Do you ever drink BMC?

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I don't do Bud, Miller, Coors at all. I will do PBR (very good). I'll do Sam Adams, Blue Moon, or whatever they have other than BMC. That is just me, I drank too many of them before I knew what good beer was, and won't go back.
I will go for the 'King' frequently. Hard to find a more consistant product on the planet. I always know what I am getting and it is still a good beer.

Say what you want about BMC, but do you really hate the beer or the companies and their practices in the marketplace?
I dont think there is anything wrong with a BMC, especially if its free or when you are gonna be outside for hours on a hot day. The thing that I can't stand is when I got a professional sporting event... $7-$8 for 16 oz of BMC? R U KIDDING ME!!!!! :drunk:
I got a 30-pack of Busch Light left over from my BIL's wedding this weekend. WTF am I going to do with that?? But they had 2.5 of them left over when the drunks went and bought 3 more (cause the bride said that 1 30-pack was not enough...)

I suppose I could drink them after working out on the bike... Almost as refreshing as water.
I got a 30-pack of Busch Light left over from my BIL's wedding this weekend. WTF am I going to do with that??

Shake it up and use it for target practice!!!
I got a 30-pack of Busch Light left over from my BIL's wedding this weekend. WTF am I going to do with that??

Occasionally, when I have BMC friends over, it is nice to have a glass of BMC swill to do a side-by-side comparison. Yea, you need to pour the BMC into a nice glass to accentuate the lameness. Mich Ultra is a fine example of a glass of nothingness.

Even the die-hard *-Light fans will find their regular drink lame sitting next to a glass of homebrew.
After years of not drinking a BMC, I recently drank a cold Coors Light. It hit the spot.
I only drink BMC when I am out on the boat (where cans are kind of a necessity) and someone else brings them. But now, Santa Fe Brewing Co. is putting their beers in the can so no more of that BMC piss for me!! I'll be drinking Happy Camper IPA from now on.
I will never, under any circumstances, drink cheap, crappy beer. Anything by Bud, Miller, Coors, Michelob, Corona, PBR, or anything like those.

It's mainly because of the unbearable taste and the nauseous feeling I get in my stomach.

It's also because of what choices those companies make. They are the Walmart of beer. Just like Walmart, they make it clearly obvious that they choose to make their products for as cheap as possible with complete disregard to quality. I believe that these companies function together as a monopsony in this particular market segment, as their buying power dwarfs the remaining market. The more money they make from their drinkers, the more money they spend on eliminating the competition of good beer.

I can't sacrifice ethics to be sociable, and I don't binge drink. I would much rather have water, anyway.
I actually like a Bud every once in a while. I dig rice adjuncts in light lagers.
What I have noticed, however, since I started homebrewing...

I can really notice the effects of age, storage, and mostly oxidation. Sometimes I'll get a good 'bud', but more often than not the oxidation really shows. And sucks.

As for the M & C... not unless I have to.
I had a budweiser out of a can the other night, really hit the spot.

I drink a lot of bud, heineken, stella, quilmes, and brahama... mainly because that is the only selection I can get... when I run out of homebrew.
After years of not drinking a BMC, I recently drank a cold Coors Light. It hit the spot.

I had a coors light a couple nights ago, at a dinner at someone's house, and it was terrible. I don't know if it had been poorly kept, or whatever, but it was hot, an just plain bad.

I drink quite a bit of miller light ($3 pitcher after softball).
It was said best above, just because I enjoy a $40 steak doesn't mean I don't enjoy a $.99 cheeseburger sometimes. I'll drink cheap beer fairly regularly because it's refreshing and it's still beer.

I find the whole crusader attitude tiring. "Oh, this beer is beneath me". It's like talking to a preachy Vegan. We get it, you've got particular eating/drinking habits. It doesn't make you cool. :fro:
I drink BMC when courtesy dictates it. When my boss or a host hands me an open can or bottle I take it, thank them and stop at one. Other than that, if BMC is the only thing available I drink regular water.
My mother taught me to be polite and thank people even when they are handing me a pile of shyte.

Exactly. You won't catch me buying it though. I don't want to support companies that make it more difficult for craft beer to get to my local store's shelf.
If it's free I will drink it. I refuse to spend my own money on it though. Last time I had bmc was last Thanksgiving. This year I plan on fixing that by bringing some of my homebrew.
Just like Walmart, they make it clearly obvious that they choose to make their products for as cheap as possible with complete disregard to quality.

No company stays in business with a "complete disregard for quality". In fact, they are just making the product that the American palate asks for. If people didn't drink it, they wouldn't make it. If most beer drinkers thought it was "crappy", they wouldn't drink it. Ergo, if it was "crappy", they wouldn't be in business.

