Well-Known Member
I think I'd like a thread posting favorite extract recipes and brews that I might like too. So here's one:
Today I brewed "Edmond's"
I've brewed this a number of times, but this is only the second time with Challenger hops. It was excellent the first time which happened because East Kent Goldings were in short supply. It's based on Charlie Papazian's "Jack's Union Classic Pale Ale."
5 1/2 gal. water
5 lbs. Munton's light DME
1 lb. 40L crystal malt
1 oz. Fuggles & 1/2 oz. Challenger (boli) 6.9 HBU
1/2 oz Challenger (flavor)
1 oz Challenger (aroma)
2 tsp. gypsum
1 Safebrew S-33 ale yeast
Steep grains for 30 min. @ 150-160
60 min. boil
15 min. flavor hops
2 min aroma hops
I do a partial boil of 1 1/2 gal. Yes, I still refer to HBUs. No, I don't take gravity readings.
Today I brewed "Edmond's"
I've brewed this a number of times, but this is only the second time with Challenger hops. It was excellent the first time which happened because East Kent Goldings were in short supply. It's based on Charlie Papazian's "Jack's Union Classic Pale Ale."
5 1/2 gal. water
5 lbs. Munton's light DME
1 lb. 40L crystal malt
1 oz. Fuggles & 1/2 oz. Challenger (boli) 6.9 HBU
1/2 oz Challenger (flavor)
1 oz Challenger (aroma)
2 tsp. gypsum
1 Safebrew S-33 ale yeast
Steep grains for 30 min. @ 150-160
60 min. boil
15 min. flavor hops
2 min aroma hops
I do a partial boil of 1 1/2 gal. Yes, I still refer to HBUs. No, I don't take gravity readings.

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