Would you clean up for another homebrewer for money?

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Jul 7, 2009
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Mountain View, CA
So I found a local Craigslist post where a local homebrewer says he loves brewing, but doesn't love the cleanup (not that I blame him, but…). He's offering $15 an hour to do his cleanup. I'm considering it (two hours of cleaning == one batch of beer).

So if someone was paying you to clean up after him or her? And would you consider them lazy or…?
Well, who pays when a thermometer gets broken in the cleanup process? How much gas do you need to pay for to get there and back? Would you work at a local restaurant as a part time dishwasher for $15/hr (only an hour at a time, but you don't know when they'll call on you). Keep in mind, the fact that it's homebrew equipment should affect your decision... it's just washing crap for you.
Are you lazy when you bring your car to a mechanic instead of learning auto-repair yourself? How about when you go to the doctor instead of practicing medicine?

He doesn't want to do something, he'd rather pay someone else to do it, and there are people out there who will. No different than any other paid service.

I wouldn't think of hiring someone to do my clean-up personally, but it has nothing to do with my energy level. I'm probably the laziest mo-fo I know.
Are you lazy when you bring your car to a mechanic instead of learning auto-repair yourself? How about when you go to the doctor instead of practicing medicine?

Well that ain't exactly rinsing equipment off with water, and maybe using a little soap, now is it?
Take the homebrewing aspect out like Bobby said and decide whether you would work for $15 an hour. I know I wouldn't. I make triple that on straight time at work; I'm definitely not going to be someone's b*tch for 1/3 on my off time. If it is worth it for you, then do it, but don't do it because it is homebrewing; you already clean up your own stuff for free!

Will he pay extra if you dress like this? ;)


Seriously though if some sucker wants to pay you 15-30 bucks to clean up his gear AND you are willing to, you are right, that is 30 bucks for your own ingredients. Go for it.
Having thought about it a bit more, now that the haze of sleep has cleared, I don't think I'll be going for it. One hour of OT at work = more than he would pay. I was more curious what other folx here thought.

And Revvy, i doubt he'd pay for me to wear that. I'm in Sacramento, not San Francisco. :D :fro:
Well that ain't exactly rinsing equipment off with water, and maybe using a little soap, now is it?

So at what point does hiring someone to do a job you don't want to do become something other than lazy? Or do you do EVERYTHING yourself?

All you're doing is arguing over degrees of effort, and calling someone lazy for not drawing the line at the same point you might.

Let's assume the guy in question makes a good living. Let's just say - arbitrarily - $100.00 / hour. So he can either spend an hour cleaning **** where he could have made $100.00, or avoided the mess and still come out $85 ahead.

Where does smart start and lazy end?
I pay someone to clean my house. I hope we can all still be friends.

I'm kinda anal about my brewing equipment though.
Where does smart start and lazy end?

You had a point, but using doctors and mechanics as your example was definitely not a good comparison.

Hell if we're not going to draw lines, then aren't we are all lazy for not doing jet-propulsion research on our own and allowing those damn astronauts to do all the work?
Hold on...

Get together with someone who brews..

BS with them about brewing, and drink HB while doing it.

The only downside is cleaning up as you go? But you get paid for it? How much cleaning is there?

Sounds like a sweet deal to me. OT at work is only good if they are giving it to you, and you know after a while doing more of the same thing as your work get s REAL boring after a while. I know my work doesn't let me drink HB. (Then again, I usually get to surf the net as time allows at work...)
same as being a maid.

if people have the $$$ to pay someone else, it will happen.
Hold on...

Get together with someone who brews..

BS with them about brewing, and drink HB while doing it.

The only downside is cleaning up as you go? But you get paid for it? How much cleaning is there?

Sounds like a sweet deal to me. OT at work is only good if they are giving it to you, and you know after a while doing more of the same thing as your work get s REAL boring after a while. I know my work doesn't let me drink HB. (Then again, I usually get to surf the net as time allows at work...)

