16.1 in the books. Any other crossfitters?

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I am 100% for a good workout but I agree, Crossfitters always tend to brag...and typically (at least from my experience in this area) they always get hurt its just a matter of when.

The other day I was even telling my wife, I've seen plenty of people post on Facebook "going to the gym" or they check in at the gym...but to dress up in workout clothes and have full photo shoots is also exclusive to this group.

But hey...have fun..do you..and be careful.
I am 100% for a good workout but I agree, Crossfitters always tend to brag...and typically (at least from my experience in this area) they always get hurt its just a matter of when.

The other day I was even telling my wife, I've seen plenty of people post on Facebook "going to the gym" or they check in at the gym...but to dress up in workout clothes and have full photo shoots is also exclusive to this group.

But hey...have fun..do you..and be careful.

I 100% disagree. A bad coach, like anywhere, will lead people to injury. Bad coaches exist in all sports and training. You hear about crossfit injuries frequently, because the Olympic lifts are technical movements without a safety net. Your coach, body and experience are your safety nets in Olympic lifting. I've done the Olympic lifting thing for 5 years now, and trained with 2 damn good coaches for 4 of them. One was a crossfit coach, one was not. 1 year I experienced a less than stellar crossfit coach, but there were other positives.

Point is, injury is not a guarantee, but you HAVE to know what your doing and when to stop (form over weight every time!)

As for the talking thing...Igot nothing...surprised it took this long for a thread to start on it.:)
I 100% disagree. A bad coach, like anywhere, will lead people to injury. Bad coaches exist in all sports and training. You hear about crossfit injuries frequently, because the Olympic lifts are technical movements without a safety net. Your coach, body and experience are your safety nets in Olympic lifting. I've done the Olympic lifting thing for 5 years now, and trained with 2 damn good coaches for 4 of them. One was a crossfit coach, one was not. 1 year I experienced a less than stellar crossfit coach, but there were other positives.

Point is, injury is not a guarantee, but you HAVE to know what your doing and when to stop (form over weight every time!)

As for the talking thing...Igot nothing...surprised it took this long for a thread to start on it.:)

I could agree maybe in my area they have a bad coach as we only have one ..maybe two gyms. But I was told the injuries often occur b/c they have something call the cross fit games and the workouts are timed so to get those few extra reps in sometimes form is compromised.
Not a crossfitter, but crossfitters come into my gym and throw weights around and leave the place a mess and get me yelled at (got in trouble for some heavy deadlifts because they thought I was dropping the bar). Bastards ;). I've been told I'd enjoy crossfitting, but I just don't see the need to make my workout competitive with anybody except for myself. But I do a lot of the same exercises (the ones I'm in enough shape to do, that is).
I could agree maybe in my area they have a bad coach as we only have one ..maybe two gyms. But I was told the injuries often occur b/c they have something call the cross fit games and the workouts are timed so to get those few extra reps in sometimes form is compromised.

Youtube is full of videos of crossfitters with lousy form trying to go faster. I'm amazed there aren't more injury reports.

And don't even get me started on kipping "pullups".
I could agree maybe in my area they have a bad coach as we only have one ..maybe two gyms. But I was told the injuries often occur b/c they have something call the cross fit games and the workouts are timed so to get those few extra reps in sometimes form is compromised.

The games are a bit different. I won't participate for
2 reasons. 1 what you mentioned. 2 they don't scale for body mass. My max clean and jerk is 210 and I weight 155. I'd have to compete against guys in the mid 200s for body weight...

Not a crossfitter, but crossfitters come into my gym and throw weights around and leave the place a mess and get me yelled at (got in trouble for some heavy deadlifts because they thought I was dropping the bar). Bastards ;). I've been told I'd enjoy crossfitting, but I just don't see the need to make my workout competitive with anybody except for myself. But I do a lot of the same exercises (the ones I'm in enough shape to do, that is).

Bastards will be bastards. If you're raised with a gym mommy, anyone may do that... The places I've been to have been clean because everyone helps. The classes and set times seems to build community that encourages this though.

Who needs strength when you've got inertia?

