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I can't recommend the Goughnuts Maxx toys enough. It's the only thing our ridgeback mix hasn't shredded in less than 5 minutes.

Does anyone find the 25lb weight limit for dogs in a hotel's pet room stupid? Tesla is amazingly well behaved inside. But he is 3.5 x a 25lb dog.

Of course, if he was left alone inside for too long he might get nervous and inhale the sofa.

The other toy I got Gus is one of their black solid rubber balls. Gus does not like the taste but all three of the dogs will chase it.

Wally is 3.8 x 25#'s and would be more likely to re-arrange the furniture in search of a carrot that inhale any furniture. Outside of going to the Track with them, I have given up travelling with the dogs until I get an RV...and ramp for the seniors dogs to get in and out of it.
Does anyone find the 25lb weight limit for dogs in a hotel's pet room stupid? Tesla is amazingly well behaved inside. But he is 3.5 x a 25lb dog.

It's stupid to arbitrarily decide that a small dog is likely to do less damage than a large dog. I've known chihuahuas that shredded couches, furniture, curtains etc cause they're so high strung, while my 85# Rott has never so much as tore up a stuffed toy. He carries them around in his mouth until they're good and juicy, but he doesn't destroy them.
in local news: Ace had been lost, wandering around the Sterling/Herndon/Great Falls area for 3 weeks. any time someone saw him, despite being told not to try and approach or call him, people did and 3 times he had run into traffic and been hit by cars

this story has a happy ending; someone was able to trap him in their backyard and he and his owners have been reunited. after a visit to the vet, Ace is now resting comfortably at home with the people who love him

if you've ever had a dog run away, remember; when all else is lost, there is always hope. never give that up.

Welcome home, ACE!

Does anyone find the 25lb weight limit for dogs in a hotel's pet room stupid?

My female terrier, who weighs around 5 kg (11 lbs), can and will do far more damage than my male terrier who weighs 15 kg. I don't leave them together when nobody's home - not because I'm scared of his behaviour, rather hers.

Mutts are great. Rescue mutts are the best.


Normally I have to agree but I am about to rescue a pure-bred St Bernard was was used as a puppy-mill breeder for 6 years (so even if my preference is mutts I have to keep it to myself). I am excited to pick her up tomorrow.

All my dogs are/were rescues and this one if the first "papered" rescue. Will be interesting to see if there is a difference. No matter what, a giant breed 7-year-old in apparent perfect health is always a welcome addition to my home for canine senior citizens.
This is Moz! He's still a pup (~6 months), so he'll be in the kitchen with me for his first brewing session soon. He's a rescued beagle/retriever mix.

Probably a witbier, named after his big brother, Shorty. Shorty is 14, and old hat at the smells coming out of the kitchen during brewing. He's a Pembroke corgi/Schipperke mix (as best as we can tell).



No matter what, a giant breed 7-year-old in apparent perfect health is always a welcome addition to my home for canine senior citizens.

Three cheers for old dogs. Puppies are cute and all, but an old dog is a furry extension of the human soul.
Three cheers for old dogs. Puppies are cute and all, but an old dog is a furry extension of the human soul.

That and they fit my not-so-active lifestyle. Once you take care of any behavioral issues, all they want is enough activity to keep them limber. The rest is time spent sleeping or getting their head petted while watching TV or pondering why those silly humans are doing work.
Meet Troy. He's a German shepherd, husky mix rescue that I adopted 2 years ago. Parvo survivor and the best friend I could ask for.

So is he stubborn like a Husky or more driven/task oriented like GSD? One of the best dogs I even had was a Husky but teaching her that I was the boss took over two years (she was 3-years-old when I got her and had NO training or socialization).

Congrats on what appears to be a great dog.
Hera, formerly Bella, is slowly integrating into the pack. My young one, Gus, is a fear barking and occasionally nipping at her. Roxy, my pretty girl...dumb as a box of hair...tried a dominance play and failed. Overall, damaged goods integration into the pack normal stuff.

She nipped me on pick-up but is already bonded to me.

This one is going to be difficult due to one mostly unsocialized dog already recently finding his place in the pack. The alpha was put to sleep not more than 5 weeks ago and no clear new alpha has emerged. My old guy is unphased but everyone else is on edge...but here is an action pic anyway

So is he stubborn like a Husky or more driven/task oriented like GSD? One of the best dogs I even had was a Husky but teaching her that I was the boss took over two years (she was 3-years-old when I got her and had NO training or socialization).

Congrats on what appears to be a great dog.

He's a pretty stubborn guy. Very smart and the most loyal dog I've ever had. He likes tasks/games but seems to get bored pretty quick with them.
Honestly............ I'll probably never have a dog..... I have no need of my OWN dog.... the last one was in 1977. Since then I have had dogs as working partners..... other people's dogs.... and as friends and companions.......... other people's dogs. I currently have two good buddies...... Other people's dogs........ who hang out with me a lot. We have a relationship of trust and friendship...... they would do anything for me and go anywhere with me at the drop of a hat......But they have homes and their homes are NOT here. If I take off for a couple of weeks, I don't have to worry about dog sitters, or motels that are canine friendly..... They're there when I leave and there when I come back..... somebody else pays their vet bills........ Why would I want my own dog?? ......................

