Well-Known Member
Soooo . . What options does that leave me? Should I try and start over to see if it is an installation issue? Is there a way to "fix" the issue Elkoe mentioned? Give up and get 2 arduino leonardo's instead?
wbarber69, I am still too lacking in skill and in knowledge to apply the information that you have provided. I will require a little more education. A starting point would really help. Sorry again for my lack of education on the subject.
I am going to do another install tomorrow night on a new pre-loaded 32GB SD card, since I cannot figure out where I messed up my install on my 8GB load. I am going to follow the wbarber69 load process (I will only do 2 BrewPi loads (left & right) - Arduino UNOs) to one RPi and would like to know if I can do the whole process with WIFI, no NIC as the perm. location has no NIC capability. I am using the WIFI adapter below:
Edit: Quick question as I am installing on a pre-loaded SD card do I follow the wbarber69 instructions exclusively and not do anything off of the BrewPi manual instructions? I would assume this is true as I think the BrewPi manual instructions are for a blank SD card. Just a sanity check.....
Pretty much follow the setup that day_tripper laid out for me. You might want to go to the online docs and start from the 1.0 section and follow along until you get to where it says to git pull the install script. There are some dependencies you need to make sure you have installed first. Then once you get to where you would start the manual instructions switch back over to here. Day_trippers walk through incorporates everything that is listed on the online docs plus a few changes and permission settings that aren't online yet.
Thank you for your time and support. I am really looking forward to having this system up and running! I am already planning my next two batches.
I got my issue of not being able to install the software to the Uno. I was selecting the ATMega328 based option, instead of the Uno option. I honestly didn't even see the Uno option, and the product description at Amazon had ATMega328 in it, but I am still a moron.
One more question - when I installed the BrewPi software on the Pi, it asked me if I wanted to enable WiFi keep alive (or something like that). I answered no, because I was planning on using ethernet. I might switch back to WiFi. How can I enable that option? Or do I need to reinstall?
Honestly though it does help to go ahead and build just a single uno and run everything like it's supposed to be done. That way you get a feel for how everything should look and where everything should go. Then you can tackle the manual install. Because if you miss one step or forget one apt-get install command, then nothing works.
Yes just like you have it. That installs git that allows you to pull everything from GitHub same goes for arduino-core, all the python dependencies, arduino-core etc. you don't start setting brewpi directories until you have all the dependencies installed.
[...]One more question - when I installed the BrewPi software on the Pi, it asked me if I wanted to enable WiFi keep alive (or something like that). I answered no, because I was planning on using ethernet. I might switch back to WiFi. How can I enable that option? Or do I need to reinstall?
I looked at the log and saw this entry:
Restoring device: {"a": "288344D0B6F97413", "c": 1, "b": 1, "d": 0, "f": 6, "i": 2, "h": 2, "j": 0.0, "p": 18, "t": 1}
WARNING 2: Temperature sensor disconnected pin 18, address 288344D0B6F97413
What does "Temperature sensor disconnected pin 18" mean?
That's great. Too bad you had to go to such extremes. Now I'm glad I got into pi's when I did. About 3 weeks after the b+ launch. Fwiw I recommend anyone getting into this, don't fret over 4 dollars and go for the b+.
fwiw, a few people have reported that the "Wifi Keep-Alive" script actually caused them problems. Not having ever enabled that option I can't testify one way or the other as to how well it works, nor can I speculate as to why folks were having problems with it.
I fired up my first RPi last winter, and the system running my keezer and reporting to the network universe via WiFi has done so without a single burp since back in April - sans any keep-alive scripts...
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I would remove the .htaccess stuff and get your pages accessible through your dyndns access first. Then you can play with .htaccess and know you're not fighting multiple problems...
Brewswell. Neat job. Like the way you put the probes into the terminal block. When you get it running. Let us know the heater size and type and what Kp Ki Kd settings you are using. Cheers
Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
Perhaps it's the length of my testing cable but now I'm having issues with my temp probes connecting and disconnecting every second
Gotta shorten the lead and see what comes of it.
Right click the file and save as