Ha! True
Hahaha! I surely didn't intend for this to become a Crossfit Good/Bad discussion but it's an interesting one I suppose. Unfortunately it's the same old things though.

With regards to bad coaches, no doubt. Like mentioned you'll find bad coaches in any sport, not just crossfit. I've lifted traditional with people of all walks of life that swear by this grip or that, and only to hurt the sh*t outta my shoulders trying to push harder, etc.

You have to take some responsibility for what you put yourself through. I struggle with it sometimes because I want to push push push, not just in crossfit but with all aspects of lifting. (Testosterone I suppose). Sometimes I pay for it. My shoulders are jacked from years of lifting wrongly, and not crossfit.

If you ever find yourself at a crossfit box with stellar coaches and a family atmosphere, you'll love it if that's what you're looking for. That's what my swmbo (I never remember the acronym... my girlfriend) and I have at our box. It doesn't hurt that my bro-in-law and another family friend own. I've made some of the best friends a guy could ask for out at crossfit, and we leave the pride at the door. I've been told to strip weight more times than I can count... I grunt a little, get a little pissed off... but strip they weight. Why? Because I know my coaches are there to coach me and not get me hurt.

But it's all subjective. Whatever you like, do it! I don't think we're tools or anything. If anything, I get more sh*t for even mentioning that I do crossfit than anything. But it is what it is. I stopped for 5 months after a year of doing it and went back to traditional style of lifting and felt like a 225 pound bull, but couldn't move for crap. It's all about what you're looking for. I want to be strong, but fast.

Lol, kipping pull ups are all fun and games until Murph and you have to do 100 and your hands are ripped to sh*t but you keep pushing through it.

But anyways, that's my two cents on the matter.

HolderHouse, ROCK ON DUDE! You beat me bro! I only got 133 RX.

***This has got to be one of the most garbled post I've ever written so I apologize for that haha.****

Tac do you go to CF STL? Did mine today, got 153 Rx, those lunges were a *****!

Bad ass bro! We go to Condition One Crossfit out in Sullivan, sometimes our other location in Washington.

Dude, those were killer though! I haven't been going in like 5 months so really just wanted to get 4 rounds in so was taking my sweet ass time on the burpees (things I hate the most). I'm a little disappointed with myself for not pushing a little harder though.

If you're ever down my way stop in and work out with us man! It's a blast! Good job though man! You rocked it!

Tonight is going to be a burner, heavy dead lifts for strength then an 8 min AMRAP 15 wall balls and 200 meter run. Nasty!
Bad ass bro! We go to Condition One Crossfit out in Sullivan, sometimes our other location in Washington.

Dude, those were killer though! I haven't been going in like 5 months so really just wanted to get 4 rounds in so was taking my sweet ass time on the burpees (things I hate the most). I'm a little disappointed with myself for not pushing a little harder though.

If you're ever down my way stop in and work out with us man! It's a blast! Good job though man! You rocked it!

Tonight is going to be a burner, heavy dead lifts for strength then an 8 min AMRAP 15 wall balls and 200 meter run. Nasty!

Wow, what are heavy deadlifts to you? And wall balls?

I don't agree personally using a lot of power barbell exercises in a fatigued state..
Heavy dead lifts are (to me) around 365 for single sets. These were done after a light warm up.

Wall balls are where you take a 20lb med ball, facing a wall, drop into basically a clean, coming up and tossing the ball 10-12ft up the wall, and receiving it back in a clean. Sucked.

Fatigued state is subjective. Form over speed or weight. If you have good coaches anyways.
Wall balls are terrible. I can never figure out how to breathe...

I usually try to exhale on the thrust upward and suck in as much as while the balls in flight and basically as soon as I start to receive it I hold and tighten my core like I'm doing a squat or whatever and exhale again like a burst upwards.

Definitely not good. My numbers last night showed my lungs suck but what do you expect when you take 5 months off of Crossfit lol.

