Why not? A traveling beer show....

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Retired and Brewing
HBT Supporter
Sep 24, 2009
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Central Jersey
With all these food shows, ala Anthony Bourdain (only 'cause I'm watching it now), why not a show were someone travels around to all the thousands of breweries around the countries doing the same things he does?

A show like that would blow away the Brewmasters concept and really seize upon the beer craze for whatever TV station did it.
That's kind of what the Beerhunter show did - although in a very different style. And that was followed up by the Dogfish Head show, which was entertaining, but poorly executed with the split focus on DFH and their artificial deadlines/brew house drama, and beer travel.
It's called Three Sheets with Zane Lamprey. Except he went all over the world looking at all kinds of alcohol.

I hadn't seen it before Brewmasters, but I "found" where I could "acquire" the old episodes online and have been enjoying it greatly.

That's GOOD Three Sheets!!! *ding!*

ArcaneXor, I found another place to "acquire" old Beerhunter, but they were all dumps from VHS or something and REALLY poor sound quality. I'd love to find them somewhere else.
Before Three Sheets it was "The Thirsty Traveler" hosted by Kevin Brauch. THAT was a good show. Shame it didn't continue. I just couldn't take three sheets...

Such a beer show has been discussed from time to time. Would be nice, but it's pretty apparent that the powers-that-be still look down their noses at beer.
First off all. I hate to say it:( But there is no brew craze. Some of us come and some of us go. Would I like to see more information and in depth ? Than a info mercial!!! You bet. It's not going to happen though. As much as I wish it could
I've been kicking around an idea for something like this for a long time.

I've got a barely utilized bachelors in Film, who wants to start pitching this with me?
We have the fever but the general public does not. We read for hours study and put a plan of action together. That can last 6 weeks to years. Avg consumer of beer doesn't care ! I WANT IT NOW !!!! And I don't believe they need to be converted. l like my niche. Don't take it away from me !
Beer Nutz was Ok, Three Sheets was alright when he actually covered beer.

The Beer Hunter however was great! I've only been able to find a few episodes on-line, but the few that I saw were very educational.

RIP Michael Jackson
Limited Visibility said:
That same guy who does Three Sheets also has a show on HDNET channel and the show is called "Drinking Made Easy"

Yeah, basically the same show, though he's just touring the US (for now, anyway). He usually does a stop at at least one brewery.
I've been kicking around an idea for something like this for a long time.

I've got a barely utilized bachelors in Film, who wants to start pitching this with me?

Here's my pitch:
1. You produce, write, and direct.
2. I will drink, drink, and drink (and maybe even do a review now and then).

Those beer nuts guys are retards.
Zane and Three sheets is cool the show is cool just the sound effects are dumb but its a drinking show what do u expect
Three Sheets sounds interesting, but I'm talking about going to the different breweries/brewpubs, sampling their beers, hearing some history, seeing some process, etc. Basically, exactly what Brewmasters should have been without Sam being all over it. It wouldn't even need a host technically, just a voice over like the History Channel documentaries, but if they got someone like the Adam from Man v. Food, a host would be great.
It's called Three Sheets with Zane Lamprey. Except he went all over the world looking at all kinds of alcohol.

as others mentioned, Zane does Drinking made easy as well now. it's not beer exclusive, but just about every episode they stop by a brewery. they've done about 20 cities so far.

It's also much better than 3 sheets, cause it's on HDnet, so there is only like one commercial break, and it lasts for about 2 minutes.. you actually get 30 minutes of show.. i happened across an old episode of 3 sheets the other day and quickly realized how god awful watching a regular 30 minutes show with commercials is.. it's like 21 minutes of show.

Three Sheets sounds interesting, but I'm talking about going to the different breweries/brewpubs, sampling their beers, hearing some history, seeing some process, etc.

that's exactly what 3 sheets/drinking made easy is. they go to different cities, and will stop by a brewery, try the beers, the owner of brewery talks a bit about whatever, a beer or how they started, they usually quickly go over the process, show some equipment, etc..

but it isn't beer exclusive, they also go to distilleries and showcase it the same as a brewery, and they go to bars to learn about local drinks, etc..
I like the concept. I didn't mind Brewmasters, except the forced drama with deadlines, etc.

I would not mind seeing someone travel around sampling different beers from different breweries and chatting with the owners and brewers about their places.

I'm sure lots of people on this forum would get a kick out of seeing some of those places that they can't normally get to.
The problem I see with this is that brewpubs across the country are quite similar in design and somewhat similar in execution.

Here's the 7-barrel system, here are are products, sample them, oooohhh-ahhhh at them, and that's about it. Brewmasters had the interesting part about the history of the beer styles and traveling to remote/exotic-ish locations to find ingredients.

One would really have to expend the idea to make it work.

Guy Fierri somehow makes it interesting to visit restaurant after restaurant.

I'm going to have to check that out then. HDnet, is that an online channel?

no it's a regular channel, mark cuban owns it.. it's a mans channel.
they play art man presents, and they have shows like bikini destinations and crap hah, where it's basically just hot chicks on the beach.. in hd of course. they also have girls gone wild stuff at night, and it's not censored:rockin:

on dish network, it's right above the movie channels, it's 4 hundred something.
what about something similar to the logging show on history channel where they talk about 4 or 5 different logging crews? have 4 or 5 different breweries and just show some of the trials and tribulations that they go through.

that would make pretty good tv in my opinion.
Three Sheets is available on Hulu to watch. It's 'ok' as it's entertaining though contains not much information. Beer Hunter with MJ is pretty decent though way outdated. The BBC has a few good shows on beer/whiskey, though it's hard to watch them over here unless your cable provider has BBC4.
There's also a British show called Dom Joly's Happy Hour where he goes around the world and samples the local drinks, mostly beer. He's a comedian so there's a lot of funny parts, but also a couple that feel forced and lame. If you saw the UK version of Trigger Happy TV then you'll know who he is. Overall, a great show and better than three sheets. You may have to resort to "alternative online searches" to get full episodes, but there seem to be good sized clips on YouTube.

If you want a more serious tone there's a documentary called American Beer and you can find it on Netflix. Basically a bunch of friends drive around the US and interview brewers. Not the most in depth but it was enjoyable for what it was.

Here's an 8 episode run of the closest thing you'll probably find for a while. I haven't watched it for a while, but if memory serves, you've probably tried well over half of the beer featured.

Beer Nutz is one of those shows that I want to like out of principal but I just can't get past the lack of research that is apparent from everyone who works on that show, from the producers to the hosts, etc.

I think if someone looked at beer, and other fermented beverages, with equal parts anthropological curiosity and true passion then a cool travel show could be made about it.

Oz and James Drink to Britain was a really good show about alcohol and the UK if some of you haven't seen it. Its 100% worth watching, especially if you're a fan of Top Gear as one of the hosts is James May.

I watched one ep of Drinking Made Easy and it just pissed me off. The dude stopped at some brewpub and they were pouring him 4oz sample glasses of a few big beers - barleywines, etc. He was just pounding them down like a frat boy doing shots. The worst part - the bartender followed suit. I never watched that show again.