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Follow up. That made me remember Heathkit. And by gum they’re still around!
Sure enough. I know back in the '80s I'd looked at their kits, but I don't remember if I ever bought one. I definitely had the Forrest M Mims mini-notebooks, several of which I made.
I'm honestly trying to find proof I am not a gremlin, & it's getting me very worried
That's OK, I'd like balrog to prove he and his crew are not AI, or somehow being enveloped and conjoined with it somehow..

...picture a large fast moving slug (AI) overtaking a clever but preoccupied monkeys... (I thought about editing this line, what do you think?)

But heck, I'd might have to work to prove I'm sane. However, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the saner people in most rooms I'm in,... though admittedly, that is often a low bar...

Wishing everyone a good eating holiday tomorrow, and it is likely healthy and good to have some gratitude for what one has.
Follow up. That made me remember Heathkit. And by gum they’re still around!
As an embryonic e-nerd in my pre-teens I would pore through the Heathkit catalog each year and imagine picking out a bunch of their bigger projects. My dad took notice and eventually gave me the shortwave radio kit for iirc my 10th birthday. I do remember I built it in three days 😁 and then spent months learning Morse to understand all those beeps, boops, and clicks. There wasn't much voice going on back then...
