Feedback for Cantaloupe/Kiwi Hazy build

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Jul 15, 2021
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I’m finally building my own recipes and I’m having a blast trying different things. My latest is a cantaloupe/kiwi hazy IPA. I have a tentative recipe and would truly love any tweaks, advice, and/or feedback for this budding brewer. Like, what ingredients may work better than what I have, or anything else that could improve the flavor profile. I want the fruits to really show up

14lb American - Pale 2-Row

3lb Flaked Oaks

1.5lb American - Carapils

Boil Hops: 1oz Azacca, 2oz Huell Melon

Dry Hops: 1.5oz Amarillo, 1.5oz Citra, 1.5oz Ekuanot, 1.5oz Huell Melon

Yeast: Safale US-05
Cantaloupe: ?lbs
Kiwi: ?lbs
Not sure about the fruits but I would add wheat malt and flaked wheat and also maybe not use a yeast that Flocculates out clear like US-05. Maybe try Imperial Yeast Juice or like Wyeast 1318 London ale III.
Are you saying to add the wheat malt and flaked wheat to the existing recipe or have them replace the Flaked Oats and 2-Row?
thank you for letting me pick your brain!
Similar to what @Shermwormbrew said, maybe split the flaked goods 50/50 between flaked oats and flaked wheat?

With these type of beers process is very important, more so than ingredients!

Instead of adding all your hops to the boil, look into "whirlpooling" ("hopstand") after the boil, when your wort has chilled somewhat.
Aside from a 15 IBU bittering charge in the boil, I do a 10' whirlpool at 170F with half the flavor/aroma hops and a second whirlpool addition at 150F for 30' with the leftover half, before chilling down to ferm temps.

Make sure to prevent any air (oxygen) exposure once fermentation starts, all the way down to packaging. Air/oxygen exposure oxidizes beer and kills hop flavor and aroma.

Our main thread about this style of beer:
Are you going to let the fruit ferment out? If so, they won't leave much of their original flavor and aroma behind. Also, most fruit depends on accompanying sugars to exhibit their flavors.
Instead of fruit, maybe use some flavoring (such as Amoretti)? 1 drop of Tangerine extract per 2 ounces of beer gave it just that extra hint.

If you're kegging you could add very finely blended fruit pulp to the keg, and keep it cold. Some pulp may settle out, so agitate it from time to time.
I didn’t even realize the hop additions! Yes I would have a very small bittering addition like 10ibus. And then whirlpool the Azacca and Huell Melon you had originally going into the boil. Whirlpool/steep anywhere from like 150 to 180 for like 20-30 minutes. Then yes have like 20-40 percent of flaked oats and wheat. I also within that 20-40 add in wheat malt. I also mash around 152-155F. Also always control your ferm temp raising it towards the end to encourage a high attenuation of fermentables. And most important don’t do all that work to then let oxygen touch your finished beer.