Why is it so anti-craft beer to get drunk?

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Beer drinkers are becoming foo-foo little bitches? Don't get me wrong I love the taste of beer but I'd never consider making non alcoholic beer. Alcohol and beer need to go together. Byproduct of beer is drunkenness. I don't know if you're just trying to wind everyone up here but I haven't gotten that vibe on this forum.

Do what you will, and say what you will, but there isn't a brew day that i'm not trashed by the time that wort is cooling.
I have learned that there is no worse start to any day than to start with a hangover.

That being said, I do like to relax with a couple of beers, and do not mind a slight buzz from time to time. And sometimes the beer is going down so well I end up more than buzzed, but I will not drink to the point of drunk anymore.

I can understand why people on this forum would look down on those who drink soley to be drunk, although I am not one of them. If you want to be drunk, be drunk.

But when you are, no need to fight and get angry. And when you're woken up at 4:30 AM to go fishing, you damn well better have a smile on your face. :)
I've never gotten that vibe from this forum. Now, we don't necessarily always drink for the purpose of getting drunk or even buzzed, but sometimes we do, and I've never felt looked down upon around here for those times. But generally, when I have a beer, it's 1-2 in an evening spanning a few hours. I am drinking for flavor and not buzz then, but I also take 6-12 beers to a cookout or something with the full intention of drinking them all and getting a good buzz. I still drink tasty stuff though in those circumstances...usually :D
Beer without alcohol is like Lady Gaga without the hot body. There will always be those self-serving, idealist types who say they’re there for the music, but take away the looks and theatrics and she’d never have gotten to where she is today.

Not a fan of the stupid drunk, but a mellow buzz sure is nice.
WTF :eek:

Damn! I'd hate to be in your head.

($hit, I said head. Just think what he'll do with that.)

You do know that lady GaGa is a hermaphrodite???

What did you think the song "Born this way" was about?

You're gonna have to shower in bleach after you do a bit of googling man.
For one thing, there are some people who can't have alcohol without risking creating more health issues, so making NA homebrew would be one way to allow them to have a craft-style beer without the side effects.

And as I've said before, there are times where I would like to enjoy a good beer, but not want to risk getting pulled over and taken to jail, or risk endangering the lives of my family or others on the road. It may be that this NA homebrew experiment might prove useful to that end as well.

Or consider the responsible person in a group who decides to be a designated driver. Having a decent choice of a drink might be a good thing to have for them.

For sure I like drinking beer, and I don't often mind a bit of a buzz. But there are times where I would consider it irresponsible to drink it.
You do know that lady GaGa is a hermaphrodite???
No. I really don't care about her reproductive organs or her dog like face.
All I said was that she has a hot body and an act, and that's what attracts people.
I don't listen to or like her music. Why am I expaining this?

I guess using a metaphor doesn’t work for some people. Sorry. :D
I often will forgo food just so I can drink beer on an empty stomach so I'll catch a better buzz. I can eat later. There, I said it. And I know I'm not the only one.:)

I do almost everyday after work put two or three down on the way to shower dont get hammered but a good mellow (tried unwind) but doesnt look right Here in heat a couple are good I have 14 kegs 8 on tap and not afraid to use them. Yea am over forty, not talking fall down drunk but do like to relax with my tasty homebrews. This is why we brew over 3.2% beers with taste. Not taking shots at those with heath issues even they wish they still could relax with a few So dont be a buzzkill this hobby is about relaxing after all :mug:
AnOldUR said:
No. I really don't care about her reproductive organs or her dog like face.
All I said was that she has a hot body and an act, and that's what attracts people.
I don't listen to or like her music. Why am I expaining this?

I guess using a metaphor doesn’t work for some people. Sorry. :D

Please post picture of said hot body.
my college days are over and I have a wife and kids so there is no getting snukered anymore. That being said, I certainly like a beer with dinner, almost every night.
I got very snukered last night and I have a wife and a baby. Doesnt happen often but when it does it is fn sweet.
I love being labeled a liar without even posting!

