I like this time at night on HBT

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Ahh, forget that. I just looked it up on Google and a bunch of redneck versions. Il, has some rednecks. I forgot about that.

As you were.

I think everywhere has some sort of redneck. Me being one, embrace it I say!
BTW, I went to a bar the other night. First time I've been to one in years. Started talking to a fellow who I swear was a mid 40s Johnny Cash. Kind of freaky.. He was a really nice guy, but man, all I could think about it this guy is Johnny Cash. Weird, I know.
Dan! I am great tonight, things have been better then they have been in a long while, tonight is the first time this week I've had a drink at all I think.
I went to a bar last week, the local legion, a local veterans club/bar. It did not end well to say the least... At least in a small town, someone you dont really know will take you home and make sure you get to bed
Gill, that is a nice thing about a small town.. Cursing and blessing really. Glad you had some fun and got home safely.
They made sure I got to bed safely, My foolish self got up sometime in the night, to what I only assume was put wood in the stove, everything in the way of my bedroom and the woodstove was knocked over... including an airlock off a carboy, I shall call this brew accidentally soured.
I hope everythings been going okay with you, I've read alot about you and your plans, if that doesnt sound weird at least. I hope the best for it all
So, this is to everyone, I've made more post here, most of mine have been in this thread. I just find all my questions are answered by someone already, and I dont really have much to add. So I hang out here
Is this a bad thing?
Had a huge dinner and fell asleep early. I hate it when I do that. Guess I'm up for the day.......some of that home roasted coffee sounds good.

I always think of this song while I'm out on the water in search of crappie. I haven't made it out yet this year, but the time is approaching.

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RUSH - not Rush Limbaugh

I like this song


Oops.. wasn;t the right song

Here's another for youre listening pleasure.. Peter Framton. ..oh man!

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I'm on sabbatical again. At least that's what I like to call it :) That's why I've been hanging around so much. Just getting my kegs filled up and waiting for a few weeks of good fishing before I move on to bigger and better.
I like Illinoians. I am one, was raised there. A rebeliious bunch. Chicago? Different world as far as I'm concerned. Rest of the state. HmmHmm. As far as I know IL is still a helmet free state (motorcycle helmets) Doesn't mean I think it's a good idea to ride without one, but at least it's a choice not a law.

if anybody knows the rest of this please chime in.

I'm a downstater. Chicago is a different world from where I am. No helmets required in Illinois still.
Cheers to my first night bringing my work with me to Taco Bell. No regrets

You took your work to Taco Smell? What kind of work were you doing there?

Problem with Taco Smell is that, regardless the ridiculous commercials, you need to buy 3 or 4 of any item to make a meal. Oh, and the "beef" is a bit pasty in their tacos. Not sure it's the best cut of the bovine.

I do like to eat that stuff, to be honest. But my family never eats fast food, ever, so it's been years. Bunch of health-conscious activists, plus I like to cook.
I don't care for Taco Bell, but I live on the Mexican border... There is real Mexican food to be had at any number of mom and pop Mexican restaurants here.

Anyhow... Had a really crazy day. It was really bad at first, then it became really good. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest.

First, when I drove out of my driveway this morning there must have been a kitten hiding somewhere up under my truck. He either tried to jump down or fell down, and I ran him over and killed him. I'm an animal guy, so that made me feel pretty bad. Set the pace for a crappy Monday morning..

Then at lunchtime I got a call from my daughter... Apparently my ex-mother in law bought her a brand new car as a college graduation gift, since she will receive her associates very soon. That was a pleasant surprise. We have been racking our brains as to how we would get her a better car to get to the university that she is transferring to next semester.

Talk about a rollercoaster day! I'm still trying to make sense of everything, and figure out how to balance all of the different emotions. Beer is helping!

Hope you all are doing well today.

Cheers friends!
You mean toxic bowels, right? You know you are going to pay for that later. It is funny how the definition of almost all of their food items are the same ingredients, only in a different order. Well, that and 'chicken', 'steak', 'pork' and the scariest of all 'beef' options.

Edit: Figgured I might as well add that Drunkle Jon is... well, drunk tonight. Still can spell though.
I don't care for Taco Bell, but I live on the Mexican border... There is real Mexican food to be had at any number of mom and pop Mexican restaurants here.

Anyhow... Had a really crazy day. It was really bad at first, then it became really good. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest.

First, when I drove out of my driveway this morning there must have been a kitten hiding somewhere up under my truck. He either tried to jump down or fell down, and I ran him over and killed him. I'm an animal guy, so that made me feel pretty bad. Set the pace for a crappy Monday morning..

Then at lunchtime I got a call from my daughter... Apparently my ex-mother in law bought her a brand new car as a college graduation gift, since she will receive her associates very soon. That was a pleasant surprise. We have been racking our brains as to how we would get her a better car to get to the university that she is transferring to next semester.

Talk about a rollercoaster day! I'm still trying to make sense of everything, and figure out how to balance all of the different emotions. Beer is helping!