I only got through 4 rounds and a run in the 8 minutes. Surprisingly I was able to go unbroken on the wall balls but the 200m run is what killed me.
I usually try to exhale on the thrust upward and suck in as much as while the balls in flight and basically as soon as I start to receive it I hold and tighten my core like I'm doing a squat or whatever and exhale again like a burst upwards.

I want everyone to read this post again because it's awesome.

And you have to know the OP is talking about exercise to get the context. :D
Ha! Sounds like the same technique may work for thrusters. Inhale down, exhale up (after your past the sticking point where your shoulders and chest collapse).
Haha mmb, Crossfit in general has the most innuendos I've ever been surrounded by in my life.

I told my girlfriend the other day "the Crossfit box is the only place you can tell a woman she has a great snatch and not get slapped." Lol

The_Dog_42, exactly bro! My coach basically said a wall ball is like a 20lb thruster... Mind blown... Ever since I had that mentality, I've been able to do a lot better with them
I never got into crossfit, I've always preferred to exercise by myself since I know my limits and I can focus better without someone beside me trying to out do me or wanting to start a contest. As far as injuries go, any type of exercise is likely to get you injured if you or your coach don't know what you're doing.

It kills me, I go to the gym and see people do so many stupid things that are bound to get them a serious injury down the road. Especially people who are trying to one up others and set weights way too high.

The innuendos are almost enough to get me to do crossfit though xP
There's a guy at my gym who always does deadlifts obviously too heavy for him, and does them with horrid form, hunched over and seems to do it all with his back. I got sloppy once last year and tweaked my back bad enough (had to skip the gym the rest of the week), I sometimes wonder how that guy is still able to walk. Not even a crossfitter though, just trying to show off and doing it badly.
There's a guy at my gym who always does deadlifts obviously too heavy for him, and does them with horrid form, hunched over and seems to do it all with his back. I got sloppy once last year and tweaked my back bad enough (had to skip the gym the rest of the week), I sometimes wonder how that guy is still able to walk. Not even a crossfitter though, just trying to show off and doing it badly.

There's a ton of guys like that. There's a guy I saw today using the cable pulley machine (not sure what it's called) with the full amount of weight, on his knees and putting all of his weight into pulling it down, and using way too much of his lower back to do it. If I see him in the gym again this week I'll be surprised. It made my back hurt just watching him.

I don't get why people do stupid stuff like that. You would think they would research these things a bit better but instead they just watch what that guy who worked out for years to do what he does and then they copy it, without ever paying attention to the guys form or realizing that they worked hard for a long time to be able to do that without killing themselves.

At least with crossfit you have a coach, usually someone who can correct your form and keep you from crippling yourself.
You have to take some responsibility for what you put yourself through.
If you ever find yourself at a crossfit box with stellar coaches and a family atmosphere, you'll love it if that's what you're looking for.

This, exactly. I've been going to my CrossFit gym twice a week for over five years now and still love the program and workouts. I can't get more than one or two dead-hang pull-ups and my burpees are dog slow, but so what? Just about everyone is good at some movements and struggles with others. At our gym, the coaches help you when you need it and nobody gives you the side-eye if you have to make adjustments, like breaking out a band for your pull-up station. I think if you go into it with the idea that you've got to beat somebody or push to be the best at everything, you will hurt yourself eventually. The worst things I can say about my CrossFit experience is that I don't like doing lifts while the clock is running, and that climbing rope will take the skin off your leg if you don't control your descent.

If you're interested in trying CrossFit, definitely shop around to find a gym with a good vibe. There are so many affiliates out there that you can afford to be picky about the space, trainers, and other members.
This, exactly. I've been going to my CrossFit gym twice a week for over five years now and still love the program and workouts. I can't get more than one or two dead-hang pull-ups and my burpees are dog slow, but so what? Just about everyone is good at some movements and struggles with others. At our gym, the coaches help you when you need it and nobody gives you the side-eye if you have to make adjustments, like breaking out a band for your pull-up station. I think if you go into it with the idea that you've got to beat somebody or push to be the best at everything, you will hurt yourself eventually. The worst things I can say about my CrossFit experience is that I don't like doing lifts while the clock is running, and that climbing rope will take the skin off your leg if you don't control your descent.

