Cider in Mississippi

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2011
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I live in northeast Mississippi and I brew beer. I would like to try a cider just 'cuz. My first big problem is where to get juice. My second problem what recipie to use.

I found two apple orchards using google but they are each an hour and a half away. I don't think that is an option but you are welcome to try to prove me wrong. I can go to a grocery store and buy cider but how do I know which ones to use? What chemicals do I specifically avoid. recommended Musselman's Apple Cider, but I would like other options as well.

I would like a result with a little remaining sweetness and about as much tartness as a typical grocery store cider but less than commercial Woodchuck cider. Give me a recipe. Try to sell me on your recipe. Half the fun of brewing is imagining how good a brew would taste.
You might try Ed Wort's Apfelwein:

Or you might try my fav, Brandon O's Graff:

Either one uses plain old, ordinary apple juice from the supermarket; tho if you can obtain better juice, by all means, go for it!

Graf is a very forgiving & extremely versatile recipe. I've been experimenting with different grains & malt extracts, and have even added caraway seed (which is just AWESOME btw).

Apfelwein is the easiest thing in the world to make & you can get creative with it too, but I think it takes longer to get really good, whereas Graf only takes about the same time as an APA extract kit.

There are quite a few recipes in the recipe database:

Just be sure to avoid juice with sorbate; most juice companies add ascorbic acid (vitamin C) & that's just fine, no worries with that, other preservatives/chemicals are to be avoided.
Hope this info helps. Regards, GF.