That's a great point. It's not like the guy is going to REQUIRE that you must be there for every brew, but maybe just wants a hand(probably doesn't have any brew buddies). And it is kind of hard to compare this with working, because I'd personally enjoy hanging out with a fellow brewer, helping out a bit, drinking homebrew, and getting paid for it. I'm sure my brew buddies would LOVE for me to pay them to help, but that's why they get to come and drink it with me anytime!

I think it would be worth going over for a session and feeling it out. If you have a good time, and its not too out of your way, maybe it'll be worth it! It's not like you're signing an employment contract, and if you feel like he just needs a personal b***h, then take your $30, and split after you clean up and hopefully drink a few of his homebrews!
And it is kind of hard to compare this with working, because I'd personally enjoy hanging out with a fellow brewer, helping out a bit, drinking homebrew, and getting paid for it. I'm sure my brew buddies would LOVE for me to pay them to help, but that's why they get to come and drink it with me anytime!

When you put it that way it sounds pretty good! :mug: Where was this, Sacramento?? I'm not all that far...
I think it would be worth going over for a session and feeling it out. If you have a good time, and its not too out of your way, maybe it'll be worth it! It's not like you're signing an employment contract, and if you feel like he just needs a personal b***h, then take your $30, and split after you clean up and hopefully drink a few of his homebrews!

It is in Sacramento; I may give it a shot, since I wouldn't mind having one more homebrewer friend.
Well, who pays when a thermometer gets broken in the cleanup process? How much gas do you need to pay for to get there and back? Would you work at a local restaurant as a part time dishwasher for $15/hr (only an hour at a time, but you don't know when they'll call on you). Keep in mind, the fact that it's homebrew equipment should affect your decision... it's just washing crap for you.

Hey man, it's a hobby. When I clean my brewing stuff of dishes or crap, it's my time, you can't put a price on that. F- you and all of your economics.

Plus, at $25 to $50 a batch to mess my equipment up, I also get a batch of beer which is way cheaper than buying the beer and making a mess by ripping up the cardboard bottle holder and then cleaning that up.
Hold on...

Get together with someone who brews..

BS with them about brewing, and drink HB while doing it.

The only downside is cleaning up as you go? But you get paid for it? How much cleaning is there?

Sounds like a sweet deal to me. OT at work is only good if they are giving it to you, and you know after a while doing more of the same thing as your work get s REAL boring after a while. I know my work doesn't let me drink HB. (Then again, I usually get to surf the net as time allows at work...)

This was my EXACT thought when I read the OP. We must all think alike in the mid-west.

However, if the guy can't clean as he goes with only the pot and possibly some siphoning equipment left at the end he's obviously a ****** who I wouldn't want to hang out with and probably doesn't make that good of beer anyways if he can't put the effort in to clean a fricken pot, auto-siphon, and hose. My 2 cents.
It isn't lazy. He worked for the money he is offering to pay. That being said, I would be paranoid to let someone else clean and sanitize my gear.
Sometimes when I am cleaning up my back begs me to not brew anymore. I'm too proud to pay someone else to clean but it isn't a bad idea. Can't believe people are judging someone they no nothing about.
Personally, on the other side of this coin, I wouldn't brew with equipment cleaned by someone else. Though I guess if he washes and sanitizes as he brews, it wouldn't be an issue. Who knows. Might be a great way to watch different techniques. Maybe he has a big-screen in the kitchen. And likes Pay-Per-View...
Paying someone to do the post-brew cleanup is not a bad idea. Dump the grains into the compost pile, scrub and rinse the kettles, flush all the tubing and pumps and chillers and fittings, roll up and store the hoses, spray off and squeegee the floor of the brewing area, wash the gadgets and utensils, and put everything in it's place. That's worth a few bucks. Nothing needs to be sanitized post-brew, just cleaned of organic debris before being put up.
This is CL we are talking about here. How do you know the guy isn't going to give you a home brew and a roofie and tie you up naked in his basement?

But what I really wonder about is how big of a mess he is making. I clean up as I go along doing the mash equipment during the boil and the remainder isn't anything I can see taking an hour to two hours to do.

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