Death by Magumba!
I remember visiting my grand/great grandparents when I was little. Poker games would start, so would the whiskey and then every one would be singing tavern songs. It isnt something you hear very often nowadays, at least around here.
Dad and I went out to lunch today and he started to sing one of them:
Any of you all have a favorite tavern drinking song or two? Nothing commercial.
Dad and I went out to lunch today and he started to sing one of them:
Oh, the liquor was spilt on the barroom floor
And the bar was closed for the night
When out of the hole came a little brown mouse
And sat in the pale moon light
He lapped up the liquor on the barroom floor
And back on his haunches he sat
And all night long you could hear him roar
Bring on the god damned cat!
Any of you all have a favorite tavern drinking song or two? Nothing commercial.