[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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Here are the instruction I followed:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mysql
You will see something like this:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 71
Server version: 10.1.23-MariaDB-9+deb9u1 Raspbian 9.0

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]>

[Enter the following commands not including MariaDB [(noen)](Lines that start with MariaDB [(none)]> the other lines are the result)
Feel Free to change the userName(after USER) and password (after IDENTIFIED BY )]
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER RaspberryPints@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'RaspberryPints';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on *.* to RaspberryPints@'%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Then open install/includes/configprocessor.php and replace all instances of "root" with "RaspberryPints" (or your chosen user name)

I`ve tried to do this, but without any luck.

I did a complete reboot of my Raspian OS now, for so to follow the installation guide for RaspberryPints step by step again!

Everything is working fine in the beginning, unil I`m at page 7 of the guide.

1) When I`m going to "delete the deafult apache page"
When I write in the comando do I get up: "... command not found"
So I`m trying to move on to the next thing to do.
2) I`m downloading the latest version, and I`m able to unzip it without any problems in the home folder.
3) The next problem occurs when I`m trying to copy the folder to the web host folder. I get this error message: "mv: cannot move 'RaspberryPints-2.0.1/.......' to /var/www/...' : Directory not empty

Where "..." is the different folders within the RapsberryPints folder.

I`ve tried to delete it and unzipped it again, I`ve tried with two different versions.
This is the same problem as I had on my last attempt last week, at that time I had to get a fried to help me to manually move them som how..

At that time we did manage to move them, but then I got the problem with the root password as mentioned on page 294..

I did follow the guide step by step, and I do rembere my password.
Have anyone had the same problem, or hopefully someone could be able to help me.

Thanks in advance

There is a built-in conflict between the default installations of BrewPi and RaspberryPints: they both use an index.php file as the target of a web access, so if you try to install both in the same root folder, the latter installation will over-write the former's index.php.

While I've always rooted my multiple BrewPi installations in a folder below /var/www (or /var/www/html), one can have them coexist in the same folder by renaming the first installed to something like rpints.php or brewpi.php, so that the latter installation doesn't wipe out the former. Then you can reference the desired page by adding /rpints.php or /brewpi.php (whichever you went with) to the end of the url...

[edit] The only conflicting files are the index.php, btw. BrewPi parks its style.css in a subordinate folder and the apps don't share any folder names or other file names at their roots...


So have I screwed up both of them now? Or since I installed RPints second, should it be OK and BrewPi just needs to be wiped and reinstalled?
I`ve tried to do this, but without any luck.


That's my bad I should have mentioned in my original post to use RaspberryPints as the root password for RPints configuration instead of what you used during the package installation.

I edited my original post to include that information
So have I screwed up both of them now? Or since I installed RPints second, should it be OK and BrewPi just needs to be wiped and reinstalled?

Going back to your original post it is apparent the mv command will not actually overwrite files in the target folder. Hence, when you went to access the R'Pints installation script you actually accessed the BrewPi "home page" index.php instead.

The simplest thing to do is to rename the existing BrewPi index.php file to brewpi.php, then go back to your R'Pints installation and repeat the commands in Step 6.

That should allow you to get to the R'Pints installation script (named index.php) and continue the installation, while maintaining a working BrewPi...

Go back to one +, then find a nice image you can tack on across the bottom to fill the dead space :)

Definitely a good idea. But that is a little out of my wheelhouse to accomplish that. Besides, I could be wrong, but I don't think it's possible with the current configuration? The background goes right to the end of the forth tap. It seems everything below that is dead space. If the space below the forth tap was available wouldn't the background cover the entire screen? And yes the background image is definitely big enough to do it.
Definitely a good idea. But that is a little out of my wheelhouse to accomplish that. Besides, I could be wrong, but I don't think it's possible with the current configuration? The background goes right to the end of the forth tap. It seems everything below that is dead space. If the space below the forth tap was available wouldn't the background cover the entire screen? And yes the background image is definitely big enough to do it.

