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  1. M

    when to do a diaceytl rest?

    Thanks I just upped the temp gonna bring it up 5 at a time over a couple hrs
  2. M

    when to do a diaceytl rest?

    ok so built my fermentation chamber and made my first pilsner. OG 1.049 using wyeast 2124 been in primary for 5 days at 50F took a gravity reading today and it was 1.019 from reading some comments online they say you should start the rest at 1.020 but their also saying this after its been in...
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    I have a small computer fan and the eva dry is electric with a small fan inside maby I should re direct the discharge of the eva dry away from the lines
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    Ok so I built my keezer a while ago and had no problem. I have 2 perlick taps one on 12' of line the other on 10. The only problem I had was moisture. I decided to install a eva dry 1100 and seal up the keezer better. Now every time I make my first pint I get a solid glass of foam then after...
  5. M

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When the only time and I repeat the only time you buy store bought beer is to try some type you have never had before but read about and want to make. Do you know how hard it is to find a non flavored berlinerwise. And I live in Oregon for Christs sake!
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    Hot Liquor Tank

    I bought the nb 10 gal kit for about $160 shipping included if your patient just wait for the right sale. Or if you can get a mash run cheap try batch sparring. I personally like fly sparging but I have friends who feel the same about batch.
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    DIY Beer Gun for Under $40

    I usually just use a party tap with a bottlefiller( end cut off) shoved in the end of it. I slipped a no 2 drilled stopper over it to act as a counter pressure filler. I have had excellent results with this method I have filled bottles at 12 psi with No problem. The main trick is to run a...
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    Flex seal on keezer

    Are you using this around the lid seal th ats my other problem is the lid does not seal tight without weight
  9. M

    Flex seal on keezer

    I am having condensation issues in my keezer. So I recently ordered an eva dry 1100 and whole thinking of making the keezer more air tight I thought after I get my new holes drilled ext. I'm thinking of coating the collar with flex seal to seal it tight anyone have any thoughts?
  10. M

    Oversize yeast starter

    Sorry I meant 3068 typo just seems to be giving off more banana esters at the same term temp
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    Oversize yeast starter

    The only one I have noticed a possible change with is the wyeast 1068 seems to have more banana notes the last couple batches. the 1056 has done at least 15 and It is still making great beer. maby I'll try swapping them out every 6 months or so I really only keep about 3 strains on hand. And I...
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    Oversize yeast starter

    Ok so basically I'm looking for a definitive answer. What I have been doing with my liquid yeast strains due to lack of a nearby supplier is I have been making a bigger starter than needed making it 1qt larger on my stir plate then when it's done I jar that quart and use tge rest of my yeast...
  13. M

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When you go to the store and buy a 12 pack of Coors light. Then realize it's the first time in over a year you've bought store beer. Because you brew 5 gal a week and still seem to run out of beer! I don't know if this is a sign of a homebrewer or an alcoholic?
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    Pin lock to ball lock

    That's what I am worried about they look close but I may have to borrow a mic from work and check
  15. M

    Pin lock to ball lock

    I have a friend who is giving me a couple free kegs but they are pin lock and all my gear is ball lock. My question is can I just buy ball lock posts and screw them on or are they a different thread?
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    Craig's List Wins

    Thought I did good yesterday until I read this thread I just got a 7 cubic foot chest freezer Johnson controller corny and 6.5 gal carboy for $200
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    I have a milk chocolate stout recipe that I really enjoy. I live in a area where they grow alot of mint and was thinking of adding this into the mix. My question is where and how much if anyone has any experience with this? I was thinking in the secondary but have no idea how much or how to...
  18. M

    Decoction mash out?

    I mash out because I use a false bottom and after having several severely stuck sparges figured out mashing out helps haven't had one since. And what I was referring to was just pulling out wort and boiling just wondering if it will affect flavor at all?
  19. M

    Citric Acid

    I should need less than 1/2 tsp of the stuff to adjust the mash. Plus I am using a bunch of Amarillo in this one so if it does impart citric flavor should not be noticeable. But was wondering if it would be A sound practice in other styles of beer?
  20. M

    Citric Acid

    picked up some citric acid at the LHBS the other day i usually use gypsum or lemon juice to adjust mash but have no clue about citric acid and if the small amount i would use will impart any flavor to the beer