Another Yeast Starter Q

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Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Fe, NM
I read several threads and didn't see this answered if I missed it sorry for the repost.

So using the handy Mr. Malty link I need to make 1L of starter with 1 pack of liquid yeast. Do I smack the yeast pack and let it bloat and then add it to the boiled and cooled DME+water? Or do I just cut the thing open and add it? Or is there another answer I haven't thought of?

And a few definitions are requested. Simple Starter vs. Intermittant Shaking? And what is Simple with 02 at start? I assume Constant Aeration is basically a bubbler which I dont have and a Stir Plate is that piece of Lab Equipment i used in high school whcih I also don't have.

I am hoping to brew tommorow so I will use the method I have read that is using some of the DME from the recipe in a starter today and pitching the whole thing in tomorrow at the appropriate temp.


(EDIT: horrible spelling errors)
Yep smack it and let it swell before you pitch into starter.

Simple starter is just letting the starter sit and do its thing while intermittent shaking is shaking whenever you walk by or think of it to agitate the starter. Simple with 02 is oxygen injection and letting it sit. Your other assumptions are correct.

Good luck and have fun.
I'll second that. I always smack my packs a few hours before making the starter too. I also use yeast nutrient to ensure the beer making crew is healthy.
Thanks, and for further clarification how does one inject 02? Logically the more oxygen I can get into the started the better, right?
Most people inject 02 via an aeration stone. IMO a stir plate is really the way to go, and relatively easy to build yourself. I believe there are several threads regarding the construction, or most good size online shops have them for sale.
Thanks, and for further clarification how does one inject 02? Logically the more oxygen I can get into the started the better, right?

For oxygenating starters this is where stir plates come in handy. The stir bar constantly swirls the starter around and allows oxygen to easily enter the starter wort.

Do a search here for stir plates and you'll see a lot of threads of people making them easily at home with little more than a computer fan, a magnet, and simple electrical components. Or you can buy one already made for typically less than $40.
Do I smack the yeast pack and let it bloat and then add it to the boiled and cooled DME+water?

Starter FAQ
And a few definitions are requested. Simple Starter vs. Intermittant Shaking? And what is Simple with 02 at start? I assume Constant Aeration is basically a bubbler which I dont have and a Stir Plate is that piece of Lab Equipment i used in high school whcih I also don't have.

Logically the more oxygen I can get into the started the better, right?

You'd think so, but no. There comes a point that too much oxygen is toxic to yeast. However, you can't get to those levels with shaking, aquarium pumps, or stir plates. If you're injecting pure 02 you can though.