Beer Smith info gone!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2010
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So I did the responsible thing and backed my computer up to my external hard drive which sent my Beer Smith info to it (made sure that it showed up on the transfer but didn't think to open it). After reformatting my computer I sent everything back to it that I needed (Beer Smith included). I tried to re-install BeerSmith from my hard drive and it came up with an error.

Underlining question... Did I really just loss 4 years of tweaking and perfecting all my recipes? I printed and kept many of them in my brewing book(BeerSmith recipe prints) but can't find about an 1/8 of them.... NOOOOOOOOOOO, Might have to switch to liquor tonight!
That sucks! Sorry to hear that. While I store BeerSmith on my computer (actually on two, at home and work), I store the data files on an online storage site, As long as they don't go down, I should not lose my recipes.

Maybe if you reinstalled Beersmith from scratch by downloading it again, you will be able to import your recipe files from the external drive or the hard drive?
i just started a thread on backups and BS on their forums. my laptop died that had BS on it but i had crashplan online backup. i managed to recover my beersmith files but re-intergrating them into BS didn't exactly go according to plan. first of all every time i changed a recipe crashplan saved a new copy of it. so for some recipes i had 20-30 duplicates. secondly it was not as easy as a drag and drop procedure. i had to manually click on each recipe file which would open it in BS, save the recipe in BS, close BS and move on to the next recipe. i had 500 files to do this with (many of them duplicates). i also never figured out how to recover my equipment and custom profiles. not fun.
here is how it is supposed to work so start here:,10353.msg42999.html#msg42999

if not try what i did. do a clean install of beersmith on your computer. go to your external harddrive saved beersmith folder in my documents and find the beersmith recipes. click on one and see if it opens up in beersmith - if it does DO NOT save the file (that will just create a duplicate of the already existing file). instead rename the menu file to something that will allow you to organize the files like "saison NEW". because you opened it in BS it should now be able to find the path to it.
Thanks for the info. Sadly my external HD was corrupted beyond use and the company replaced it for free (under warranty).