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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Brownsburg, IN

As a noob I AM now a firm believer of RDWHAHB!!!! The mistakes that I made on brew day( not sure if i followed the directions right) and bottling day (I had tiny bubbles in my bottling wand)were many, and I thought that i ruined my belgian ale for sure. However today I decided to give my first brew another try. After being bottled at 70 deg for an eternity (32 DAYS)!!!! I cracked one open and took a drink. It was a thing of beauty carbonation and flavor!!:rockin: So to all the noobs reading today listen to the pros, and RDWHAHB.

Cheers to everyone here:mug:!
Grats Slomo.... I'm glad to hear your beer is near and dear, elicits no fear, and doesn't taste queer! :cross:
My Belgian is just now 23 days in the bottle and sadly half of it is gone due to impatient taste testing :) That's one of the downsides to bottling in Bombers! I'm now thoroughly convinced that my first ever homebrew is the BEST and have promised myself not to open another bottle (now that the Hefeweizen is ready :) )for another month!!!

Cheers and HBT Rocks!!!!!!
Glad to hear that it came out great. I know I was worried bout my first brew, but as I sit here drinking it, well all's good!
HER homework And isn't that what being a newb is all about, asking questions?

Fair enough, she hasn't done her homework.

Google,, or even the search feature here on this site. Any of those resources will answer your question. You'll get it, along with other common acryonyms like SWMBO.

Kanpai! :mug:
Slomo - Great job! I'm extremely glad you're satisfied with your first brew!

Thank you and I just read that on one of the stickies.

That's why they're stickies. So you sort of see them at the top and read them, you know, before you go off half-cocked? Being a n00b is about asking questions. It's also about doing your own work first by reading and researching, and asking for help when you get stuck. Some people have the wrong idea about n00b-ness, and think being spoon-fed is better. Those people are not only wrong, they're incredibly annoying. I'm glad you're not one of them.

And before I forget, here's a piece of Internet advice: If you're going to use a username which is not indicative of gender to the average user, and join an internet forums dedicated to an overwhelmingly male-dominated hobby, you really do abdicate the privilege of bitching when someone assumes you're a dude.

Let's do the sociological math, shall we? A = you're in a place where the toilet seat is always up. B = we're usually half-pissed (and thus oblivious) because it's BEER we talk about and we're usually drinking it when we're here. C = you're not using an obviously female name like 'Becky' or 'Kate' of 'Yooper'.

A + B + C = you must have room in yourself to have patience, and realize people make mistakes, especially when you're new and you haven't given them any clues as to who you really are.

Srsly. :eek:

Also srsly, we're glad you're here. I just wanted to explain a bit more clearly what was obviously causing some confusion before people got their knickers in a wad.

Cheers! :mug:


P.S. Remember: Dillettante Waiters Have Abstained, Hoping Breathlessly
I'm with you.

I made my fair share of mistakes my first batch. I cracked it with my SWMBO standing by, giving her fair warning--this is not going to be a work of art.

Her response--"Hey, that's not bad! That doesn't suck at all!"

Whoo hoo! Onto partial grain and better batches!
hehe, I wish I could share in the celebration, my first brew has been bottled for a little over 3 weeks, and I've had a few along the way. It'''s beer. It does have alcohol in it, and it is carbonated, but it's not too great. I don't really know if I did anything wrong, my buddy and I followed the LHBS instructions word for word, and didn't have any significant mishaps. Took a while longer to cool down the wort than we wanted, but besides that, it was pretty straightforward. The resulting product is virtually tasteless and the carbonation is really "hard", if that's the way to describe it--almost like club soda. I've hoped that it would be getting better, and it probably still is a bit green, I'm guessing, but I haven't noticed a significant difference between the day 10 trial and what it is now. I'll still drink it all, and share it with my brewing buddy, but it's not something I want to show off to my friends at all.

Ahh well, hopefully better luck next time....
Just had the same experience with the opening of my first HB about 20 minutes ago, slomo, so I'm raising my glass and seconding your RDWHAHB! :mug:
HER homework And isn't that what being a newb is all about, asking questions?

It annoys me when people who know the answer refuse to give it,


Relax don't worry have a home brew


Should have read the whole thread before responding