacob Edison and Beckett Magellan).