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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Asheville, NC
As usual, I set out to buy one piece of equipment and after hours of researching, I have now talked myself out of one thing, into another, and back out of that. What to do? Ask HBT...

An evil DIY mash tun defeated me a few years ago and I swore off AG brewing. I've decided to face my demons and give it another go, this time with more planning and a ton of vengeance. Since I already have two unmolested Igloo coolers (one 10 gal/one 5 gal), I thought I'd just buy a well-reviewed false bottom (the 12 incher from Adventures In Homebrewing) and fly sparge. But, since part of my nightmare from previous AG involved that technique, I was hesitant...that, and the price of the FB setup. So, I decide that batch sparging is the way to go, with a reinforced braid manifold that I can build for next to nothing. But, DIY has not been my friend...and I'm partial to brewing wheat beers (which tend to clog the braids, from what I've read). I'd like to get out with minimal cost but not at the expense of crappy beer. SWMBO, lost interest at the word sparge so...

...I'll grab a beer and watch the fight.
I've done wheat beers with a brain and had no problems. I used a 3/4 inch water heater supply line for my braid. It is a lot more rigid than the smaller ones for a sink. You can also use rice hulls to help prevent a stuck sparge. I have never used them and have never had a stuck sparge.

Damn! I just jinxed myself!

To save myself the diy search for all the parts for the valve I bought the cooler valve kit from Northern Brewer. I had to get the water heater supply line a nylon bolt and nut to close the end and a stainless steel hose clamp to attach the braid to the valve. About 15 minute installation. And only a couple dollars more than buying all the parts separately.
I also batch sparge. I got a bazooka screen from LHBS for about $20. Its stronger than the DIY braids and has worked well for me so far. However, I'm not a huge fan of wheat beers so I can't tell you that you'll be fine on that front. You can always add some rice hulls to your wheat heavy batches(which you should do anyway). I have really enjoyed going AG, so I would recommend going for it. You can always come back here if you have problems.
I like the Star Wars reference.

I don't use a braid. I use a 5 gallon paint strainer bag in a cooler. It's awesome for wheat beers; if it slows too much, I just lift the bag slightly and I'm back running. I like the bags from HD. I think they're called super tuff. If you decide to use this, pull the bag of grains out before you add sparge water, then dunk back in and stir well. I've found it mixes much better that way and reduces large amounts of foam.

I don't use a braid. I use a 5 gallon paint strainer bag in a cooler. It's awesome for wheat beers; if it slows too much, I just lift the bag slightly and I'm back running. I like the bags from HD. I think they're called super tuff. If you decide to use this, pull the bag of grains out before you add sparge water, then dunk back in and stir well. I've found it mixes much better that way and reduces large amounts of foam.

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Well, that definitely is the simplest & cheapest option. I will certainly try this and see how it goes. Thanks!
I know it sucks but pay the cash for the false bottom and dip tube. I know other things will work, but this is the best. IMHO
mikescooling said:
I know it sucks but pay the cash for the false bottom and dip tube. I know other things will work, but this is the best. IMHO

What I was going to say... about the braid and batch sparge option. I've tried it all and I'm absolutely sold on batch sparge with a SS braid.
Crushing my own grain, I consistently get between 70-76% efficiency, which is right where I want to be :)
I had a stainless braid set up. didn't like it. the braid got all stretched out making the holes in some spots super big, and other spots completely sealed up. so I got the bazooka tube. its worked well for me, been using it for probably 3 years now.
didn't like it. the braid got all stretched out making the holes in some spots super big said:
I too was using the braided line until it developed a kink and would not drain off the grain bed --- I have used the stainless false bottom ever since --- I brew 10 gallon batches with just over 20 pounds of grain. -