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My avatar says a full barrel of beer is usually drunk and happy. If I believed in reincarnation I would want to come back as a beer barrel.
My name is from my college days...My name is Jeff and all my college friends called me Jefe, which means 'boss' in spanish and pronounced "heffay"...not because I was the boss but because it slightly resembled my name and The Vol because I went to UT Knoxville for my undergraduate degree.
My profile pic is Dharma Initiative Beer because I love Lost and my Avatar is a custom South Park character if I could be one.

My name and avatar are WVU Mountaineers related.
im colonel forbin. i drug my weary **** ass up the mountain to seek out the great and knowledgeable icculus so that he could call on the famous mockingbird to retrieve the helping friendly book from the evil king wilsons castle so that order would be restored in gamehendge and the lizards could live happily ever after.

But all you really did was allow Errand Wolfe to usurp Wilson's power and toss you in prison to rot. Perhaps this drove you to home brewing? At least you now know that all knowledge seeming innocent and pure becomes a deadly weapon in the hands of avarice and greed. At least Icculus got a giggle out of it. :D
My actual nickname at work is Grid. As in off the grid. I wish that were so, however with long hours at work and limited money, I just dream of being self sufficient. The avatar is the way it was around 1890 and I'm currently putting together a time machine that will run on wind and solar power to get my family back to when it was hard. Kidding, must be some past life coming through.
It was the year 2000 and I started playing a game called Everquest. I couldn't think of a good name so I let the game choose for me, it chose "Lunus". To make it easier for other guild members to know if I was online I made all my characters the same name except the first letter. So I had Lunus, Zunus, Bunus, Kunus, Yunus. When I moved on Yunus stuck. It has ever since. If you see Yunus or Yunus89115 on any forum on the internet, there is a good chance it's me.
I played EQ starting a few months after it came out... I should have used my character's name on forums (Khernan). Ah well, didn't think of it. :)
Last name begins "Wollen" and I'm enjoying brewing... thusly, WollenBrew.
Obviously, I "need" to get an avatar. That'll take some convincing on my part to SWMBO.
It's Pirate Kirk. Kirk always needed an eye patch.

The name I picked up in college. I love Star Trek and my last name is Kirksey, "Kirks" for short.

android = nickname from a baby sitter as a youngster (andrew hoiberg became android hoibot). generic beer can? i dunno, just came to me.
I have been called "BONES" for MANY years and even have it printed on my bussiness cards. It's usually taken on any forums and e-mail so I put the I B in front of it to tell everybody that I Be Bones.
MacGyver, MacBruver. The avatar came from the fact that macbruver sounds pretty similar to MacGruber from the SNL skit... and after seeing the pepsi ad in last year's superbowl, I knew what my avatar would be. With a slight modification, of course. :)

Back in the day, I worked in an office with some friends, and there happened to be 2 too many Jasons. Someone would walk in and say "Hey, Jason" and 3 of us would turn around. To avoid confusion, they started calling me Mason Jaxwell, which is my full name, Jason Maxwell, with the initials reversed. We always thought that making a person's first name possessive (adding an "s") can result in hilarity (Eg: Kevin's Bacon). I hit a character limit trying to register masonsjaxwell somewhere, and so masonsjax was born, and has been my handle everywhere ever since. Fascinating story, I know.

I'll pick an avatar when I finally cough up the funds for a paid account here.
Semi-long story, but since you asked...

Back in the day, there was a chain of pharmacies here in NYC called 'Ricky Love'. My first name is 'Rich'. My friends just started calling me 'Ricky Love' (no meaning whatsoever behind it, they just worked off of the Rich/Ricky tie-in).

When I got into guitar playing, my nickname morphed into 'Fast Ricky Love'. Again, not related to my style or anything, just a play off of a classic R'nR sounding name (like 'Fast Eddie Clark' of Motorhead fame/infamy).

I shorted it to 'Fast Ricky'.
I used to live in Overland Park, KS and I like Land Rovers. So I merged the two into roverlandpark. My avatar isn't appearing yet (too few posts), but it's just a picture of my beer fridge in the garage.
I am a chess player. I will play anyone, anytime, if I think I can beat them.

A passed pawn is the pawn which advances to the last rank on the board and thereby is promoted to a Queen (or other).

Passed pawns rock. They also can be the saving grace in an otherwise lost match. I chose the name after seeing a sticker at a chess tournament that read "Happiness is a Passed Pawn".
When driving a truck, I was known as Bar-B-Que on the radio (CB). That is until a boss of mine, pulled me into the office and told me that I had pulled a "Stunt" and to never pull a "Stunt" again! Days later...as I was explaining, to his boss, that I saw all his dental work, and thought he was going to take a poke at me...I earned the CB handle "Stuntman." None of the drivers liked that @$$ hole so I was an instant hit!

