Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I'm in the very early stages of planning an an electric upgrade to my brewery setup and was hoping that you could help steer me in the right direction with some questions I have. Fair disclosure, I'm a total electricity newb. Here's where I'm starting from and what I'm looking to do.
I'm currently brewing 5 gallon batches inside and will be doing so for the next year or two, before moving outside and hopefully increasing batch size. I'd ultimately like to build a RIMS system capable of reliable producing 10 gallon batches. The long term plan is to have an electric HLT and an electric RIMS with a propane fired boil kettle probably on a Blichman top-tier system. In the meantime I'd like to at least get the RIMS portion going so that I can really lock down mash temps. Obviously while I'm building the RIMS tube I want to make sure that I'm making choices that will be easy to upgrade when I make the move outdoors and up to 10 gallons down the road.
I'm leaning towards a BCS-460 as my PID/control unit and Brewer's Hardware's Tri-Clover Rims tube.
Here are my questions:
1) What kind of element will be best for the RIMS tube? I'm in an apartment now without any special electrical service so can I get away with a 110V element? Or should I just run a more powerful element at 110 now until I upgrade? Can anyone recommend a specific element that is known to fit in the RIMS tube?
2) To start out I'll need two SSR's right? One for the element and one for the pump. Am I going to need a heatsink for each SSR as well? Or just one for the SSR that controls the element?
2) What's the quietest pump in the $100-$150 range I can find? Since I'll be running this indoors and throughout the mash (and then again probably again as a JZ style whirlpool chiller) I'm really going to want it quiet or it will drive me nuts.
3) Does anyone have a wiring diagram for a setup like this? A plan/diagram with some three way (auto-on-off) switches for the ability to interrupt the automation with manual control would be ideal. I'll have a friend who is a licensed electrician look over my final system before plugging anything in, but would like to do the actual work myself so that I'm not totally leaning on him for free labor.
Thanks for any advice that you guys can provide. I'm basically starting from scratch here and appreciate any and all help that you guys can give.
I'm in the very early stages of planning an an electric upgrade to my brewery setup and was hoping that you could help steer me in the right direction with some questions I have. Fair disclosure, I'm a total electricity newb. Here's where I'm starting from and what I'm looking to do.
I'm currently brewing 5 gallon batches inside and will be doing so for the next year or two, before moving outside and hopefully increasing batch size. I'd ultimately like to build a RIMS system capable of reliable producing 10 gallon batches. The long term plan is to have an electric HLT and an electric RIMS with a propane fired boil kettle probably on a Blichman top-tier system. In the meantime I'd like to at least get the RIMS portion going so that I can really lock down mash temps. Obviously while I'm building the RIMS tube I want to make sure that I'm making choices that will be easy to upgrade when I make the move outdoors and up to 10 gallons down the road.
I'm leaning towards a BCS-460 as my PID/control unit and Brewer's Hardware's Tri-Clover Rims tube.
Here are my questions:
1) What kind of element will be best for the RIMS tube? I'm in an apartment now without any special electrical service so can I get away with a 110V element? Or should I just run a more powerful element at 110 now until I upgrade? Can anyone recommend a specific element that is known to fit in the RIMS tube?
2) To start out I'll need two SSR's right? One for the element and one for the pump. Am I going to need a heatsink for each SSR as well? Or just one for the SSR that controls the element?
2) What's the quietest pump in the $100-$150 range I can find? Since I'll be running this indoors and throughout the mash (and then again probably again as a JZ style whirlpool chiller) I'm really going to want it quiet or it will drive me nuts.
3) Does anyone have a wiring diagram for a setup like this? A plan/diagram with some three way (auto-on-off) switches for the ability to interrupt the automation with manual control would be ideal. I'll have a friend who is a licensed electrician look over my final system before plugging anything in, but would like to do the actual work myself so that I'm not totally leaning on him for free labor.
Thanks for any advice that you guys can provide. I'm basically starting from scratch here and appreciate any and all help that you guys can give.