Hope you all are doing well today.

Cheers friends!

Quite a day you had Stauff. Certainly sounds roller coaster-ish. (I love making up words)

Sounds like your daughter and mine are about the same age. Mine transfers from community college to University this fall. I'm hoping my old Jeep will hold out for her but if it doesn't she can take the bus for free to school.
Quite a day you had Stauff. Certainly sounds roller coaster-ish. (I love making up words)

Sounds like your daughter and mine are about the same age. Mine transfers from community college to University this fall. I'm hoping my old Jeep will hold out for her but if it doesn't she can take the bus for free to school.

Yup, we're in the same boat with our daughters. Mine is finishing up with the community college this semester too.

She already had my moms old Topaz, but that thing is on its last leg. The University that my daughter is transferring to is too far for that old jalopy to handle. This new car is a blessing in disguise. I'm not usually one to accept that sort of gift, but in this case I really would be a fool to turn it down. Plus, in reality, it's a gift to my daughter. Not me. So, I really don't have a say in the matter.
You took your work to Taco Smell? What kind of work were you doing there?

Problem with Taco Smell is that, regardless the ridiculous commercials, you need to buy 3 or 4 of any item to make a meal. Oh, and the "beef" is a bit pasty in their tacos. Not sure it's the best cut of the bovine.

I do like to eat that stuff, to be honest. But my family never eats fast food, ever, so it's been years. Bunch of health-conscious activists, plus I like to cook.

Meh, Taco Bell is the only fast food place I can enjoy and not have to worry about any consequences. I love their food.... I've been overwhelmed with work and tired of long hours. I figured, if I'm not going to be able to make my own food and catch up on some sleep.... I might as well enjoy my corporate BS while I eat a crunch wrap.

I don't care for Taco Bell, but I live on the Mexican border... There is real Mexican food to be had at any number of mom and pop Mexican restaurants here.

Anyhow... Had a really crazy day. It was really bad at first, then it became really good. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest.

First, when I drove out of my driveway this morning there must have been a kitten hiding somewhere up under my truck. He either tried to jump down or fell down, and I ran him over and killed him. I'm an animal guy, so that made me feel pretty bad. Set the pace for a crappy Monday morning..

Then at lunchtime I got a call from my daughter... Apparently my ex-mother in law bought her a brand new car as a college graduation gift, since she will receive her associates very soon. That was a pleasant surprise. We have been racking our brains as to how we would get her a better car to get to the university that she is transferring to next semester.

Talk about a rollercoaster day! I'm still trying to make sense of everything, and figure out how to balance all of the different emotions. Beer is helping!

Hope you all are doing well today.

Cheers friends!

Phew - sorry to hear that mate. Tomorrow will be even better :0
Hey Guys\Gals(?), Just hanging out,reading posts. Some make me laugh, others I nod in agreement.

Dan... I hope ur a helmeted (made up?) riders. None of us can afford to have our noggin impacted by a car or the pavement. Don't know what this thread would be like without your writings.

Stauffier...right there with ya on the Mom Pop restaurants of any type. Soooo much better grub to be had from Mom\Pop than a chain. heck even the food truck kick ass over some of these corporate places. Taco Smell gets none of my pennies.

Hope all have a great night. Cheers!
Hey Guys\Gals(?), Just hanging out,reading posts. Some make me laugh, others I nod in agreement.

Dan... I hope ur a helmeted (made up?) riders. None of us can afford to have our noggin impacted by a car or the pavement. Don't know what this thread would be like without your writings...
Hope all have a great night. Cheers!

Yep, I always wear a helmet. I just like the fact that a few states like Illinois, I think Florida, not sure, and Hawaii leave it to your own discretion. It's the rebel in me. haha

When I taught my wife to ride, wearing a helmet probably saved her life. Or at least a concussion. She was doing pretty well on my old Sportster at a riding range in Hawaii. She stopped, didn't shift to nuetral and then let out the clutch. The bike learched, died, she lost her balance and fell over; smacked the back of her head with some force on the asphalt. Pretty sure if she didn't have a helmet on it wouldn't have been a good result.

I'm a helmet proponent. I just don't like to be told what to do.
I also think riding is extremely dangerous. I do doubt though if I ever get in an accident and laid my bike down at 40+ MPH, there wouldn't be much equipment to keep me safe. A while back I hit a big black dog at 50 MPH. It was night, there were two dogs in the middle of the road. I count my lucky stars they left me a little gap to ride through. Still, one dog's head smacked into my shin, felt like a huge rock. I still limp occasionally from that.
I haven't eaten today, not I'm craving Taco Bell. :( On a good note these came today:


I also think riding is extremely dangerous. I do doubt though if I ever get in an accident and laid my bike down at 40+ MPH, there wouldn't be much equipment to keep me safe. A while back I hit a big black dog at 50 MPH. It was night, there were two dogs in the middle of the road. I count my lucky stars they left me a little gap to ride through. Still, one dog's head smacked into my shin, felt like a huge rock. I still limp occasionally from that.