That the background image isn't covering the entire screen is strange.
I just zoomed way out of my taplist and the background still covered the full screen.
Not sure what to make of that aside from a suspicion the screen geometer isn't set correctly.
What happens when you zoom in - does the background image eventually fill the entire screen?

Anyway...wrt tacking an image to the bottom of the page, if you look at the pic of my taplist a few posts back, the "Taps" line across the bottom of the display is actually an image file (a png with background transparency set).

All it took was to add these lines to the bottom of index.php:

<style type="text/css">

<img class="size" src="img/tap_numbers.png" alt="">

If you want your image to be opaque you can use pretty much any file format including a jpg, no need to use formats that support transparency, and the html code above doesn't specify - or care - either way.
If you park a virgin copy of index.php you can play with the live file 'til you get things the way you want it...

Just not an option.

The other option is a simple css hack to increase the height of each row:

Open your style.css file and look for the following lines:
table .tap-num{
width: 50px;

Then add a height value in, eg:
table .tap-num{
width: 50px;
height: 150px;

Save and push it up to your Pi, then plug your USB keyboard back into it and hit 'CTRL+F5' to do a hard refresh and force it to load the new css values.

If 150 is too much, scale it back to 125, or if you need more increase it to 175, then rinse and repeat with the upload and hard refresh.

Might take a little tweaking but it should get you there.

Only caveat is that the row heights are dynamically adjusted based on your text within the notes field, so if you keg a beer with a particularly verbose description you may need to clawback the height value to compensate.


That the background image isn't covering the entire screen is strange.
I just zoomed way out of my taplist and the background still covered the full screen.
Not sure what to make of that aside from a suspicion the screen geometer isn't set correctly.
What happens when you zoom in - does the background image eventually fill the entire screen?

Anyway...wrt tacking an image to the bottom of the page, if you look at the pic of my taplist a few posts back, the "Taps" line across the bottom of the display is actually an image file (a png with background transparency set).

All it took was to add these lines to the bottom of index.php:

<style type="text/css">

<img class="size" src="img/tap_numbers.png" alt="">

If you want your image to be opaque you can use pretty much any file format including a jpg, no need to use formats that support transparency, and the html code above doesn't specify - or care - either way.
If you park a virgin copy of index.php you can play with the live file 'til you get things the way you want it...


So long story short, no the background would not fill the screen when zoomed in. But it's fixed now.

And thanks for the info about the image at the bottom. Where did you save the png file at?

The other option is a simple css hack to increase the height of each row:

Open your style.css file and look for the following lines:
table .tap-num{
width: 50px;

Then add a height value in, eg:
table .tap-num{
width: 50px;
height: 150px;

Save and push it up to your Pi, then plug your USB keyboard back into it and hit 'CTRL+F5' to do a hard refresh and force it to load the new css values.

If 150 is too much, scale it back to 125, or if you need more increase it to 175, then rinse and repeat with the upload and hard refresh.

Might take a little tweaking but it should get you there.

Only caveat is that the row heights are dynamically adjusted based on your text within the notes field, so if you keg a beer with a particularly verbose description you may need to clawback the height value to compensate.



Thanks. I gave this a try. Indeed it works and I can fill the screen, but it is only expanding the line starting with "tap #". So it ends up looking kinda weird. Plus it throws off the "Beer name & etc" column if one beer has a bunch of tasting notes, like you mentioned. I will probably try and mess around with the header size. What I would really like to do is put a image there instead of the text.
So long story short, no the background would not fill the screen when zoomed in. But it's fixed now.
And thanks for the info about the image at the bottom. Where did you save the png file at? [...]

There is a section of the installation to configure your screen size. I suspect running in Portrait mode requires an edit to those settings.

You can save the file anywhere, of course, and use an explicit path to it, but I stuck it in the /img folder where RaspberryPints keeps the rest of its images (the background and logo files)...

