Bottle Conditioned Beer

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario
[RANT] Stop bottle conditioning beer! I freaking hate buying bottle conditioned beer. If you feel you must bottle condition Put a giant freaking sticker saying its bottle conditioned on it! I hate when I travel somewhere and pick up few "new" beers to try and end up pouring myself a glass full of yeast at some point. Don't do it or label it! [rant]
Or you could learn to love the yeast, and LIVING BEERS.....or at least learn to pour to the shoulder, and pour all beers that way.


Bottle conditioned beers rule!!!!
Well, I'd keg but I just don't have the space.

Also, you are insane. Some of the best beers in the world are bottle conditioned. Get over it, and learn how to pour.
It's all great and dandy if you know its bottle conditioned. I have no problem pouring a beer. its the crap shoot that pisses me off, I'll be happily dumping them and bam one is bottle conditioned. I need more structure in my life than that. what would the world think if bud started bottle conditioning 1 of every 6 bottles
I'll be happily dumping them and bam one is bottle conditioned.

Then don't DUMP any beer into a glass, pour it gently down the side of the glass, watching the shoulder and seeing if there's any sediment coming up.

Geez, you big galloot, I thought you all were more civilized up there in our Northern Suburbs. ;)

...what would the world think if bud started bottle conditioning 1 of every 6 bottles

That suddenly one out of every six bottles of Bud actually tastes pretty damn good for a change.

I've just acquired Ontario's discovery pack 3. I'm going to drink and enjoy every one without the fear of yeast invasion.

for what it's worth I'm just finishing Bells best brown ale. Luckily this was only my second and I noticed the yeast before my glass was full of it.

But now to some tasty Ontario brews
Then don't DUMP any beer into a glass, pour it gently down the side of the glass, watching the shoulder and seeing if there's any sediment coming up.

Geez, you big galloot, I thought you all were more civilized up there in our Northern Suburbs. ;)

That suddenly one out of every six bottles of Bud actually tastes pretty damn good for a change.


wow it's been a while since I've been referred to as civilized :) you fancy folks and your fancy pouring. I think I'm doing good now that I pour into a glass not just down my throat.

What Ontario brews are you imbibing next? I think I need to cross the blue water bridge one day an peruse the selections at the beer store, or lcbo or whatever place is in sarnia.

I do know however from drinking a can of Alexander Keith's Ipa, that they sure as heck know that an Ipa is supposed to contain hops. :D
I think if you automatically are just dumping your beers into your glass, you're not pouring right for ANY beer. For lots of beers you'll end up with a 6 inch head on the damn thing.
LOL you gotta watch that Kieth's.

discovery pack 3 contains

Paddy's irish red
Muskoka Cream Ale
Devil's Pale ale
Nickle Brook lager
Wellington County Dark Ale
Neustadt Lager

I've tried the irish red and the devils ale both have been very good. I started the evening off with the bells best brown I enjoyed that too, then to the dogfishhead 120 sickly sweet I didn't enjoy that one. I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of them now :)

The wife liked the bells and the irish red, meh on the devil and gagged on the 120
holy crap when did my membership expire, now I'm just a half drunk freeloader. as I'm only half drunk I'll wait untll the morning to pull out the credit card thats a lot of numbers to type
If you feel you must bottle condition Put a giant freaking sticker saying its bottle conditioned on it!

I could live with that. As long as they would also be required to state whether it's been bottle conditioned with the original yeast strain so we can harvest it.
Yeah, Rogue. Listen up! (or send me some Pacman) :p

Actually with Rogue it's pretty easy to tell....on the bombers at least.

They all contain pacman to one degree or another.

If it actually says the word "Pacman" on the silkscreened label, it's bottle conditioned with a decent amount of sediment to harvest. Like Brutal Bitter, Shakespear stout.

If it doesn't, like with Dead Guy, it's been filtered, so there's almost no sediment. BUT people still have had success harvesting from it.

But I ususally just stick to the ones that actually have it on the label, and I've had good success. Or I have mixed the dregs of a deadguy with one of the others and have had success that way.

It doesn't appear that 12 ounces deadguys have enough to harvest. I think someone tried to do an entire six pack with no luck.
I could live with that. As long as they would also be required to state whether it's been bottle conditioned with the original yeast strain so we can harvest it.

Very few bottle conditioned beers use a separate strain at bottling. There's really no point to doing that.

The only ones that do primarily are the Belgians, they guard their strains like fort knox from that (since a lot of their strains are century old proprietary strains developed through open fermentation and therefore containing wild cultures from the air within the brewery itself, so they are pretty unique and therefore "trade secrets."

At least to their way of thinking.

Those are the ones that have a secondary strain for bottling.

The others are usually extremely high gravity beers like long aged barleywines and things like that. And you wouldn't want that fermentation yeast anyway, it would be pretty stressed out .

ANd the rest are pretty much covered here, or by

Or by googling a phrase such as "Harvesting (Beer Name) Yeast" to see if anyone on any forum or website has had any luck.

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