I'm also not convinced they are making it as *cheaply* as possible... again, adjuncts aren't an automatic "crappifier".

Just say you don't agree with their ethics and that you like fuller-flavored beer... no need to get sanctimonious. Of course, it seems you're a bit partial to this tactic judging by a certain lolzy atheist site in your sig.
Just say you don't agree with their ethics and that you like fuller-flavored beer... no need to get sanctimonious. Of course, it seems you're a bit partial to this tactic judging by a certain lolzy atheist site in your sig.

Ziiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggg :ban:

I'll drink (a Bud) to that :mug:
I drank Bud light for 15 years. Only Bud light. I was turned on to Guinness and then and many different styles of German beers.. Then I started Homebrewing. Bud light is undrinkable to me now.
I drank Bud light for 15 years. Only Bud light. I was turned on to Guinness and then and many different styles of German beers.. Then I started Homebrewing. Bud light is undrinkable to me now.

I share the same experience. I used to drink total crap because it was cheap. I knew it was crap, but I bought it anyway (like most of the people who drink it) because it was cheap.

Why is it so cheap? Because they cut every corner they can... especially with their ingredients. They buy/grow the cheapest (therefore, crappiest) ingredients and use as little as they can. It's all genetically modified rice and corn. They use the smallest amount of hops and grain possible; therefore, it is of the lowest quality. There it is... the proof of their complete disregard for quality. They might as well ship the ingredients from China while they're at it! That is when they will merge with Walmart. Those bastids...
Let me say this first... I'm a beer nerd. I love beer, good beer. I really don't like fizzy yellow water at all. However my father in law is an old cowboy (literally) and doesn't really get craft beer. So when the family and I go to visit and he offers me a Budweiser I can't say no, and typically end up drinking a few.
Honestly i cant say i do. Low as i go is Fosters on cruises. Damn drinks are so expensive but Fosters are two pisses for the price of one.
I have to because of where I am. Micros and specialty beer are non existant outside of a few restaurants, even the bars tend to only go BMC. So if I am outside my house and 95% of anywhere else, Coors Lite gets the job done.
If I'm offered a BMC, sure.

High Life is the only American Lager I go out and buy. That's the staple macro for summer time fun and camping.
Absolutely. When I'm offered a beer, I always say yes, thank you. My father-in-law pretty much only drinks Bud Light and he never keeps it in the fridge since he says cold beer gives him bellyaches. So lukewarm Bud Light is a staple of visits at my in-laws.

The only other liquor he drinks is gin with water, at about a 1/10 ratio. That I usually turn down though or I bring my own tonic water.

I also sit in with bands (less and less, sadly) and you always get offered BMC at these types of venues and you can't exactly bring your own (wether craft or homebrew) at a bar. Same thing with fishing: can I pitcure hiking 4 miles with the outboard motor on my shoulder and drinking a stout in a pint glass afterwards ? Hell no, give me the cheap malt flavoured water straight from the can.
Why is it so cheap? Because they cut every corner they can... especially with their ingredients. They buy/grow the cheapest (therefore, crappiest) ingredients and use as little as they can. It's all genetically modified rice and corn. They use the smallest amount of hops and grain possible; therefore, it is of the lowest quality. There it is... the proof of their complete disregard for quality. They might as well ship the ingredients from China while they're at it! That is when they will merge with Walmart. Those bastids...

It's cheap because of economies of scale and the inherent efficiencies in the supply/creation process when they're brewing so much beer at a time.
How is growing their own barley a bad thing? Is it cheap and crappy when Rogue does it? How about SN? The amount of hops and grain in the beer is not an indicator of quality, it's an indicator of flavor. Or is a barleywine automatically a "higher quality" beer than a pale ale because it uses MORE barley and hops?

The fact is the levels that the big 3 go to for their quality control border on OCD obsessiveness. They're making a very specific product for a market that has a very low tolerance for error or change. It's completely ignorant of the brewing process to declare the beer "low quality" because you don't like the flavor.

Do you think you, as a homebrewer, could brew a beer that could fool a Bud Light drinker, and do it cheaply? If it's so cheap and crappy, anyone could do it right? Hell, the stuff you get at the homebrew store must be 10x the quality! Good 2 row, not like the crappy 2 row the other brewers use!
If I'm offered a BMC, sure.

High Life is the only American Lager I go out and buy. That's the staple macro for summer time fun and camping.

Loving the love for High Life in this thread. Not a bad beer at all. Somehow people I know put it in the same category as the super cheap/crappy brands, but IMO it stacks up well against any American Lagers.

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