Honestly............ I'll probably never have a dog..... I have no need of my OWN dog.... the last one was in 1977. Since then I have had dogs as working partners..... other people's dogs.... and as friends and companions.......... other people's dogs. I currently have two good buddies...... Other people's dogs........ who hang out with me a lot. We have a relationship of trust and friendship...... they would do anything for me and go anywhere with me at the drop of a hat......But they have homes and their homes are NOT here. If I take off for a couple of weeks, I don't have to worry about dog sitters, or motels that are canine friendly..... They're there when I leave and there when I come back..... somebody else pays their vet bills........ Why would I want my own dog?? ......................


So, you're saying you're dogless? That's cool, if you're into that kinda empty life. Only couples in love should have dogs to raise them properly, and you better not be tricked into getting a dog... Similar to kids... Beating them is not humane either, like kids.

#feeding the troll
Honestly............ I'll probably never have a dog..... I have no need of my OWN dog.... the last one was in 1977. Since then I have had dogs as working partners..... other people's dogs.... and as friends and companions.......... other people's dogs. I currently have two good buddies...... Other people's dogs........ who hang out with me a lot. We have a relationship of trust and friendship...... they would do anything for me and go anywhere with me at the drop of a hat......But they have homes and their homes are NOT here. If I take off for a couple of weeks, I don't have to worry about dog sitters, or motels that are canine friendly..... They're there when I leave and there when I come back..... somebody else pays their vet bills........ Why would I want my own dog?? ......................


Wow........what a great .........story...... That's great you....... don't have to own your own......... dog..... And instead can hang...... out with other people's dogs with no responsibility...................
Honestly............ I'll probably never have a dog..... I have no need of my OWN dog.... the last one was in 1977. Since then I have had dogs as working partners..... other people's dogs.... and as friends and companions.......... other people's dogs. I currently have two good buddies...... Other people's dogs........ who hang out with me a lot. We have a relationship of trust and friendship...... they would do anything for me and go anywhere with me at the drop of a hat......But they have homes and their homes are NOT here. If I take off for a couple of weeks, I don't have to worry about dog sitters, or motels that are canine friendly..... They're there when I leave and there when I come back..... somebody else pays their vet bills........ Why would I want my own dog?? ......................


Why do anything or take any responsibility if someone else will do it for you?

My favorite part about this's signed "H.W"........acronym for hardware........synonymous with "tool".........fitting

This is Moz! He's still a pup (~6 months), so he'll be in the kitchen with me for his first brewing session soon. He's a rescued beagle/retriever mix.

Probably a witbier, named after his big brother, Shorty. Shorty is 14, and old hat at the smells coming out of the kitchen during brewing. He's a Pembroke corgi/Schipperke mix (as best as we can tell).

Good looking dogs!

The little guy/girl in the background does a nice plank too.
Wow........what a great .........story...... That's great you....... don't have to own your own......... dog..... And instead can hang...... out with other people's dogs with no responsibility...................
Guess (hope) he'll never have kids either.

Got to admit thought. This is exactly how I feel about my four grandkids. :D

There's a development in the corner of the farm field where we walk our dog. Mostly city people who felt the need to move to the country. Seems like half the houses have golden labs. We call them the Stepford dogs. The owner don't walk their dogs. At best, they take the dog some place, other than their own yard to poop, and then go home. These people would be better off with one of those big stuffed dogs you win at a carnival.
Guess (hope) he'll never have kids either.

Got to admit thought. This is exactly how I feel about my four grandkids. :D

There's a development in the corner of the farm field where we walk our dog. Mostly city people who felt the need to move to the country. Seems like half the houses have golden labs. We call them the Stepford dogs. The owner don't walk their dogs. At best, they take the dog some place, other than their own yard to poop, and then go home. These people would be better off with one of those big stuffed dogs you win at a carnival.

This is exactly the point............ There are far too many dogs around as it is.... The dogs are penned up in the yard all day while the owner is at work, etc......or running loose, or barking all day long because they're bored silly.

I frankly don't understand the attitude that by choosing NOT to have a dog of my own, I'm somehow "avoiding responsibility" or shirking a duty of some sort......... It's an odd and twisted way of looking at things in a world with too many dogs / problem dogs. I look at it as taking responsibility rather than avoiding responsibility. Taking responsibility for NOT having dogs. One neighbor across the street has 3 dogs, two of which are locked in a kennel most of the time and bark all day long. Next to him are a family with 3 toddlers and 3 dogs that run loose all the time. Next down the street are two more dogs that roam free in a family of 4. In the other direction is the ONLY responsible dog owner. The dogs are well cared for and spend their days in a large fenced yard, and move in and out of the house when they are home........ which is a considerable part of the day.

I've lived around many irresponsible dog owners, and to hear someone accuse me of avoiding taking responsibility in choosing NOT to have a dog is laughable!! I consider it the responsible choice.

