Why is everyone into only talking about why everyone is into only IPAs?

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Nope, just one healthy sized selfie-stick Japan style.

Occam's Razor agrees with you.


Or at least a horse.

I think a lot of new "craft" beer drinkers don't think a beer is any good unless it's over 50 IBUs. "I'm so cool and edgy, only the most extremest of the extreme beers impress me. Being a craft beer connoisseur for 6 months has made me incredibly jaded." When I read reviews like "Worthington White Shield is mediocre, it doesn't have enough flavor, and needs to have 250 more IBUs, bleh bleh bleh" I want to reach through the monitor and start choking people.
Lemme tell ya somethin'...back in my day, we had Tupper's Hop Pocket. It had 50 IBUs and we were happy with it! If you've never heard of it, go back to your MyFaces and selfie sticks and scarf shopping or whatever it is you young whippersnappers do nowadays. Where's my damn blood pressure medicine... :D
I think a lot of new "craft" beer drinkers don't think a beer is any good unless it's over 50 IBUs. "I'm so cool and edgy, only the most extremest of the extreme beers impress me. Being a craft beer connoisseur for 6 months has made me incredibly jaded." When I read reviews like "Worthington White Shield is mediocre, it doesn't have enough flavor, and needs to have 250 more IBUs, bleh bleh bleh" I want to reach through the monitor and start choking people.
Lemme tell ya somethin'...back in my day, we had Tupper's Hop Pocket. It had 50 IBUs and we were happy with it. If you've never heard of it, go back to your MyFaces and selfie sticks and scarf shopping or whatever it is you young whippersnappers do nowadays. Where's my damn blood pressure medicine... :D

Did you have to walk uphill both ways through 4ft of snow and ice to get to that Hop Pocket?

No but his dad hauled ass all over looking for them in a 57 Chevy with no seat belts for young Jerry.

Uphill both ways, in a snowstorm, dodging dinosaur attacks, riding in the back of the pickup truck, clinging desperately to the side so I didn't get catapulted out when we hit a speed bump...Bunch of damn sissies these days, I tell ya.
Hey, if you guys want to ***** about a popular beer style, let's do "sours". I had a gose a couple weeks ago that tasted like salty vomit. I would have dumped the whole batch down the drain, these guys were selling it for 3 bucks a can.
This entire thread has had me laughing.
And i must have watched that damn horse get launched 50 times. From there I had to read the topic of the thread to see what the hell I'm now following.

I just started a brew kit of an IPA and was handed some hops from the owner. I don't mind a more hop flavour if that is correct but decided for round one I will go with the base kit and then modify and play around after that. This over all forum has been huge. ;-)

I've had about 5000 beers, and I can say without a doubt that spiced ale is the best style evar. I read books to confirm while I was sitting down to pee. You IPA fanboys are EACs.

:goat: :turtle:

IPA fanboys are East Australian Currents? (Thank you Nemo)
Uphill both ways, in a snowstorm, dodging dinosaur attacks, riding in the back of the pickup truck, clinging desperately to the side so I didn't get catapulted out when we hit a speed bump...Bunch of damn sissies these days, I tell ya.

Geeze.. you got a truck for the uphill climb? whiner.
Hey, if you guys want to ***** about a popular beer style, let's do "sours". I had a gose a couple weeks ago that tasted like salty vomit. I would have dumped the whole batch down the drain, these guys were selling it for 3 bucks a can.

I just can't bring myself to like the sour beers..
I just can't bring myself to like the sour beers..

I've had some decent ones, like some lambics and Rodenbach. The NOLA brewery down the street had a sour coffee stout on tap that was surprisingly good. But that gose, man...nasty. I drank half of it, and told my gf to try it. She said "It's not bad, I'll drink it." I said "Yeah, I like the salty taste but that sour acidity tastes like bile." She looked down into the can, grimaced, then handed it back to me. It was Here Gose Nothin' by Destihl btw.
You see what happens is that these scarf-wearing, longest beard possible (apparently full of their own feces) bros don't have much going for them that show how manly they are. Most things in life that we men do are all about comparing dick sizes. Problem is, our culture is now one in which the man with the actual biggest set doesn't get to display them for all to see. Back in the tribal days everyone knew who had the biggest package, because it was staring them all in the face.

So now it's all about who's most athletic, or handsome, or muscular, or drives the fastest car, or has the loudest roadster, or has boned the most chicks, etc. But these boys got none of that stuff going on. They had some smarts, but weren't the top-of-the-class type either. Then they got to college and discovered beer.

All the jocks were getting smashed with bmc. All of the genius, nerd types were sipping on wine and expensive liquors or expensive malt-forward trappist beers that are pretty much wine. Which left them with IPAs. They drank one and liked it, and wanted to be cool and share it with the others, but it was just way too bitter for those guys. So scarf-wearing boy found his thing. "I can drink hoppier beers than you."

Like every man who finally wins a singular contest, he immediately took it to the extreme, in order to, obviously, show just how big his hoppiness really was. Problem was, bmc man, and wine guy didn't give two ****s.

So one of the scarf boys finally wised up to that, but really it was only after accidentally squirting too much lemon into his Boulevard Wheat. He thought, "Hmm, I wonder if there's a such thing as a sour beer."

But then one of his buddies stumbled upon Imperial Stouts by accident. He had a few IIPAs by that point, and when he went up to the bartender he was trying to be real cool and said, "Give me your imperial, bro."

Now we have these two new hipsterier-than-you camps that despise IPAs and IIPAs because they've got developed "pallets." They prefer either that horse blanket mixed with cat piss mixed with the acidic tartness that reminds them of the fruit tart their grandmother used to make in the summertime. Or they want more roasty-chocolatey-coffee goodness to balance out the high abv, 25-year old RIS white whale that they traded $125 worth of local IPAs and IIPAs for in order to get 500ml of that greatness.
And then both of the camps join forces and create the "IPAs are for stupid-heads" threads.

Which leaves us here. The point where those BMC jockees, and the too-smart-for-their-own-good wine-os joined forces to mock the scarf-wearing, ipa-bashing dummies.
Totally off topic, but I need to get something off my chest......I once worked for Los Alamos National Laboratory's black budget Atomic Brewery. I left a batch of Atom Smasher #1 on the boil too long and it reached critical mass.....true story.....here's the picture to prove it. Yeah, that's the ticket. :p

Wow, I didnt forsee that any thread this dumb gets its own random ass meme assigned to it (Donatello FTW btw)

But as the mighty thread creator, I now declare all irreverent posts shall now be regarding: MOOSE...or mooses....mooss....mooz....mees...whatever the plural is.

Refuse to comply and you'll be banished to: A ROOM WITH A MOOSE!

room mose.jpg
Wow, I didnt forsee that any thread this AWESOME gets its own random ass meme assigned to it (Donatello FTW btw)

But as the mighty thread creator, I now declare all irreverent posts shall now be regarding: TURTLE...or turtles....turts....turtlz......whatever the plural is.

Refuse to comply and you'll be banished to: A ROOM WITH A TURTLE!


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