If you're interested in trying CrossFit, definitely shop around to find a gym with a good vibe. There are so many affiliates out there that you can afford to be picky about the space, trainers, and other members.

I might try it out sometime just to switch things up a bit. I'm always trying to get out of my comfort zone so this might be a good way to do that. I honestly think if you're new to working out then things like this are best for you. There's a lot of ways to hurt yourself if you don't know what you're doing so having a good coach or guide is always a good idea. I still get a personal trainer from time to time to inspect my form and to help me maximize my workout.
There's a ton of guys like that. There's a guy I saw today using the cable pulley machine (not sure what it's called) with the full amount of weight, on his knees and putting all of his weight into pulling it down, and using way too much of his lower back to do it. If I see him in the gym again this week I'll be surprised. It made my back hurt just watching him.

I don't get why people do stupid stuff like that. You would think they would research these things a bit better but instead they just watch what that guy who worked out for years to do what he does and then they copy it, without ever paying attention to the guys form or realizing that they worked hard for a long time to be able to do that without killing themselves.

At least with crossfit you have a coach, usually someone who can correct your form and keep you from crippling yourself.

Oh I see crappy form all the time. This guy in particular though:

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Paulegli, you've got it man! That's it exactly!

BrewingTravisty, I wholeheartedly suggest you do. In the same breath, I wholeheartedly suggest you follow the advice of showing around for a box that's right for you. Find one where as soon as you walk in the coach makes everyone introduce themselves and you just get a great vibe from it. We've seriously made lifelong friends out at our box and that's a big part of what keeps you coming back for more. Those that suffer together push together!
If you're interested in trying CrossFit, definitely shop around to find a gym with a good vibe. There are so many affiliates out there that you can afford to be picky about the space, trainers, and other members.

Good advice, I'd also add that finding a coach that fits your level is essential. A gym where you can't touch a bar without doing a TABATA (20 sec on, 10 sec off, 4 min) of perfect squats is great (although boring) for a beginner. A box that fits an advanced lifter probably won't go through those steps but may not cater to the beginner. Above all, atmosphere is key. Had a coach at one point get mad at me for asking why we were doing an exercise. Turned out, they didn't know why, it was just on crossfit.com.

I might try it out sometime just to switch things up a bit. I'm always trying to get out of my comfort zone so this might be a good way to do that. I honestly think if you're new to working out then things like this are best for you. There's a lot of ways to hurt yourself if you don't know what you're doing so having a good coach or guide is always a good idea. I still get a personal trainer from time to time to inspect my form and to help me maximize my workout.

Variation has always been a way for me to ensure I get improvements. I do Olympic lifting 2x a week without metabolic conditioning, and the normal crossfit workout 2-3x a week. The coach and class gave me structure so I had a commitment I was paying for.
Paulegli, you've got it man! That's it exactly!

BrewingTravisty, I wholeheartedly suggest you do. In the same breath, I wholeheartedly suggest you follow the advice of showing around for a box that's right for you. Find one where as soon as you walk in the coach makes everyone introduce themselves and you just get a great vibe from it. We've seriously made lifelong friends out at our box and that's a big part of what keeps you coming back for more. Those that suffer together push together!

That makes sense. I'll have to look to see what's in my area, as long as it's within a few square miles I'm good as I don't have a car at the moment. The social aspect of it would be probably be good for me, since my social skills have gone to crap in the past year and a half lol
Oh I see crappy form all the time. This guy in particular though:


I swear that's basically this guy I'm talking about. It particularly bugs me because I've had 2 surgeries in the past year from lifting improperly at work and I was in great shape before I got injured. So when I see people doing stuff like that it just makes me cringe. If they look like someone who won't get pissed off, I'll try to give them some advice but usually I don't because you can tell that they'll be embarrassed and get all macho about it.
16.2 154 reps. T2B suck hard. I will try breaking it up different and try to get at least some 185 SCleans. Good luck guys, and gals!
Only got 80 Rx. T2B kicked my ass...got no repped a lot on those in the first round which ate up a lot of time.

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