When I was around 19, my first two years in University (which is a legal drinking age here), I was already into craft beer (my first alcohol purchase ever being a sixer of Trois Pistoles), but rarely a week would go by where there wasn't at least one night that I'd drinking an entire 750ml bottle of 40% liquor.

After a little while, wondering every time why I kept doing that to myself, I realized that I didn't really like feeling drunk.

I'm only 25 now, but my tolerance has since dropped significantly but although I now have slight liver issues, it's not something I really think about.

These days, I drink (and brew) craft beer strictly for taste. In a world where pretty much everything these days can be overwhelmingly sweet, even a simple beer can be a nice escape from that. And great beers can absolutely blow my mind. I'd easily consider myself a foodie, and my love for great brews is really just a natural extension of that.

There is simply nothing else like it out there though, so whether I like it or not, drinking good beer means drinking alcohol. There might be the extremely rare occassion when I'm looking for a little buzz (never full-on drunk though), but I mean EXTREMELY rare. I CAN drink BMC without gagging, but if I'm at a restaurant or a friend's place or whatever, and that's all they have, I'll pass on it simply because I see no point. Heck, it's worse than that - having to drink alcohol without any personal up-side.

Generally, I'd love to make or buy equally great beer without alcohol. But all I've ever seen is a few alcohol-free versions of macroswill. There's nothing I'd love more than to be able to drink a bunch of beers without worrying about feeling sick, having the room spin, or deal with hangovers. I'd be thrilled at the ability to go to a great beer bar and try out a nice portion of their extensive selection, or sample a bunch of local homebrew, without worrying about designated drivers or how to get home. I'd love to be able to crack open a beer for any (every!) meal or time of day without having to make sure I don't need a clear head for certain responsibilities or anything else that might be on the agenda - and I don't even have kids yet!

But alcohol goes hand in hand with beer, and unfortunately, big flavor often comes with big alcohol, due to the relationship between the grain bill and ABV. I don't let the fact deter me from making big beers, as the payoff is often worth it, but the result of the alcohol content in ANY beer is that I don't get to enjoy this incredible drink nearly as much as I'd like to.

I don't care if people drink to get drunk, though there's little that upsets/angers/disgusts me more than people who get drunk and become belligerent, obnoxious, or otherwise just an *******. Alcohol never did that to me, but I find it beyond selfish when people intentionally get hammered if that's the kind of person they suddenly transform into. If you're looking for a bit of stress relief, to unwind, to loosen up a bit socially, etc, and you can still be civil even when you're loaded, then more power to you.

In fact, the art and science of beer-making wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today without people looking to get a buzz without swallowing something gross. The same thing could be said for fine wines, liquors, etc - there's a reason that you don't see the same level of artistry and refinement with something like cola. So these people still have my undying gratitude :) The only thing that might get me less than cooperative in a thread where somebody is looking yo get maximum punch without regard to flavor is when something leads me to believe that the poster might be a kid looking to make something cheap and powerful because they can't otherwise obtain or afford retail alcohol.

I know I'm in the minority here, and I'm not going to condescend to people for just doing what people are practically hard-wired to do. But it would be nice if people realized that the rest of the world doesn't operate from with their own personal framework, and that just because it might be difficult to understand doesn't mean that others must be bull****ting when they say that alcohol is not even a minor reason for why they drink beer.
holy wall of txt, i am way to lazy/intoxicated to read that!

When i entered this hobby i was like wow i can really make beers that are high in alc. and can get me drunk faster for cheaper.

now that i have grown a bit, i really brew for the taste, some part of the alc, but no so much anymore, its just an added affect now, but not the overall goal is to be drunk on homebrew. Speaking of that i think its time go go fill this pitcher again... since i have nothing worth doing tomorrow and its spose to rain.
You do know that lady GaGa is a hermaphrodite???

What did you think the song "Born this way" was about?

You're gonna have to shower in bleach after you do a bit of googling man.

She's not really a hermaphrodite that was just some stupid internet rumor that you, like a sucker, believe. So she wrote the song to mock those people, because they are suckers.