There is a section of the installation to configure your screen size. I suspect running in Portrait mode requires an edit to those settings.

You can save the file anywhere, of course, and use an explicit path to it, but I stuck it in the /img folder where RaspberryPints keeps the rest of its images (the background and logo files)...


I did set it up for my screen (1080p TV) and a portrait orientation.

I see where you referenced the img folder now in your code, thanks.
So this is where I am at. It's not too bad, it will do for now. Obviously the height will change with more or less tasting notes. I will probably just make an effort to add more notes to keep the screen full. I would like to figure out how to put a logo in the header instead of the text at some point.

So long story short, no the background would not fill the screen when zoomed in. But it's fixed now.

And thanks for the info about the image at the bottom. Where did you save the png file at?

Thanks. I gave this a try. Indeed it works and I can fill the screen, but it is only expanding the line starting with "tap #". So it ends up looking kinda weird. Plus it throws off the "Beer name & etc" column if one beer has a bunch of tasting notes, like you mentioned. I will probably try and mess around with the header size. What I would really like to do is put a image there instead of the text.

Weird, works fine on mine, but admittedly I don't have the headings above mine, so maybe I pointed you at the wrong css attribute for your setup.
I would like to figure out how to put a logo in the header instead of the text at some point.

That one is easy enough, look for this in your index.php file:
				<div class="HeaderCenter">
					<h1 id="HeaderTitle">
							if (mb_strlen($config[ConfigNames::HeaderText], 'UTF-8') > ($config[ConfigNames::HeaderTextTruncLen])) {
								$headerTextTrunced = substr($config[ConfigNames::HeaderText],0,$config[ConfigNames::HeaderTextTruncLen]) . "...";
								echo $headerTextTrunced ; }
								echo $config[ConfigNames::HeaderText];
Switch it for something like this:
				<div class="HeaderCenter">
					<?php if($config[ConfigNames::UseHighResolution]) { ?>			
						<img src="img/logo/centre.png" height="200" alt="">
					<?php } else { ?>
						<img src="img/logo/centre.png" height="100" alt="">
					<?php } ?>
Image location and title changed to suit your environment of course.
Last edited:
So this is where I am at. It's not too bad, it will do for now.[...]

That actually looks pretty good. The frame is a nice touch as well :mug:
That one is easy enough, look for this in your index.php file:
				<div class="HeaderCenter">
					<h1 id="HeaderTitle">
							if (mb_strlen($config[ConfigNames::HeaderText], 'UTF-8') > ($config[ConfigNames::HeaderTextTruncLen])) {
								$headerTextTrunced = substr($config[ConfigNames::HeaderText],0,$config[ConfigNames::HeaderTextTruncLen]) . "...";
								echo $headerTextTrunced ; }
								echo $config[ConfigNames::HeaderText];
Switch it for something like this:
				<div class="HeaderCenter">
					<?php if($config[ConfigNames::UseHighResolution]) { ?>			
						<img src="img/logo/centre.png" height="200" alt="">
					<?php } else { ?>
						<img src="img/logo/centre.png" height="100" alt="">
					<?php } ?>
Image location and title changed to suit your environment of course.

Cool, I will play around with this soon. Thanks!

That actually looks pretty good. The frame is a nice touch as well :mug:

Thanks! I need to take it all apart this weekend and put a couple coats of poly on it.
I've always used Bevlex 200 (solid pvc) on 1/4" barbs and while I do install hose clamps the fit is so snug I'm confident the clamps aren't making them seal.
Indeed they're likely superfluous - I always have to cut the tubing off the barbs, no way they slide off without heating them first.

Otoh...if you're using PET barrier tubing, none of the above applies. I'd be using JG fittings if I ran Bev Seal Ultra 235, for instance.
But no clamps needed with those, either :)

Hey all,

I've modified my taplist so that I can put the images from my tap handles on my list. It seems some people have trouble figuring out what 1,2,3,4 and 5 mean. I used some code from another user who put pool balls on his, and I'm sorry, I can't remember who that was. Basically, I made images for tap handles (http://www.micromatic.com/draft-keg-beer/tap-handles-pid-C100-4-M.html) and then used the same images for my tap list. I shrunk them down a bit, and number name them 1-Tap, 2-Tap, etc...

