first batch a disaster

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Colorado Springs
I got a phone call while I was doing the wort from my brother in law asking me how my first brew was doing....I left out the was right in front of me...anyway, discovered the error when the SG wasnt what it was supposed to be. I havent trashed it all yet, should I? thanks. (yeast already added)
So you boiled specialty grains extract, hops and added the yeast, this is what you have in your fermenter?
Dissolve it in some hot water, cool it then add it to your primary and carefully mix it without over aerating it. Use as little water as possible. Your final brew may be a little lighter than planned but maybe not bad at all. Live and learn.
krakins suggestion is a good one and will work. But if it were me (and trust me I have all made PLENTY brew day mistakes ) since the LME is the bulk of the cost of your recipe, if there is a LHBS you could purchase the the grains, hops and yeast and start over.
LME added.....lots of fermenting bubbles still....let's see what happens....just noticed your second post bad67z.....oh well!
It's all good. When all is said and done, you will have beer. Now it time to get your next one ready to go. Keep us posted on how it turns out in a couple months or so.

the fermentation seems to have accelerated, there is a little foam coming out of the top (wow, a "head" and I haven't even poured it), is that anything to be concerned with? sorry, I've found this question answered elsewhere on this forum.....should have searched first.
I'm only 4 batches in myself, but I added a can of LME directly to my fermenter about 7 days in on my first batch (a 5gal all grain caramel porter) when the wort tasted like slightly flavored water. (a suggestion from the guy at my LHBS when i brought a sample of the wort in for him to taste) It came out with a pretty low ABV, but tastes good, and the longer it's been bottled , the better. Pretty sure that foam is a good sigh that thee fermentation has taken off.
I'm only 4 batches in myself, but I added a can of LME directly to my fermenter about 7 days in on my first batch (a 5gal all grain caramel porter) when the wort tasted like slightly flavored water. (a suggestion from the guy at my LHBS when i brought a sample of the wort in for him to taste) It came out with a pretty low ABV, but tastes good, and the longer it's been bottled , the better. Pretty sure that foam is a good sigh that thee fermentation has taken off.

"sign that the" need to proof read better...
so, here is the feedback: the beer had been in the bottle for two weeks and I opened one. As was projected, the beer was a shade lighter than I expected. the reason why was explained by the proprietor of the local home brew supply store: boiling the LME for an hour will make it darker. the carbonation was right on the money (for two weeks)....very drinkable, but not yet perfect. the flavor is remarkable...most refreshing English Brown I've ever tasted. I taste no alcohol, but POW!