"Lady" Gaga is a man. I understood completely what was implied.

No, she's not. Again, stupid internet rumors.

I am not a fan. I don't listen to her music. But even I know that she is not a man or hermaphrodite.
I think the stuff is so damned good I just end up obliterated trying everything I have on "look at all these new brews I found" night.
What are you talking about?????? A lot of the discussions on this forum are solely about getting drunk. Hell, you're posting in a section called "Drunken Ramblings and Mindless Mumbling." If anything, we don't need to talk about getting drunk b/c it's pretty much implied that most of us get drunk on our brew, that's why we talk mainly about brewing and don't ask, "hey, is anyone getting drunk off this stuff?" Of course we are, not gonna write a book about it tho

That is somewhat proof of what I am talking about. Not the best example, because a keg stand is different then just enjoying several pints, and I think that was a lot of just a plug for his own business.

But still if people want to do a keg stand on their corny and post it on the internet, I am a proponent of that. Its funny. It would be awesome to see a picture of somebody sucking the beer right from the tap on a wall. I really see no reason somebody should get offended by that.

You brew your own beer do what you please with it
Wakadaka said:

That is somewhat proof of what I am talking about. Not the best example, because a keg stand is different then just enjoying several pints, and I think that was a lot of just a plug for his own business.

But still if people want to do a keg stand on their corny and post it on the internet, I am a proponent of that. Its funny. It would be awesome to see a picture of somebody sucking the beer right from the tap on a wall. I really see no reason somebody should get offended by that.

You brew your own beer do what you please with it

It would be such a shame to spend all that time brewing a beer, just to kill a keg like that. But it might be a decent way to save a batch gone wrong from the miserable fate of a drainpour.

Though with some of the beers people here often brew, it could get downright dangerous :tank:
She's not really a hermaphrodite that was just some stupid internet rumor that you, like a sucker, believe. So she wrote the song to mock those people, because they are suckers.

No, she's not. Again, stupid internet rumors.

I am not a fan. I don't listen to her music. But even I know that she is not a man or hermaphrodite.

Actually, the song has nothing to do with her except her social conscience. The song was written to support gay rights.
i'll raise my hand as well. i brew beer that is too expensive or too hard to find because those styles are darn tasty. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, and i'll be quite satisfied to never have a hangover again.

That being said, i don't mind a little buzz on a saturday night. I just would rather be able to drink more than a six pack of good beer and still have a clear head.
And that's why several of us ARE into trying to brew good tasting non alcoholic beers. Not all the time...but still.



Is there a designated thread for this yet. i'd love to try my hand at it eventually, and to be able to follow others' progress until i have the chance to take a crack at it.

It would be great to have one spot to discuss recipe formulation, methods, results, names, and obviously pics.
I love beer, my beer that is, way too much to not enjoy it. When you get drunk you're not enjoying the beer. I don't drink beer to get drunk... if I want to get ripped I'll drink Kesslers :mug:
I love getting a buzz. I'm not ashamed of it. In fact, I went out to the bars with friends tonight and pounded BMCs because that was the option.

I also have a beer on tap that is 3.8%, and a beer that is 15%. I love the craft, the hobby, the FLAVOR, and generally tasting new things. I love beer.

Also, as noted previously, this is the DRUNKEN RAMBLINGS AND MINDLESS MUMBLINGS section....um....how is it unclear that we all like a little drunk?
in response to the OP, i don't think so much that it's "anti-craft brew" to get drunk, it's moreso that it's a waste. A lot of people like to get drunk, however, craft beer is relatively expensive and its usually of high quality. When we get drunk, our senses are dulled, including our sense of taste. So at that point, it doesn't matter what you're pouring down your gullet, that $3 craft brew or that 30 cent budweiser, it's gonna do the same thing.

The same goes for our homebrew. Usually, we make stuff that we consider pretty damn good beer, and we've spent all that time and effort making it, to down a bunch of them in an alcoholic stupor would be a waste of all the hard work and time we put into making it. For this reason, you'll find that many people wanting to get drunk will start off with a good craft brew or homebrew and as they become more intoxicated, cut their drinking with lesser commercial beers or homebrews.

