I brewed a favorite recipe today. Today I brewed Peter Cotton Ale, my IPA recipe, but with changes. I first brewed this in 2007, and I've done it fifteen times since then. I like the beer, but I had decided it wasn't very "IPAish." This was decided as part of my exploration of using a secondary or not. Not using a secondary with S33 yeast, which the recipe used, is just unsatisfactory. So this version switches to S04 yeast and no secondary. I also switched to Target as the base boil hop in place of Nugget. Target is British, and, perhaps, a bit less neutral. Its profile suggested bit of Fuggle might enhance the flavor and aroma additions.
Along the way to making the changes, I also decided that the real reason it isn't "IPAish" is that it doesn't use C hops like all the IPAs I get served. Well, I have a recipe that uses Centennial and Cascade. So I will add a pound of malt extract and an ounce of hops to my Summer Ale recipe next year, and brew that as an IPA. So this doesn't have to be more like an IPA. I'm just curious how the changes will work out.
5 gal. water
6 lbs. Muntons amber DME
1/4 lb. Crisp Maris Otter pale ale malt
2 tsp. gypsum
1 oz. Target alpha 10.3 &1/2 oz. East Kent Goldings alpha 5.9 (BOIL) 14.6 HBU adjusted
1/2 oz East Kent Goldings and 1/4 oz. Fuggle (FLAVOR)
3/4 oz. East Kent Goldings & 1/4 oz. Fuggle (AROMA)
S04 ale yeast
Dissolve 3 lbs. DME in 1/2 gal. water for late addition
Dissolve 3 lbs. DME in 1 gal. waterfor boil, add gypsum, begin heating
Toast pale malt for 10 min. at 350, crack grtains
Steep grains in 1/2 gal. water for 30 min. at 150-160
Strain into boil kettle, bring to boil, add boil hops
30 min. boil
10 min. flavor hops
0 min. add late additions and aroma hops
Cool in sink bath before pouring onto fermenter
Top to 5 gal. with cold water, pitch at 70
HBUs adjusted down 10% for 30 min. boil and up 20% for late addition