Then I do this:
Changing Tap images:

It's a pretty easy change to make. &#8211; INDEX.PHP

The original code line just wrote the tap number:
<span class="tapcircle"><?php echo $i; ?></span>

I added extra code as an image tag to use the tap number plus additional characters to make up the file names (e.g. 1-Tap.jpg, 2-Tap.jpg, etc):

<img src="img/<?php echo $i; ?>-Tap.jpg" alt="">

2kegger, I haven't worked with php before so I want to make sure I understand how to do this. do I put the image files in the "var/www/img folder, and then edit the index.php line to this:

<span class= "tapcircle"><img src="img/<?php echo $i; ?>-Tap.jpg" alt=""></span>

save the index.php file and I'm good to go?

2kegger, I haven't worked with php before so I want to make sure I understand how to do this. do I put the image files in the "var/www/img folder, and then edit the index.php line to this:

<span class= "tapcircle"><img src="img/<?php echo $i; ?>-Tap.jpg" alt=""></span>

save the index.php file and I'm good to go?


I use this on my setup but with snooker balls instead of beer labels:


The key thing to remember is you need to add the
<span class= "tapcircle"><img src="img/tap/<?php echo $i; ?>-tap.png" alt=""></span>
twice (once in the "active taps" section of your index.php file and again in the "inactive" section).



In your code you have "src="img/tap/". Is that because the path to your images is "var/www/img/tap" and that's where you put all the snooker ball images and the code you added is pointing to that directory?

If my assumption is right, ad if I don't make a "tap" sub directory under img, do I put my images in the directory var/www/img?

Also, you said to include the code under the active and inactive section of the index.php file. How do you know which is the active and which is the inactive section of the index.php file? I found the <span class="tapcircle"><?php echo $i; ?></span> near the top of the page and near the bottom of the page, but I couldn't figure out how to tell the difference between active and inactive sections.



In your code you have "src="img/tap/". Is that because the path to your images is "var/www/img/tap" and that's where you put all the snooker ball images and the code you added is pointing to that directory?

If my assumption is right, ad if I don't make a "tap" sub directory under img, do I put my images in the directory var/www/img?

Correct, I have all of my image files separated in subdirectories: tap, keg, srm, ibu, abv, logo but only because I have a lot of them so it just keeps things tidy you don't need to use subdirectories, if not remove the tap folder in the code like this:

<span class= "tapcircle"><img src="img/<?php echo $i; ?>-tap.png" alt=""></span>

Also, you said to include the code under the active and inactive section of the index.php file. How do you know which is the active and which is the inactive section of the index.php file? I found the near the top of the page and near the bottom of the page, but I couldn't figure out how to tell the difference between active and inactive sections.



I called the top section the "active taps" section because that is where the code for your tapped kegs resides. The bottom section is where your "Nothing on tap" taps reside, ergo "inactive taps".


Is there an easy way to update RPINTS to the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines?

Barrooze offered to write up a how-to after much "banging of head against wall":


There's apparently some 'Foreign Keys' in the SQL DB. They are linking the original 'beerStyles' table to the 'beers' table. I had renamed the original styles table to 'beerStyles2', which drove the limit of the style ID number to be no more than the max of the original table. The PHP beer_form sheet showed the 'beerStyles' table, but the code in the background used the 'beerStyles2' sheet. I could not figure out how to re-direct the relation, so I ended up re-renaming the original table back to 'beerStyles', appended the 2015 category table to the original, then just deleted all of the original line items in the now-merged table.
(EDIT: I found out how to change the relation in 'beers'. If you've renamed the original table to something (i.e. beerStyles2008) and named the 2015 cats to 'beerStyles', you'll need to go to 'beers', Structure, click on "Relations View under the fields. On the beerStyleId line, the 5th dropdown should be 'beerStyles2008'. Click on this and point to 'beerStyles'. Press Save, and your RPints should now allow all the categories found in the 'beerStyles' table!)

