What I did for beer today

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Checked the gravity on my Helles after 4 weeks cold ferment. Perfect 1.010 from OG 1.052. Beautiful dark golden hue, taste wonderful! Now slowly lower to lager temp over next week, transfer to secondary and lager till June 4.


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Brewed a Belgian Orange Coriander Wit this morning, using BE-256 for the first time. Came home about 10:45pm to see a lovely krausen setting up. Pretty much hit my numbers (1.050 OG) and it smelled great going into the fermenter. Can't wait for this one. Last time I did a similar recipe was for my daughter's wedding rehearsal dinner two years ago; somehow the notes got deleted so I don't have the recipe anymore, but hoping this one will be on a par with that one.
Brewed a Belgian Orange Coriander Wit this morning, using BE-256 for the first time. Came home about 10:45pm to see a lovely krausen setting up. Pretty much hit my numbers (1.050 OG) and it smelled great going into the fermenter. Can't wait for this one. Last time I did a similar recipe was for my daughter's wedding rehearsal dinner two years ago; somehow the notes got deleted so I don't have the recipe anymore, but hoping this one will be on a par with that one.

Expect about 85% attenuation with that.
Just crushed and put 63 Oreos in an imperial milk stout (post primary ferm) - gave the keg a little CO2, noticed a leak an hour or so later and attempted to poke the out post to fix said leak; stout shot in my face. Best part is I had the biggest smile because the bastard already tastes like Oreos an hour after adding them.
Hey how did this come out? I’m about to brew an Oreo stout and I’m pretty worried about head retention and carbonation issues but I’m going to try different techniques.
Expect about 85% attenuation with that.

I dunno...brewed it on Sunday, tested it last night (Tuesday) and it was at just under 1.010. Had full krausen in about 16 hours, and it dropped like a lead balloon by Tuesday morning. Letting it warm up a bit to finish out, and fully expect to keg it this weekend. First taste was promising.
i just put 7.5lb's of whole wheat kernels in the oven to kiln.....trying to help @Jag75 out by experimenting with wheat....unmalt feed store wheat, going to do this 7.5 with 20lb's 2-row, see if my 0.028" gap gets decent effec..... :mug: a poor brother getting 57% is unbearable!

So I moved the IPA SmaSH (Maris Otter and Azacca) to the keg for dry hop.

Because of the temperature in L.A., I changed my mind with the lager I had planned. In turning it into an ale, based upon color, it will be a Strong Bitter; just add extra hops! I'm using Huell Melon, so not your great-grandfather's Strong Bitter! Smells really good.

I have to be honest, this is the best part of making beer and what I miss from when I was a chef: throwing sh*t into a pot and seeing what happens. We used to have competitions in the kitchen of using random ingredients (pre-Iron Chef, I am older than that) to make good food. Beer is good times, making and drinking.

Is it soup yet?
throwing sh*t into a pot and seeing what happens.
I have to agree with that. Once I got to the point where I was consistently turning out good beers from proven recipes, the best fun I have had is looking through my inventory of grain and hops, and creating something completely mine. Also trying new commercial beers, and seeing if I can clone them without asking for the recipe. My version of Stone Arrogant Bastard (which I've done about 9 times now) is eminently superior to the real thing, in my humble unbiased (snork) opinion.
Bottled and kegged my split batch English AK (it's a bitter but the grain bill is golden promise, 6 row, flaked corn) vs an equivalent Golden Promise bill. I made it pretty hoppy and waiting to see how much of a difference the grain bill will turn out to be. Cleaned both fermenters

Pitched WLP085 into the Mild I did last night and left out too cool.

Got some supplies at the LHBS and shot the **** for a while. Felt kinda normal even though the few of use were at 10 paces.

Tried my first attempt at Grodziskie after only 1 week in the bottle. It was surprisingly good. Needs to bottle condition longer but I've got a new summer beer to add to the collection
Today I transferred my Kama Citra IPA to my keg and attempted my first closed transfer. Then I realized the barb on my liquid connector was to small for my transfer tube and I didn't have a clamp to tighten it down. I ended up doing an open transfer into the purged keg. Went well, but I'm going to try a closed transfer again on my next batch.
Milled the grain for tomorrow's WF lager batch. Using Hallertau Blanc & Mittelfruh for the first time, along with some Sterling for bittering, in a German Pilsner. Also put last week's Wit in the kegerator for crashing, should be good and ready to keg once the mash is set tomorrow morning. Will be the last time using the autosiphon to keg, 2nd fermonster didn't get a spigot before I racked into it but going to install one tomorrow once it's empty. Kegging with the spigoted one last weekend was a snap, and the yeast slurry that came out of it (having used bags for dry hopping) is so clean and pretty.

We're having a mini heatwave this weekend, today got up to 78 and tomorrow will be the same, so planning an early start to beat the heat.
I ordered another one of the original Fermentasaurus's, along with the pressure kit this time. All I see on them are bad reviews, but I've been using mine for about a year and a half now with zero problems.
As far as weather goes, we're having a cooling trend. Hasn't gone over 99° for 2 days straight!
Just transferred ~7 gallons of my BigBrew2020 "Tarantula Tripel" to 1 gallon jugs for cold crashing. OG 1.085; FG 1.010; ABV 9.84; IBU 40; and SRM looks like about 2.
As of this morning, it looks like buttermilk.
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Picked up my old/new 50lbs co2 with siphon tube!
Had an ancient helium tank that conveyed with my house years ago (abandoned in the garage). Don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but for less than $100 I got it hydro tested, used co2 valve installed (with tube), and filled! I’ll still have my 20lbs tank filled elsewhere, but now the 5lbs and all the 20oz bottles can be done at home......... :yes:

Kicked my NEPA, so cleaned the keg and tapline. The first time in awhile I "naturally" finished a keg, and a week before I need the line at that; usually have to pound the last bit to free up the line for the next beer.
Yesterday, helped a buddy write/scale down a recipe for a stout he can brew and ferment in his little apartment. Sniffed airlocks. Keeping the active fermentations down in the 60's using primitive, evaporative cooling techniques (t-shirt, pan of water, and small fan).
Lol! My wife thinks there's something very wrong with someone sniffing airlock! Like we are junkies or something! And we are! Brew junkies!
Yeah, I am a brew junkie! I just bought a really big VittleVault and a 55# bag of 2-Row to put in it (Dan at South Bay Brew Supply, if you're in Torrance, CA for the shameless plug). The barley wine I made in October 2018 is really tasting good now, so I think it might be time to make another one. And then, there's the IPA/PA parti-gyle, and maybe a Bitter from the 3rd runnings?

Nope, not obsessed, not at all, totally not, you're a liar.