Brewing DIY injury Mega thread.

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Sep 5, 2012
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So on a whim I was thinking while looking at a 1" long gash on my finger and a pool of blood in the sink. Maybe we can learn from our mistakes.

Whats the worst, coolest, oddest injury you got from a DIY project for brewing related stuff?

I'll start with I sliced my finger foolishly cutting a hose for my Keezer build.:smack:

Now I am recovering with a beer in front of the TV. Seems like a good night to relax now.
Mine was also while working on my keezer. It turns out that the threads on my regulator are actually quite sharp. I ended up with 7 slices in a row on my thumb and forefinger. In the end I did what I should have done in the first place and watched a video on how to disassemble a regulator. That was the worst visible injury. But I have hurt my back plenty of times lifting too much wort.
Mine was while carving a tap handle. I was using a chisel to take off big pieces of wood, chisel slipped right into my finger. Had about a 1/2" cut down to the bone. It's currently in the healing process.
If you're looking for gore, there's no end of horror stories in the various "broken carboy" threads. Some of the pics are about as gruesome as it gets...

Cheers! :drunk:
I was foolishly trying to remove the old o-rings off my ball lock posts with a knife. Ended up slicing through the middle of top index finger digit, skipping off the bone, and through the top of the digit, fingernail and all. It made one hell of a bloody mess. Never went to the hospital, just did the heavy tape and super glue trick. I still had some antibiotics on hand and took those to stave off infection.
Burned my shin a few years ago moving a hot, half full bk from a burner stand to the floor. Wish I had pics! It got all kinds o' nasty...
Several burns on the inside of my arm while pouring strike/mash out water from the kettle to the mash tun.
when I started extract brewing I put boiling wort in the extract container and put the lid on and started to swirl it to get all the extract and yes it blew up in my face like the worse case of sunburn ever
I bought a couple cases of old longnecks from someone on Craigslist. They were Blatz bottles from the 1970s (the case boxes had price tags of $3.99!). The crud that was fossilized on the bottoms was likely there from the beginning.

I filled my laundry sink with hot water and put in a bunch of bottles to soak. Later, I reached in to pull one out and, unbeknownst to me, the mouth had broken off, leaving a nice sharp ring of glass for me to grab. It sliced a nice gash on my forefinger. I wrapped it with gauze and headed to the nearest urgent care. Luckily it didn't need stitches; the doc closed it up with CA glue.

I tossed those nasty bottles in the recycling bin. Not worth shedding blood over.
hole saw, meet top of left hand. match made in kegerator hell. so thats what the top of my hand looks like, on the inside... paper towel wrap and finished the job. thought I was in for a staph infection but got lucky. carry-on fellow brewers, there's $hit to be done...and who better to do-it than our damn-selves.
While welding up my brew stand I-found an exposed wire from my welding machine with my inner thigh. Let me tell you that will wake you up better then coffee

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