I've been brewing for many years. While my early results were okay, I've grown with homebrewing to the point where my beer results are earning medals. However, my early attempts, many years ago, with plastic buckets and such to make wine has been less than stellar. My wife is the wine drinker and has not liked a bottle of the two wine batches I did 3-5 years ago. My homebrewing equipment has upgraded to all stainless conicals and a glycol chiller for temp control. I primarily keg, but still have a bottle filler and corker. I'd really like to make a batch of wine my wife will love!
I bought a Sauvignon Blanc kit from Wine Co, which is my wife's favorite style of wine. I plan to start this next weekend in my Spike CF-10 SS Conical, then transfer to 'something'. I've read through the instructions and still have a few questions for the experienced wine makers out there:
- I use RO water for brewing, adding brewing salts to specific water profiles. RO can kill yeast without some brewing salts being added, I am just unsure what water profile to try and replicate with Brewfather. Any advice?
- I plan to transfer after a primary in the Spike CF-10 SS conical into some vessel. Could be kegs, could be a plastic bottling bucket, could be a Spike Flex. Or, if I dump the yeast from the bottom of the CF-10, do I need to transfer at all?
- I normally spund my conicals at the end of fermentation up to about 10psi, so that when I cold crash I keep positive pressure in an O2 free environment. I assume none of these techniques are useful here correct? Don't want to make this sparkling wine, I think.
- Degassing...I have a Norcal SS mash paddle that I connect to a drill for doughing-in grains with homebrewing. It is stainless and can easily be sanitized. Sounds like a good degasser, right? Any degassing tips?
- Are kegs an option if I keep them O2 purged but no head pressure? Could put CO2 on to dispense, then disconnect and depressurize? Or, is bottles just easier?
- Temperature control during fermentation...I have a glycol chiller and coils that go into my Spike conicals. The yeast is Lalvin EC-1118, and I do not see anything about optimum fermentation temperatures. I live in SoAZ, so ambient in my house is about 75F. Is there a temp I should hold the primary fermentation at? Secondary?
- I use Tilt hydrometers to monitor my beer fermentations, and I plan to use one with this wine for tracking and knowing when the primary is truly over. Any tips here?
- Any other tips or techniques to make this wine batch the best it can be? Any and all help greatly appreciated!!
I bought a Sauvignon Blanc kit from Wine Co, which is my wife's favorite style of wine. I plan to start this next weekend in my Spike CF-10 SS Conical, then transfer to 'something'. I've read through the instructions and still have a few questions for the experienced wine makers out there:
- I use RO water for brewing, adding brewing salts to specific water profiles. RO can kill yeast without some brewing salts being added, I am just unsure what water profile to try and replicate with Brewfather. Any advice?
- I plan to transfer after a primary in the Spike CF-10 SS conical into some vessel. Could be kegs, could be a plastic bottling bucket, could be a Spike Flex. Or, if I dump the yeast from the bottom of the CF-10, do I need to transfer at all?
- I normally spund my conicals at the end of fermentation up to about 10psi, so that when I cold crash I keep positive pressure in an O2 free environment. I assume none of these techniques are useful here correct? Don't want to make this sparkling wine, I think.
- Degassing...I have a Norcal SS mash paddle that I connect to a drill for doughing-in grains with homebrewing. It is stainless and can easily be sanitized. Sounds like a good degasser, right? Any degassing tips?
- Are kegs an option if I keep them O2 purged but no head pressure? Could put CO2 on to dispense, then disconnect and depressurize? Or, is bottles just easier?
- Temperature control during fermentation...I have a glycol chiller and coils that go into my Spike conicals. The yeast is Lalvin EC-1118, and I do not see anything about optimum fermentation temperatures. I live in SoAZ, so ambient in my house is about 75F. Is there a temp I should hold the primary fermentation at? Secondary?
- I use Tilt hydrometers to monitor my beer fermentations, and I plan to use one with this wine for tracking and knowing when the primary is truly over. Any tips here?
- Any other tips or techniques to make this wine batch the best it can be? Any and all help greatly appreciated!!