HBT Pilots...MMW, with request

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Forget being a pilot and go to A&P school. Cause pilots are monkeys and mechanics are kings ;)

Congrats on finishing primary. Make sure you let us know what you select. What were your preferences, if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks:rockin:. Here's the dream sheet:

Jets, meridian>kingsville
ospreys :)) just not what gets me excited. I'm sure they're awesome.)

Not trying to threadjack here, really, but I'll report back tomorrow assuming I can still type. I'm bringing a keg (maybe two?) to selection tomorrow.
JETS. Meridian. I got my first choice. The feeling of excitement and exhilaration that I feel right now is rare. This is unreal.

Tomorrow I get to go watch the blue angles airshow at pensacola beach knowing that I'm one step closer to THAT.

JETS. Meridian. I got my first choice. The feeling of excitement and exhilaration that I feel right now is rare. This is unreal.

Tomorrow I get to go watch the blue angles airshow at pensacola beach knowing that I'm one step closer to THAT.


AWESOME! We had a pair of A-10s come in for this weekends air show yesterday afternoon, that was an incredible sight. The military gets all the best toys. :rockin:

One of our pro pilots (the plane I fly is a company plane) ran off with 'my' 182 on Monday and parked it at HQ for the week while he tools about the country in one of the turboprops :mad:

Airport closed this weekend for a balloon festival :mad:

Next flight Monday morning :mad:

Written next week :) Lots of flying next week (weather permitting) :D

Out of town traveling on business week after next. This is where the catch-22 gets me: I'd like to fly for my business travel, but I can't finish my PPL for all the damn travel that gets in the way :mad:
It has to be tough making time for ppl while trying to have a personal life and a full time job.

I'm off to get fitted for a g-suit before I watch the blues. On the 29th I'll be out at Lemoore for the centrifuge g-trainer.
Wohoo! Back in the air. 1.0 yesterday and 1.1 this morning. Getting an hour of flying in at sunrise and beating most of the office into work is almost refreshing. Almost.

Ground reference maneuvers are coming along and my landings are getting back to where they should be. Close, so close.

I have a flight with my CFI tonight and flying the next three mornings. Then it's 3 days at least on the road-- maybe 4, maybe 5...we'll see how the job goes.
Keep at it; sounds like you are doing fine! I ran into the same sort of trouble with my PPL. I was self financed and flew only a few times a month for the first bit. I found that I spent too much time getting up to speed on what I have forgotten between each flight. Once I started flying 2 or 3 times a week I started to make real progress.

A technique that the military uses is "chair flying". I find this useful to help keep the brain drain from occurring when you can’t fly. I will sit in my chair and go over the whole flight in my head. Ground signals, start, taxi, take off, ect ect. Makes a huge difference! When you are on the road give it a try. It won’t replace the airplane but it will keep you in the game.

Coastarine: Congrats on the selection! I assume that is a navy version of the BAE Hawk? Looks pretty good. I would have gone naval aviation in a heartbeat but the Canadians got rid of their only aircraft carrier in 1968. Too bad really, the only way to go to sea is Maritime Helicopters.

I am currently undergoing the primary training similar to you, except we are flying the Texan II. Nice airplane, good performance and nice harmony in the controls. I am hoping my next step is jets as well (BAE Hawk).


Wing nut.
Getting closer all the time.

Written is now passed (had to drive 2 hours one way to do it, but it's passed), everything else is dang near done. I hope to have good news here in 1-2 weeks.