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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Hi all just got up this morning after doing my first all grain yesterday to a bubbling airlock and alot of krausen and just now the airlock blew off in my face!

Guess I need to do something but I don't have any large size tubing to fit the opening of the glass carboy only smaller tubing.Can you put smaller tubing on the airlock itself somehow?? Tubing is 5/16th i think.

help please.
Here is a pic
ImageUploadedByHome Brew1399210337.700720.jpg

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Yes - it works especially well if you have a 3 piece airlock .... Clean off the airlock and rubber stopper if needed. Sanitize with starsan. I break off the little pieces of plastic that are on the very tip of the bottom of the airlock so they don't plug with debris....
Sanitize a length of tubing. Put it on airlock and other end in jar/jug of star san should be good. I will try to link a picture in a second.
See if the tubing will fit the bung you had the airlock in. Just sanitize it inside & out first. Then run it into a jug or something with water & a little Starsan.
Hi all just got up this morning after doing my first all grain yesterday to a bubbling airlock and alot of krausen and just now the airlock blew off in my face!

Guess I need to do something but I don't have any large size tubing to fit the opening of the glass carboy only smaller tubing.Can you put smaller tubing on the airlock itself somehow?? Tubing is 5/16th i think.

help please.

I don't recall the size of the tubing I used, but I have connected tubing directly to the inside of a 3 piece airlock in the past and inserted the bung into the fermenter as usual. Ran the tubing into a container of Star San, and it worked just fine.
Only one way to find out if it fits. Try putting end of tube in boiling water to soften it up. Go McGyver!
And I thought I underpitched my yeast as some got left in the packet...guess enough made it