how many times do you have to brew a beer...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
biloxi, ms
how many times do you have to brew a beer before you can post the recipe in the database?

is one time with positive feedback from three other different beer geeks enough?

thanks in advance.
I don't think there is any "rule" regarding posting a recipe. I have found many recipes in the DB that are actually just "ideas" and haven't even been brewed yet, even by the creator of the recipe. If you want to post it, go right ahead!
I don't think there is any "rule" regarding posting a recipe. I have found many recipes in the DB that are actually just "ideas" and haven't even been brewed yet, even by the creator of the recipe. If you want to post it, go right ahead!

i've had a recipe removed that i posted, so that's why i ask.

Thread moved. The recipe database is for tried and true, proven recipes. This one appears to be a first effort.
I don't think there is any "rule" regarding posting a recipe. I have found many recipes in the DB that are actually just "ideas" and haven't even been brewed yet, even by the creator of the recipe. If you want to post it, go right ahead!

The DB is for proven recipes only. I go by a "three-brew rule" If you brew it three times and get rave reviews, post it. It also helps if others on this board brew it with good results.

If you know of recipes in the DB that are just "ideas", please let a mod know so they can remove it.
Its not so much how many times you've brewed it before thats important, what matters is that the recipe is good enough to brew it again and again.
Its not so much how many times you've brewed it before thats important, what matters is that the recipe is good enough to brew it again and again.

i'll be brewing this one again and again. i've even had non beer geeks try it and ask me if they bought the ingredients, would i brew them up a batch.
Make sure you specify that you have actually brewed the beer and throw in that it was well received by a few people. If you throw that in there, mods should leave your recipe alone.
Its not so much how many times you've brewed it before thats important, what matters is that the recipe is good enough to brew it again and again.

Yeah, what he said. If you've brewed it and it's a solid recipe that you'd recommend to friends and be proud to put in a competition, post it! We want the database to grow, with proven recipes. There are some other websites out there that have tons of recipes, but no way to know if these recipes work or not. I hate seeing new brewers come in and say, "I found this recipe online but it's not working out......" and see that the recipe itself is at fault.

Any ideas and requests for feedback should go in the recipes/ingredients forum. That way we can keep the database "pure".

If anybody sees unproven recipes in the database, let us know so we can move it out of there!
Also, we do not remove recipes, we move them out of the recipe database and into the Recipe / Ingredients forum where they can be further discussed.
I've basically decided not to post any more recipes unless they place in a comp. That's better than subjective "hey, this is good".

That's not necessary, but I can understand feeling like that.

I've posted a lot of older beginning recipes that came out great, but haven't posted many current ones unless I felt they were something special. I think it's because when I was a beginner, I had a heck of a time finding proven recipes suitable for a novice brewer. That was before "Brewing Classic Styles" came out, of course, which is a wonderful resource for beginning brewers.

Same with my wine recipes. There isn't anything magical about Welch's grape juice wine- but it's easy for beginners and gives fast and dependable results. From there, if someone wants to get more in depth into winemaking, there are more recipes for intermediate winemakers.
I think that it's basically when the recipe is "done". If you get it right the first time and are going to continue brewing it exactly that way, then it's ready to be posted if you want. That's my criteria. It annoys me when I read through the recipe and at the end the poster writes "I wasn't really satisfied with the hop character and plan on increasing the flavor hops next time and I might change out the C40 for C60". If the recipe wasn't finished, then why are you posting it?
I don't think there is any "rule" regarding posting a recipe. I have found many recipes in the DB that are actually just "ideas" and haven't even been brewed yet, even by the creator of the recipe.

I really just think it's a matter of not knowing/understanding the policy...there's really no way to "police" it without coming off mean...some have suggested a voting system...some have suggested that 2 or 3 brewers have had to have brewed it before it goes into the database. But there is really no way to do it easily...

There's difference between posting a recipe in the Recipe/ingredients section, for discussion and the like...and putting it in the can post any recipe, even ones you haven't brewed here for critique or advice, inthe recipe section...that's not an issue...

One of the problems and it is something that we hash back and forth a lot is that people post untried recipes into the recipe database (which also shows up in our pulldown menu) rather than in the Recipes/ingredients section...