Something to note at this point: any beer you have in your 'beers' table needs to have the style updated to the new category. If you do not, and you delete the id from 'beerStyles', the beer entirely gets deleted from the 'beers' table. I only had a few, and I had my tap listing up on a monitor so it was easy to re-add the beers. That being said, if you've been using RPints for years and have tons of Beers in the table, you may want to forego this update. OR you can update the category IDs in the beer table with a relation table.

If anyone is interested in updating their category list to the 2015 BJCP cats, I will type up how to do it and post it here. I'll also try to add the 2008-2015 mapping table and SQL code to update the cats in the 'beers' table.

NOW... continue trying to figure out wtf is up with these BeerSmith SRM images...

You can try hitting him up, but you'll need some MySQL chops as you can see above.

Where do you go to change the font color for the tasting notes (Beer Description). I've been looking at styles under admin and trying to remember back to my HTML coding days which was 20 years ago.


Where do you go to change the font color for the tasting notes (Beer Description). I've been looking at styles under admin and trying to remember back to my HTML coding days which was 20 years ago.


You actually want www/style.css the one in admin/ controls the admin page font colour.

Look for this:

p {
	margin: 20px 0 0 0;
	color: #A0A0A0;
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: .8em;

Roughly what size do the images have to be for the taps? I'm able to make the changes and the handles show up, but they are way to big. I'm using a beer bottle as the handle and have included a pic.

Also, does it require modifying the width of the column for the TAP #?



I was able to get it set. I had to make the images 55 pix x 186 pix. It displays well, and I can read them easily.

Thanks for the assist. Once I get my handles, I'll upload a photo of my keezer with the display and my handles.
Kal, day_trippr,

I've got everything up and running with the mods for my tap handles to display in rpints, and a slight mod to the color of the font for the beer description. I'm finally going to plum my flowmeters into my keezer.

I'm using the adafruit flow meters and changed the raspberrypints.ino pulse to 35 and the pours.php pulse to 1500 as recommended by day_trippr, and I'm planning on 2' of beer line from keg to flowmeter in, and then 8' of beer line from flowmeter out to faucet for a total of 10'. Also, I usually set my CO2 to 10 - 12 psi depending on the beer style. I'll test it to see how well that measures a 12 oz pour and adjust as necessary.

Do you notice a difference in how RPints measures the pour amounts depending on the pressure you set the PSI to? Is it enough to where you will have to change the pulses depending on the CO2 pressure? I have 4 secondary regulators so I can control the psi on each keg. If I have to adjust the pulses depending on CO2 pressure, is there a way to set the pulse separately for each meter?

Kal, day_trippr,

I've got everything up and running with the mods for my tap handles to display in rpints, and a slight mod to the color of the font for the beer description. I'm finally going to plum my flowmeters into my keezer.

I'm using the adafruit flow meters and changed the raspberrypints.ino pulse to 35 and the pours.php pulse to 1500 as recommended by day_trippr, and I'm planning on 2' of beer line from keg to flowmeter in, and then 8' of beer line from flowmeter out to faucet for a total of 10'. Also, I usually set my CO2 to 10 - 12 psi depending on the beer style. I'll test it to see how well that measures a 12 oz pour and adjust as necessary.

Do you notice a difference in how RPints measures the pour amounts depending on the pressure you set the PSI to? Is it enough to where you will have to change the pulses depending on the CO2 pressure? I have 4 secondary regulators so I can control the psi on each keg. If I have to adjust the pulses depending on CO2 pressure, is there a way to set the pulse separately for each meter?


