Worm in beer...?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I tried a 22oz bottle of Bear Republic IPA tonight. Like all 22oz beers I drink I pour half into a glass, cork the bottle, finish my glass, and then pour the rest and drink. Nothing abnormal tonight until I poured the second glass; plunk, out comes a very dark gray on one side and brown on the other 1 ½ - 2 inches long by ¼ inch in diameter cylindrical worm or yeast chunk I’m not very sure. Holding the glass up to the light and getting the magnifier effect it almost appeared to have what looked like little hairs all on the brown side but not on the dark gray. It broke up somewhat when I investigated with a spoon, into 3 or 4 pieces, but for the most part it held together fairly well.

I know the beer is bottle conditioned therefore yeast sediment is to be expected but this would be hands down the biggest chunk of yeast I’ve ever seen in a bottle conditioned ale.

So…yeast or worm?

By the way the first glass, before the worm, was very good. As far as the second I couldn’t even try it, I’m telling you it looked like a worm.
pictures? I doubt there was a worm in there but weirder things have happened. Hops sediment maybe?
Does the same brewery make mescal? That's a pretty interesting experience. I could see it being a yeast chunk if it was a belgian or weizen, but an IPA? Only thing I can think of (assuming it wasn't a worm) would be hops sediment.
My uncle stoped brewing after pulling a long worm out of a batch of applejack; so it could ba possible..
I hate to even admit this, but I had a house centipede appear in one of my wine bottles. I store them in the basement, open side up and one must have crawled in and couldn't get back out. Didn't notice it until I washed it in the dishwasher and started filling bottles. All of a sudden, I saw this worm like creature just chillin on the bottom of the bottle after filling it about half way. Needless to say, that bottle was dumped and went back in for an additional rinse.
Weird things do get into bottles and cans. My youngest sister found the pad off of someone's finger in a can of Coke, fingerprints and all. She wrote a letter (this was before the Internet existed) to their customer service and local rep came by and gave her an Official Apology on Behalf of The Company and ten coupons for free sixers of Coke.

But the damage had been done and she became a Mt. Dew junkie.
Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges

Someone had to do it....

If it's not yeast sediment, I'd think that at worst it's part of some equipment. A chunk of o-ring that dried out and broke off something, or some such thing.
My brother got something strange in a bottle of beer - can't remember what brand - but he called them and they sent him a free case :)
Back when Pepsi came in glass 16 oz returnable bottles, got one with mold on top of the soda. Pepsi sent a post-paid box with packing material to send it back, and coupons for two cases of Pepsi.
Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges

"Ya want free beer, go to the brewery. Now get out of here before I put the two of you in a bottle!"

Still my favorite "beer" movie!
Sorry no pictures, that should have been my first move but i was to concened trying to figure out what plopped out of the bottle into my beer. I called the company however and was told somebody would call me back. I'm just want another bottle.
One time I opened this bottle and poured it into a glass, someone had replaced my beer with piss. OH WAIT, it was a corona! ;)