Never can get "Stuntman" (somebody doesn't know that I AM the "Stuntman") so I go with Stuntmantoo, because Stuntman2 is so not me.
My daughter's name is Anna, I'm her Dad, and I like Hockey. Annasdadhockey.
Avatar is her, SWMBO, and myself around the Stanley Cup(hockey)
Worked as a bike messenger in Milwaukee for a while, second best job ever and great memories. I was Yellow. Our crew didn't have numbers, we rolled with colors. Ever since then, I've been yellow.
My avatar is an updated version of our original logo since 1991. A local pizza join that just opened in Austin liked our new logo so much that they copied it exactly. Just discovered it today. Gotta deal with that.

Also have to get around to talking to Briess about thier website. They are using our slogan "Make your own damn beer" without permission. They used a photo they took of one of our tshirts. If you look at the shirt in the photo there is a little TM after the slogan. I guess they missed it. They could at least give us credit or a link if they are going to steal our slogan.

Rant over

My avatar is an updated version of our original logo since 1991. A local pizza join that just opened in Austin liked our new logo so much that they copied it exactly. Just discovered it today. Gotta deal with that.

Also have to get around to talking to Briess about thier website. They are using our slogan "Make your own damn beer" without permission. They used a photo they took of one of our tshirts. If you look at the shirt in the photo there is a little TM after the slogan. I guess they missed it. They could at least give us credit or a link if they are going to steal our slogan.

Rant over


Oh Snap!!! Get Mid Evil on their A$$es!!!
I live in San Diego and I really enjoy fishing. In the summertime we get a nice selection of tuna that enter our waters. There are a couple of forums here focused on fishing in the ocean. Back when I was thinking of a handle for those boards, I thought the word "phat" was cool or something. And phatuna was born.

I also enjoy art and specifically paintings in contemporary style, hence the painted tuna in my avatar.
Currently my avatar is of Bert Grant (RIP) I have a clone beer that is almost ready of one of my favorite beers that changed my mind into liking beer.

He's the man!
My last name is Dunn. So, it's a little play on words.

A while ago I signed up somewhere and there already was a dunnright (not a message board) so I added 00. Now that's my handle everywhere...
When I was in the Air Force I was an instructor in the mighty KC-135R "Stratotanker". It didn't take too big of a stretch to come up with Stratotankard to give it a bit of beer flare. The avatar is a picture of the -135R that has been "Franklinized".

I tied in my handle with my love for homebrewing and my job. I'm on Officer of the finest law enforcement agency in the land. California Highway Patrol. Hoorah! I know, weak handle. Its really ironic though, someone who specializes in arresting DUI drivers is a homebrewer. At least I can testify in court to the fact that I truly am an expert on the effects of alcohol in the body.
i have been using this for a while, mainly because it's easy for me to remember when logging on to multiple sites. i was working for a police department with the initials LPD and my badge number was B185. finally went to a better department, but kept the easy to remember name. nothing spectacular.
Wolfstar is my handle on Astromart.com (I do amateur astrophotography/astronomy and moderate over there)It was easy to remember:drunk:
My avatar is my wolf hybrid Micah enjoying a (mostly) empty bottle of Negra Modello. She likes beer, rocky mountain desert toads, liquor....really anything of the mind altering substance nature...:tank:
Currently my avatar is of Bert Grant (RIP) I have a clone beer that is almost ready of one of my favorite beers that changed my mind into liking beer.

He's the man!

My first craft beer was a Grant's at the Red Robin in Yakima, WA in 1988. I was so full after consuming that tasty beer, but I never went back to the crap that I had been drinking.

I heard that Grant's (first microbrew operation in the U.S....right?) is no longer in business.
Also, I guess I should say that my handle "KEDASH" is taken from my daughter's name (Kennedy), my name (Dan) and my soon-to-be wife's name (Shawn).

I'm thinking of switching to what I usually use, which is "IVECTORYOU." I'm an Air Traffic Controller.

OK, I gotta go sniff some glue now.

well for the first toyota walks over
Score (I am awesome!!!!)
and whale nuts have you seen them and how big the bowhead whale nuts are if so then you will get my name and brew style
My avatar is a paean to the funniest beer commercials since the last Tui ads...Dos Equis "the most interesting man in the world." I thought it brilliant that someone created a new character based on the Chuck Norris Rules that wasn't based on beating people up. Plus, sadly, the years are starting to add up. So a cool old guy I can identify with...even if I am not "cool" anymore.

My handle means I am in favor of real beer. Easy enough.

My signature is a warning. Easy enough.

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