Whats your best Chuck Norris line?

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Come on this is going to be great! I'll start with my personal favorite.

When Chuck Norris jumps in a lake he doesn't get wet, the lake gets Chuck Norrised
When Chuck Norris orders a steak, the steak does what it's told.

When Chuck Norris does a push up he actually is pushing the Earth away from him.

Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch. He tells time what it is.

Hardly anyone knows this but Chuck Norris died several years ago. Death is just afraid to come take his soul.

Chuck Norris can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting.......... He goes killing.
I liked the Mike Huckabee ad from '08 where Chuck Norris actually endorsed Huckabee and then Huckabee turned to the camera and said "Chuck Norris doesn't give endorsements. Chuck Norris tells America how it's gonna be."
When Chuck Norris daughter lost her virginity, he went out and got it back.

Chuck Norris Epic Rap battle of History
Chuck Norris and Superman once took a bet, the loser had to put is underwear over for the rest of is life!
Chuck Norris can clog a toilet with his urine!

Chuck Norris doesn't have a chin behind his beard he has another fist!
Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil. Chuck Norris then forcibly took his soul back. The devil admitted he should have seen that coming.
Little kids wear batman and superman pajamas to bed. Batman and superman wear Chuck Norris pajamas to bed.
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father.

Chuck Norris performed the first C-section when he round house kicked his way out of his mother's womb.
Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. It's descendants are now known as giraffes.

Chuck Norris has visited Mars. That's why there are no signs of life there.
Chuck Norris puts the laughter in Manslaughter.

Chuck Norris once created a rock so huge that even Chuck Norris couldn't lift it. Then he lifted it anyway, just so you know who the f*ck Chuck Norris is!
PseudoChef said:
Chuck Norris once sucked dick for cab fare, then walked home.

In case anyone's curious, Chuck Norris is a bigoted fundie.

Funniest **** I've heard today.
When Chuck norris takes it in the ass, his ass is really...taking........no wait.

Chuck Norris is not cool.

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