We kinda hope that people on here would just police themselves, and not add to the database unbrewed recipes..Not to at least post the recipe til they are drinking the beer...not the day before they brew it...and put that in the other section...but most new people don't know the distinction...

One thing to do is to be selective in the recipes you brew on here...if you are around long enough, and read people's posts you get an idea of who has experience in creating recipes and who doesn't...Which recipes get brewed alot, etc....and trust the recipes by them...

When I'm looking for a recipe I start with those by people I know on here, like the Mods or some of the other brewers who help beginners because I know their brewing philosophy or level of experience, or have seen the response to their recipes..After those people I will look at the other recipes and see if the poster has updated or posted comments about their recipe, or if other people have as see if anyone else has brewed it...then the next "tier" is those that look like the recipe was written AFTER it was brewed and bottled.

(once clue look to see if they put a final gravity in the recipe..if there is a question mark, or a blank, than more than likely it was put in there before being tested.)

It seems like it's getting better, the mods are police it more, as are other members, and the mods want people to report any of the recipe that look untried, and they will either notify the OP to update the recipe with tasting notes, gravites, etc, or move them back to the recipe ingredients there's hope that the database can actually be the "canon" of everyone's best recipes...

I know some newer brewers have gotten upset because they have tried a couple of them, thinking they were "good" recipes and realized that they were not the best representation of HBT recipes.

If you look at my pull see only one recipe in there (and in the database) yet I have posted a lot of my recipes in the Recipe/ingredients least a half dozen, maybe more...

But I feel that my brown ale (even though I constantly tweak it and post the notes of variations in the thread) is the only one I "stand behind" right now enough to attach my name to it...
There are some other websites out there that have tons of recipes, but no way to know if these recipes work or not.

Absolutely. I was surfing the interwebz for new recipes awhile back, and came across a recipe that some dude put up before even brewing it. Turned out it got infected later on and he couldn't even give a review of his own recipe! I mean, seriously, why even post it??
I think that it's basically when the recipe is "done". If you get it right the first time and are going to continue brewing it exactly that way, then it's ready to be posted if you want. That's my criteria. It annoys me when I read through the recipe and at the end the poster writes "I wasn't really satisfied with the hop character and plan on increasing the flavor hops next time and I might change out the C40 for C60". If the recipe wasn't finished, then why are you posting it?

Now that's utter bunk IMO. I've got recipes I've brewed 20x that I still play with. That's what makes this hobby fun. If a recipe creator has subsequent suggestions for improvements, I want to hear 'em.
Now that's utter bunk IMO. I've got recipes I've brewed 20x that I still play with. That's what makes this hobby fun. If a recipe creator has subsequent suggestions for improvements, I want to hear 'em.

Yeah. I've posted all the changes and adaption on my Old Bog Road. It's just that I didn't commit it to the database til I had worked out a few bugs over a few batches.

In fact, it started as a thread in the recipe/ingredients section...THEN after I did a couple batches both as extract and ag, and provided version for all types of brewers did I commit it to the database.

From this

To that;
Yeah. I've posted all the changes and adaption on my Old Bog Road. It's just that I didn't commit it to the database til I had worked out a few bugs over a few batches.

That's what I was referring to. It's one thing to play with a good recipe, but to post something in the database that you're not even happy with yet... that annoys me.
I also try to look over what's _in_ the database before committing a new recipe to it. I've only added three recipes, but I feel like each one had something new to add to the database.

Honestly, I don't know if anybody's brewed any of my recipes but me. I'm OK with that.
Honestly, I don't know if anybody's brewed any of my recipes but me. I'm OK with that.

Which brings up another good point. If you brew a recipe that is in the database, by all means post in the recipe's thread that you brewed it, and how it turned out, would you brew it again, etc. It helps folks decide what they want to brew.
Which brings up another good point. If you brew a recipe that is in the database, by all means post in the recipe's thread that you brewed it, and how it turned out, would you brew it again, etc. It helps folks decide what they want to brew.

I thought it would be neat to have a "brewed this" button or something like that, so the recipes would have a counter showing how often they've been brewed.