I am looking for feedback on the recipe I have created to split a single mash into two beers: 2021 BJCP 11B Ordinary Bitter and 19A American Amber Ale, as guidelines for the two styles. Emphasis on guidelines. Key goal is to keep it as simple as possible. I consider these non-negotiable to achieve simplicity: Use all Briess malts, hops in 1 oz increments (no leftovers), dry yeast, and package in 3 gallon kegs. If you suggest alterations to the recipe please stick to the stated non-negotiables. Assumptions: BIAB method, 1 gal/hr boiloff, ~65% brewhouse effiency. (If you wish to discuss my dismal BIAB efficiency number please PM me rather than post in this thread; I'd like to keep this thread about the recipe only.)
The specific feedback I am seeking relates to the hops choice and timing, and specialty grains choice and timing. I have carefully calculated the SRM, IBU and ABV of each beer, and selected the base & specialty malts to fit the 11B & 19A guidelines. I am more confident in the Amber recipe than the Bitter as I have brewed the former but not the latter.
Basic recipe:
9.5 gal RO treated to Balanced profile, reserve 0.75 gal for steeping specialty grains
Grist: 13 lbs Briess pale ale malt 3.5L, 1 lb Briess caramel malt 80L
Steeping grains: 8 oz Briess victory malt 28L (for 11B)
Mash grist in 8.75 gallons treated water at 152°F for 60 minutes
Drain and collect 8 gallons wort, target SG 1.041
Split collected wort:
- 4.5 gallons for 19A American Amber Ale
- 3.5 gallons for 11B Best Bitter
Brew 19A American Amber Ale:
- 0.5 oz Amarillo (8.1%) @ 60 min
- 1 oz Cascade (5.0%) @ 10 min
- 0.5 oz Amarillo (8.1%) @ 5 min
Target ending kettle volume: ~3.5 gallons
Chill to 70°F and pitch Safale US-05, primary ~3 weeks ~65°F then crash & keg
SRM 12 | IBU 40 | ABV 5.9%
Brew 11B Best Bitter:
Steep specialty grains in 0.75 gal reserved water, 20 mins @ 160°F
Add steeping water to 3.5 gallons @1.041 collected wort
- 0.75 oz Kent Golding (5.0%) @ 60 min
- 0.25 oz Kent Golding (5.0%) @ 30 min
- Target ending kettle volume: ~3.25 gallons
Chill to 70°F and pitch Safale S-04, primary ~3 weeks ~65°F then crash & keg
SRM 12 | IBU 34 | ABV 4.3%
The specific feedback I am seeking relates to the hops choice and timing, and specialty grains choice and timing. I have carefully calculated the SRM, IBU and ABV of each beer, and selected the base & specialty malts to fit the 11B & 19A guidelines. I am more confident in the Amber recipe than the Bitter as I have brewed the former but not the latter.
Basic recipe:
9.5 gal RO treated to Balanced profile, reserve 0.75 gal for steeping specialty grains
Grist: 13 lbs Briess pale ale malt 3.5L, 1 lb Briess caramel malt 80L
Steeping grains: 8 oz Briess victory malt 28L (for 11B)
Mash grist in 8.75 gallons treated water at 152°F for 60 minutes
Drain and collect 8 gallons wort, target SG 1.041
Split collected wort:
- 4.5 gallons for 19A American Amber Ale
- 3.5 gallons for 11B Best Bitter
Brew 19A American Amber Ale:
- 0.5 oz Amarillo (8.1%) @ 60 min
- 1 oz Cascade (5.0%) @ 10 min
- 0.5 oz Amarillo (8.1%) @ 5 min
Target ending kettle volume: ~3.5 gallons
Chill to 70°F and pitch Safale US-05, primary ~3 weeks ~65°F then crash & keg
SRM 12 | IBU 40 | ABV 5.9%
Brew 11B Best Bitter:
Steep specialty grains in 0.75 gal reserved water, 20 mins @ 160°F
Add steeping water to 3.5 gallons @1.041 collected wort
- 0.75 oz Kent Golding (5.0%) @ 60 min
- 0.25 oz Kent Golding (5.0%) @ 30 min
- Target ending kettle volume: ~3.25 gallons
Chill to 70°F and pitch Safale S-04, primary ~3 weeks ~65°F then crash & keg
SRM 12 | IBU 34 | ABV 4.3%