I've lived around many irresponsible dog owners, and to hear someone accuse me of avoiding taking responsibility in choosing NOT to have a dog is laughable!! I consider it the responsible choice.


Your original post was a bit off-putting for the core audience of the thread so you should expect a minor amount of animosity. This is somewhat misplaced but look back at the context of how many of these folks have rescue dogs (me included) that are the definition of the opposite attitude of what you described.

So it is not your comment, it is your lack of understanding of the majority of the thread that caused at least one person to lash out.

That said, your comment about many dog owners not taking responsibility for the requirements of "ownership" is dead on. How do you think folks like me end up with abused, neglected and overbred dogs? I applaud your effort to spend time with under-appreciated dogs but just temper the the rhetoric with knowledge that many of us are the next or last stop for those under-appreciated dogs.
What's confusing and laughable is why you'd want to post in a thread which is obviously not inhabited by irresponsible dog owners.

My original post was intended to point out that not everybody needs to own a dog to enjoy them........

Many years ago I lived in a fourplex and two families in neighboring apartments had dogs that spent a great deal of time just hanging out with nothing to do....... Their owners worked days, I worked nights, and we were all pretty good friends... unlike a lot of neighbors today. I got off work at 2:30 AM, and in the summer, after breakfast, I often loaded both dogs up in my pickup and took them out in the mountains that surrounded the town (needless to say nobody objected)... I'd often unload both of them, and put the pickup in low gear, and idle along at about 15 mph for 5 miles or so to burn off excess dog energy. We'd usually hike a few miles on some trail or other......... It was the high point of their day. They were always eager to see me, and more so to go for a drive. I virtually lived in the mountains in those days........ When I wasn't working or sleeping, I was exploring, hiking, fishing, etc.... I could walk out my door, and cross the foot bridge right next to the house, and within less than a quarter mile I was in the woods....... I could fish the river for miles upstream........ No homes, a railroad on one side. My dog buddies often accompanied me...... they never strayed far, and always looked forward to those lazy summer days when I would just stash the fishing pole, grab my stringer of fish, and jump in the river and swim/drift several miles home to cool off........ I led a "life of Riley" in those days.... and the two dogs always had a great time. I often grabbed the neighbor kid 12.... a couple of houses down too.......Needless to say I didn't "drag him kicking and screaming all the way"....... About 10 years ago I took a friend's wife and young daughter on a week's vacation with me.......... I someone going to chastise me because he worked to support them, and I got the benefit of their company for only the gas money motels, and food for a week??

The good old days ;-) ............. The fellow I worked with at the mill, often dropped by on the way to work, and we'd load my kayak in his pickup so I could paddle the 11 miles home from work in the wee hours of the morning...... down two rivers, over a small spillway (about 8' drop)..... no real rapids. A wonderful moonlight trip with the river to myself. My former river bank home is now a small office complex, and dogs go to dog parks with their owners chasing them around with a pooper scooper....

Dogs, like children lead richer lives when they interact with more people.......... They understand the concept of family, but also of friends and community.

My original post was intended to point out that not everybody needs to own a dog to enjoy them........

Again, I think you're missing the point of the thread. That would be like going on a homebrewing forum and posting up a long post pointing out that not everyone needs to brew beer to enjoy it..... No matter how true it may be, it's incredibly misdirected in your choice of audience.
Haterz gonna hate.

Oden 9yrs. Thinks he's a puppy still but i can tell he's showing down.
Bah! He is but a pup. He does look content.

Well cared for and a little lucky, he should still have a few years. Wally is just now reaching a point that the ex-wife an I made "the list" of items that qualify as the end of a high quality of life for Wally. He is 15 and a Bernese Mount Dog that have an average life expectancy of 8. He probably has 6-12 months left in him.
Hera, formerly Bella, is slowly integrating into the pack. My young one, Gus, is a fear barking and occasionally nipping at her. Roxy, my pretty girl...dumb as a box of hair...tried a dominance play and failed. Overall, damaged goods integration into the pack normal stuff.

She nipped me on pick-up but is already bonded to me.

This one is going to be difficult due to one mostly unsocialized dog already recently finding his place in the pack. The alpha was put to sleep not more than 5 weeks ago and no clear new alpha has emerged. My old guy is unphased but everyone else is on edge...but here is an action pic anyway
This was such an understatement. Hera is proving a test for my love of rescuing damaged dogs. She is picking fights with two of my three existing pack at every turn. No injuries to the point but she cannot be left unsupervised at this point in their presence (even to go to the basement for a homebrew!). A simple hand on her collar stops the attack instantly (on her side) but the other dogs are avoiding her as a result.

The fostermom said it took 7-10 days before everyone settled out at her place so I am still hopeful. Sadly, she also is not eating much (which the foster said was a challenge for the first few days as well).

She is a huge cuddler and follows my everywhere. She is very good with other people but this has to correct itself with the other dogs.
Can someone please promise me that my long posts don't read like Ive tripped over a keyboard thrice? I'd appreciate it.