It is dangerous. And liberating. Scariest thing is that the most dangerous thing is the other drivers on the road. You cannot account for others so you have to drive defensively and always be alert. They dont all seem to recognize how easily they could kill you when they are being careless. I have almost been merged into too many times to count and have had to stop short and lay down my bike once due to an impatient jerkwad cutting me off. Thankfully I have a crash bar on my bike and I only came out of it with a scraped helmet and pretty bruise on my leg/butt.

You hit a dog? That definitely had to hurt. I took a bumble bee (probably a fly) to the throat last summer while riding at 50 and that felt like someone threw a rock at me.

And to those of you who don't ride, be nice to those on bikes. Do not judge us all by the irresponsible jerks that race/weave in and out of traffic, and such. It is little known outside of biking, but most bikers are like jeep drivers and homebrewers. We may not know each other, but it is a community who looks out for each other.
It is dangerous. And liberating. Scariest thing is that the most dangerous thing is the other drivers on the road. You cannot account for others so you have to drive defensively and always be alert. They dont all seem to recognize how easily they could kill you when they are being careless. I have almost been merged into too many times to count and have had to stop short and lay down my bike once due to an impatient jerkwad cutting me off. Thankfully I have a crash bar on my bike and I only came out of it with a scraped helmet and pretty bruise on my leg/butt.

You hit a dog? That definitely had to hurt. I took a bumble bee (probably a fly) to the throat last summer while riding at 50 and that felt like someone threw a rock at me.

And to those of you who don't ride, be nice to those on bikes. Do not judge us all by the irresponsible jerks that race/weave in and out of traffic, and such. It is little known outside of biking, but most bikers are like jeep drivers and homebrewers. We may not know each other, but it is a community who looks out for each other.

Well said mate. Couldn't agree more.... I love the idea and feeling of riding with out a helmet, but I like being able to think about that feeling. I flipped over my handle bars because of some jackass about 2 years ago and hit my head on dirt pretty bad..even with a full face helmet, i got a concussion. Can't imagine the damage I could have done...
This is BS! It's snowing again. Sigh........

A little Smash Mouth to boost morale


That does help a bit. We have another below zero night predicted. It's the last one in the 10 day forecast (last time I checked was the 22nd and I am just pulling out of that depression). I cannot believe the snow still on the ground. It just hasn't been warm enough to melt anything. We actually didn't get that much snow this winter but there is at least two feet in the back yard.

I was talking with a guy today about ice fishing. He said his son went out recently and tried to power auger a hole. He couldn't reach the water so that's at least three feet of ice maybe four or five....crazy!

Some good news though. It looks like a lot of work coming up. I may be in your backyard for at least a few weeks Dynachrome. I'll certainly look you up.
I haven't eaten today, not I'm craving Taco Bell. :( On a good note these came today:

I WISH I had those arrive today, I order some hops this year, and they wont be along till late april. Will be lucky to be able to get them in the ground in early may with the winter we've had/still having...
And about the ice fishing... Its the same thing here right now, the regular spring/summer fishing seasons start here april 1st, but the lakes are still frozen solid enough for ice fishing
That does help a bit. We have another below zero night predicted. It's the last one in the 10 day forecast (last time I checked was the 22nd and I am just pulling out of that depression). I cannot believe the snow still on the ground. It just hasn't been warm enough to melt anything. We actually didn't get that much snow this winter but there is at least two feet in the back yard.

I was talking with a guy today about ice fishing. He said his son went out recently and tried to power auger a hole. He couldn't reach the water so that's at least three feet of ice maybe four or five....crazy!

Some good news though. It looks like a lot of work coming up. I may be in your backyard for at least a few weeks Dynachrome. I'll certainly look you up.

i've got about thirty gallons of reasonable beer in my pantry that I'm quite willing to share. ...text me 'ey?
Guys are still driving on the ice here.

I'd take a skidoo onto the lakes and harbor here still, I dont know about a full sized vehicle, though with the weather we've had lately, It may well be safe.
We're in for our worst winter storm this year tomorrow by the way.. :drunk:
i've got about thirty gallons of reasonable beer in my pantry that I'm quite willing to share. ...text me 'ey?

I want some of the stuff you're NOT willing to share;) Not sure if I will have any homebrew to bring along but I will buy you a few at the pub if not. I hope the project happens. Nothing set in stone yet.

Guys are still driving on the ice here.

I never could do that.
I'd take a skidoo onto the lakes and harbor here still, I dont know about a full sized vehicle, though with the weather we've had lately, It may well be safe.
We're in for our worst winter storm this year tomorrow by the way.. :drunk:

A snowmobile is awesome on a wide open frozen lake. A guy did die here a few years ago breaking through on a snowmobile though. I pretty much stay away from frozen waters. My grandma taught me that;)

Weather the storm well. I hope its your last wintry one.

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