Nope, no need to change the pulse count to compensate for different serving pressures. At any one time I'll have something on nitro, a low carb bitter, and a high carb kolsch and it all stays remarkably accurate. I have the standard SwissFlow meters with a much higher pulse count, but I can't see the lower pulse count meters needing to be altered.
I&#8217;ve used that calculator before and it indicated I needed 11 ft w/o the flowmeters, but I&#8217;ve been using 3/16&#8221; ID bev line that is 5&#8217; 6&#8221; long with no problem. I know there&#8217;s a bit of churn with the meters so I thought adding 5&#8217; would do the trick. Maybe I&#8217;ll do one line before cutting the rest. Don&#8217;t want to waste the line.
I’ve used that calculator before and it indicated I needed 11 ft w/o the flowmeters, but I’ve been using 3/16” ID bev line that is 5’ 6” long with no problem. I know there’s a bit of churn with the meters so I thought adding 5’ would do the trick. Maybe I’ll do one line before cutting the rest. Don’t want to waste the line.

The closer you fit the flowmeter to the keg the less the impact will be, the sweet spot is 12" - 18" from the keg, and keep them horizontal to reduce "ghost pours".
I agree with everything attributed to me in the last few posts :D

My SF800 meters are 12" from the keg Out posts, and I have another 11 feet of beer line from the meters to the faucets on four of my faucets, 14 more on one faucet, and 6 on the stout faucet.

And yes, I am 100% behind Mike's line calculator, truly the only one worth using. I just wish he'd do the work to provide numbers for PET lined tubing, but, in the meantime, using a 1.5X multiplier will put the user in the ballpark.

wrt pressure vs meter accuracy, I typically run three different pressures (15 psi for the hefe I keep on tap, 35 psi beer gas for the stout, and the rest share an 11 psi rail.
I've been running SF800 meters for two years now and have never noticed performance differences across all six taps. If I put in an accurate starting volume, any keg will kick within +/- one 12 ounce pour. These meters are used in a myriad of applications - I suspect my three cases make for a skinny subset of the practical scope.

Also, I recommend coiling the beer line atop the keg and having an air stirring fan running 24/7 inside the cooler. It'll solve a lot of ghost pours.

btw, anyone running flow meters should make sure they can launch phpMyAdmin and connect to the R'Pints database successfully.
You can do hella lot with that tool wrt finding interesting things in your pour database and diagnosing issues...

I tried to install this the other night with the links posted on the website using alternative operating systems. I consistently got:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/RaspiPints/install/includes/configprocessor.php:178 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/RaspiPints/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 178

As I was using XAMPP on Windows 10, my first inclination was to believe it was something with Windows. One post on http://backpackbees.com/home-brewing/brew-controller-brew-servers/ even suggested that this was routine on a Raspberry Pi and you just needed to reboot.

Stepping outside that mindset, I looked at the mysql_connect() command and found that it no longer worked with PHP 7, which is what XAMPP, MAMP, and Raspbian Stretch use. So, if you are installing the Raspbian image after August 17 2017, Raspberry Pints, as it currently stands, will fail when installed. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Otherwise, the alternatives, as I see it, are to either:

1. install Raspbian Jessie, which still uses PHP5-MySQL, which can be found here: http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/ and then follow the various hacks in this thread, and never upgrade, or

2. get someone who knows PHP 7 MySQL to rewrite the configprocessor.php to handle these calls.

(Also, it would be good to not force the user to to use a root password on the initial setup screen as this is a tedious step that breaks phpMyAdmin and has to be fixed right off the bat.)

For anyone who has been able to install Raspbian Pints on a machine using PHP 7, I would so appreciate your posting your fixes here to save any future souls the tediousness of this discovery process.

In advance, many thanks!
I tried to install this the other night with the links posted on the website using alternative operating systems. I consistently got:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/RaspiPints/install/includes/configprocessor.php:178 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/RaspiPints/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 178

As I was using XAMPP on Windows 10, my first inclination was to believe it was something with Windows. One post on http://backpackbees.com/home-brewing/brew-controller-brew-servers/ even suggested that this was routine on a Raspberry Pi and you just needed to reboot.

