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Mostly lurked for the past several years. People referenced HBT on Reddit. Spend a ton of time reading posts between here and /r/homebrewing, among other places.

Plan to read and post here more frequently due to using Reddit less.
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Welcome! :mug:

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Made one successful cider after a not as successful mead/jet fuel. Now I’ve got 3 ciders brewing and looking for tips and pointers and just knowledge. A google search for “cider brewing forum” brought me on over. Happy brewing!
Welcome! :mug:

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I was googling for tips on banana 'wine' fermentation and for running cheap wines through a distillery.

I have started doing a video diary of the project on YouTube, I hope you don't mind me mentioning on there, this site has been very helpful 👍🏻 It would be great to get feedback too, it's at

I'm completely new to this, I have a banana wine fermenting now, it should finish its first ferment between now and the next couple of days, so I'll be putting some brew specific videologs up too that I'll menton on here in hope of advice✌🏼🕊
I was googling for tips on banana 'wine' fermentation and for running cheap wines through a distillery.

I have started doing a video diary of the project on YouTube, I hope you don't mind me mentioning on there, this site has been very helpful 👍🏻 It would be great to get feedback too, it's at

I'm completely new to this, I have a banana wine fermenting now, it should finish its first ferment between now and the next couple of days, so I'll be putting some brew specific videologs up too that I'll menton on here in hope of advice✌🏼🕊
Welcome to HomeBrewTalk (HBT).

Just for future reference, links to your videologs should go into this forum: Podcasts, Beer Blogs & Articles.

HBT Moderator.
I googled many...MANY questions about homebrewing. in particular cider making questions and you guys popped up repeatedly with the best answers. after reading answers from obviously educated people on homebrew and especially seeing the classified section being new to homebrew and needing things I knew I had to join.
I brew in Texas too! I made a really fiesty peach that will probably never taste right during the hottest summers on the planet in a hot room. That was when I learned about controlling temperatures of the yeast but this wine was brewed with wild yeasts and S02'd to the FDA limits. (three times) It's pretty unique. I found you guys after tasting that one! :)
Welcome! :mug:

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I Googled "using beer to wash your clothes" and your thread with the guy wanting to make his clothes smell like hops popped up so I read it and wanted to reply to one of the comments and so here I am. I don't brew any beer at home but I've thought of doing it here and there. Now I just might as my husband has a couple beers each day. Would be so cool to learn how to do that for him 😀
Welcome! :mug:

Please let us know how you found ....
Search on google while waiting for my invention for pasturing heated up. Own a licensed micro winery and as I read the same issues many have that I had. I thought if this first test of revision 5 works per my theory of operation and design. I’d share the knowledge, I use no chemicals in the mead and wine we sell. And as we grow, I’d prefer not to have a custom bill me for clean up from a bottle that blew a cork. Most of mine has been very dry wine sales. But sweet sells rapidly to lodges and tourists visiting alaska.
A few quick google searches while trying to find out what went wrong with my craft a brew kit... and let me tell you... it was OOOOH SOOOOO MANY THINGS! :D and here i am.
Was walking through a wheatfield brushing the ears of the ready-to-harvest stalks when suddenly sasquatch popped up and dragged me to this forum...

Or maybe i was just searching google for tips and tricks on improving my process and this site kept popping up...who knows :D
Google kept sending me here when I was researching HB stuff.
My wife and co workers wont talk to me about beer anymore so I figured sticking around might be a good idea.
Through searching for buyers of stainless steel food grade batching and packaging equipment. I ended up with a 1000 gallon batch/mixing tank; 12 head filling machine; inline capping machine all good grade.

I figured I would reach out to the community here and see if I can work out a deal. I don't want to be the clown who just joins your forum to sell some stuff. I figured if I can find a local buyer I can deliver and before that takes place organize a reasonable donation to the forum.