Ever go into your fridge the next day and say, "damn, I drank my entire stash of DFH, last night? why'd i do that? that's what we're talking about, it's drinker's remorse.
Just spend a night listening to the Sunday Session on the brewing network if you feel left out...they openly encourage drinking...arguably to an extreme. But hey, to each his own.
i'll raise my hand as well. i brew beer that is too expensive or too hard to find because those styles are darn tasty. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, and i'll be quite satisfied to never have a hangover again.


Right now I'm brewing session beers, all under 4%. I call them "Dad Beers" because I need to a) be able to keep up with my destructive dinosaur of a two-year-old and b) be able to drive said dinosaur to the emergency room if he is able to follow through on one of his plans of self-destruction.

Said child:

I was a frat boy in college. I drank...hard. I still do on occasion. I'm an enthusiastic member of a bourbon-drinking website. I have more bottles of wine in my cellar than I have relatives in my extended family.

I think my current signature quote by Roland Barthes sums up my current philosophy quite well. He's describing the French attitude toward wine.

"drunkenness is a consequence, never an intention. A drink is felt as the spinning out of a pleasure, not as the necessary cause of an effect which is sought."
--Roland Barthes

I brew so I can drink a lot for a bargain price. That's right I said it. Sure downing a dozen DFH in a night is a financial issue but a dozen DFH clones... not so much.
no sir, you are not. ;)

once i eat, the drinking usually stops.

For me too. I also if I want to not drink, I drink something else and the desire to drink beer goes away. Deciding to eat is a good way to call it a night, once I eat I am done. Well, I can have some pretzles, cheese even a wing or two but a meal I am done.

I like the taste of beer but honestly if it did not relax me I would probably stop. I like ice tea too and it is cheaper.
I get drunk on craft (and homebrew all the time.) Some people tend to be snobs and feel they are better than others so while they are hiding behind their computer screen they spout such bull**** as "I drink for the taste, but stop when I start to get a buzz".
I usually do not have my first beer (homebrew) with the intention of getting drunk. Usually. However, because they taste so damned good, i usually will have another, and another, and many times I do find myself pretty drunk. Other times i have one or two beers with dinner and that is it. Craft brew is primarily about the flavor and making beer you enjoy drinking, but yes, a result of having multiple good flavored beers is a buzz. Its not a good result, or a bad result. It is just a result. I've thrown parties using homebrew. It gets a lot of compliments and yeah, usually gets people pretty drunk. What is a shame is people getting drunk off a homebrew that do not appreciate it.
no sir, you are not. ;)

once i eat, the drinking usually stops.



Most all of my beers brewed these days are 1.050 or under. The two current favorites on tap are Orfy's Mild and a low gravity centennial wheat.

I enjoy the act of drinking beer. The reason I brew low OG is to enjoy the flavor w/o getting sloppy. There's not much I enjoy more than knocking back 6 - 8 beers and bs.ing w/ Mrs. Jass and/or friends and family. I could do this w/ BMC (sometimes do), but prefer the full flavors of the beers I make. The inebriation is simply a side benefit; an externality if you will.
i also have gotten the feeling here myself. i was confused when i recieved such atention on the "drunken ramblings" section of the website. one would thik that would be a good place to talk about the effects of your latest brew without some guy telling you your acting like a child. like they have never been even a little tipsey on their own beer before. anyway, forget about it n have a beer :)
I enjoy the act of drinking beer. The reason I brew low OG is to enjoy the flavor w/o getting sloppy. There's not much I enjoy more than knocking back 6 - 8 beers and bs.ing w/ Mrs. Jass and/or friends and family. I could do this w/ BMC (sometimes do), but prefer the full flavors of the beers I make. The inebriation is simply a side benefit; an externality if you will.

I couldnt have said it better my self.

But I bs. with my wife:D
I am on call 24/7 so I really am not ever looking to get trashed, Just prefer tasty beers.

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