Stepping outside that mindset, I looked at the mysql_connect() command and found that it no longer worked with PHP 7, which is what XAMPP, MAMP, and Raspbian Stretch use. So, if you are installing the Raspbian image after August 17 2017, Raspberry Pints, as it currently stands, will fail when installed. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Otherwise, the alternatives, as I see it, are to either:

1. install Raspbian Jessie, which still uses PHP5-MySQL, which can be found here: http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/ and then follow the various hacks in this thread, and never upgrade, or

2. get someone who knows PHP 7 MySQL to rewrite the configprocessor.php to handle these calls.

(Also, it would be good to not force the user to to use a root password on the initial setup screen as this is a tedious step that breaks phpMyAdmin and has to be fixed right off the bat.)

For anyone who has been able to install Raspbian Pints on a machine using PHP 7, I would so appreciate your posting your fixes here to save any future souls the tediousness of this discovery process.

In advance, many thanks!

I have successfully installed RPints on Stretch (which uses MariaDB 10 & PHP7), but the issue I ran into was around hardware conflicts between the RPi3 and the Alamode board.

I did write up my steps but never posted them as life got in the way so I never finished addressing the RPi3/Alamode conflict (although I think I know the solution but haven't had time to test it).

Considering Jessie is still supported and the steps are well documented I'd suggest you follow that path as I can't see any compelling reason to need to upgrade beyond that in the near future.



BTW, to make RPints PHP7 compatible would take more than just rewriting configprocessor.php as it uses PHP-MySQL throughout, but I believe one contributor is already undertaking that monumental project (albeit from a forked branch so not exactly apples and apples).
So, I loved RaspberryPints, and ran it for a couple of years, but I prefer running up-to-date systems and I keep my development machine up to date. Since the project was basically abandoned there is no a lot of deprecated code in RPints 2.0; I was having to change so much code and database info to make it work, that I just started from scratch, since I also wanted updated beer styles, BeerXML import for beers, a non-alchoholic feature, on-deck keg status, multiple style sheets, updated interface.

Right now I'm running it on an RPi 3-B, with Jessie, PHP 7, and MySQL 5.7 + PDO. I don't have flow meters since I always have a keg or two ready to replace a kicked keg, but am working on integrating the old RPints flow meter code into my system. Also, there is no auto configure or page security, since I run this at home behind a firewall.

I find you can get great help here keeping the old RPints going, especially working with flow meter issues. I just wanted something different.

Here is what it looks like.

I tried to install this the other night with the links posted on the website using alternative operating systems. I consistently got:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/RaspiPints/install/includes/configprocessor.php:178 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/RaspiPints/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 178

As I was using XAMPP on Windows 10, my first inclination was to believe it was something with Windows. One post on http://backpackbees.com/home-brewing/brew-controller-brew-servers/ even suggested that this was routine on a Raspberry Pi and you just needed to reboot.

Stepping outside that mindset, I looked at the mysql_connect() command and found that it no longer worked with PHP 7, which is what XAMPP, MAMP, and Raspbian Stretch use. So, if you are installing the Raspbian image after August 17 2017, Raspberry Pints, as it currently stands, will fail when installed. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Otherwise, the alternatives, as I see it, are to either:

1. install Raspbian Jessie, which still uses PHP5-MySQL, which can be found here: http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/ and then follow the various hacks in this thread, and never upgrade, or

2. get someone who knows PHP 7 MySQL to rewrite the configprocessor.php to handle these calls.

(Also, it would be good to not force the user to to use a root password on the initial setup screen as this is a tedious step that breaks phpMyAdmin and has to be fixed right off the bat.)

For anyone who has been able to install Raspbian Pints on a machine using PHP 7, I would so appreciate your posting your fixes here to save any future souls the tediousness of this discovery process.

In advance, many thanks!





