What equipment should I get next?!?!

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Feb 7, 2012
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Hey all!

I've always thought these are fun threads to answer for people, but when it comes to myself it's harder for me to prioritize!

I'm gonna throw out a laundry list of everything I have (don't laugh at my dirty laundry).

I have the itch to spend a little OT money on some new/additional equipment. Let me know anything you may think I need/want!!

This is what I currently have for a set up:

-8 gallon aluminum pot, no lid, with a ball valve (super jerry rigged, but works good)
-1 fleet farm special turkey burner (works great though)
-1 orange cooler (10g maybe?) with SS braid thing and ball valve
-1 immersion chiller (happy with this guy so I want to keep this my chilling method)
-2 6 gallon carboys (totally drooling over the plastic big mouth bubblers. I'm sick of these heavy bastards)
-plenty of buckets (don't use, don't trust the germ factory lids)
-auto siphon and assortment of hoses (would SO love a pump)
-digital thermometer (k100 or something, I like it but is there something better that I should have? I'm trying to be better at mash temp controlling)
-hydrometer, thief, jar, stir plate, flask, mash paddle, other normal misc necessary brew stuffs including all cleaning stuff.
-kegging stuff
-1/2 bbl gal keg with top cut off that I don't use for anything.... Yet ;)

Possible wants:

Some sort of brew day stand?
Big mouth bubblers?

Couple things i like the idea of:
-Some day going all electric
-someday move to ten gal batches
-some sort of device to make cleaning easier, perhaps a robot? (Jk)

Name anything that you guys think I could use or anything cool out there you guys have that I would like!

I feel that I may have missed a thing or two on my list of already have, but I didn't miss any key items, so let er buck!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions! I look forward to reading the responses :)

P.S. Pardon anything that may be confusing about this post. I mean I am typing on a phone after a few homebrews!!

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To me, it's about what will help you make better beer. I recommend 3 things you haven't mentioned:

1. Fermentation Control. Get a freezer and rig up an STC-1000 to it. You can do it for $100.
2. StirStarter or homemade stir plate if you like DIY stuff. Stirstarter is $55.
3. Oxygenation kit. Pure oxygen is great for yeast health. $50 kit plus a $10 tank from HD.

Brewers make wort. Yeast makes beer. So whatever you can do to keep the yeast happy will really help you make better beer.
Thermapen - you won't second guess your mash ever again
Pump - you'll wonder how you managed with out it
To dramatically improve your beer for cheap, go with...

Fermentation temp control - Old freezer, fridge, cool brewing bag, whatever. Pick one and use it. It makes a huge difference.

Stirplate and starter gear - having the right amount of yeast really does help.
It sounds like you like your equipment, except for the glass carboys.

Cleaning is everyone's biggest pain, not much you can do about that other than hire some neighborhood kids to clean everything for cheap.

Something to consider: camlocks for your hoses and valves, if you don't already have them. These make brewdays a lot easier. They'll come in handy when you get a pump.

Other than the camlocks, I'd focus on the usual stuff if you don't have it: fermentation temp control, stir plate. Oxygenation kit if you like to do big beers.
Fermentation temp control (freezer w/temp control) made the biggest difference in my beer quality and allowed me to start doing lagers
For me it is simple: I want a Big-Ass Sink in my garage for clean-up. I have automation, fermentation control, a spare fridge for crashing/lagering, a keezer, RIMS, O2 system, keg washer, blah, blah, blah. But, I ALWAYS make a big friggin mess trying to clean, especially when I try to clean anything in our kitchen. So I recommend something to make clean-up easy.
I'm going to offer an exaggerated dichotomy here. Don't jump on me for it, it's to illustrate a point. "Here's what I have, what should I get?" is the question of a gear guy. "Here's what I want to change about my beer, how do I do it?" is the question of a beer guy. I'm mostly the latter, so can't possibly answer the question "Here's what I have, what should I get?". It depends. What are you trying to do better?
I'm going to offer an exaggerated dichotomy here. Don't jump on me for it, it's to illustrate a point. "Here's what I have, what should I get?" is the question of a gear guy. "Here's what I want to change about my beer, how do I do it?" is the question of a beer guy. I'm mostly the latter, so can't possibly answer the question "Here's what I have, what should I get?". It depends. What are you trying to do better?

In some sense you sorta need to be a gear guy to be a beer guy.

I recently stepped up my game by messin with my water as far as pH and minerals. That really really made my last brew better.

I have been thinking recently that my next way to step up my brewing would be to control fermentation temperatures.

That seems to be the consensus of most people here so that is what I have decided to do next.

That being said, I really do love any sort of gear. Especially new gear. That is the reason I ask these silly questions tho. People tend to have more sense than me when it comes to what I need vs want ha :)

Thanks everyone for you input! It has been an enormous help!!

My next step is going to be to get a fermentation chamber of some sort. I already have an stc1000 so I just need to pick up a fridge or freezer off Craigslist.

I also am wanting a big wash tub sort of thing for the garage so I can keep my messes outside instead of in the shower ha. Thanks for that idea!!

I already do have a stir plate (homemade), I just need to get better at not talkin my self out of making starters ha. This is where I need to become more of a beer guy (pilgarlic :) )

I think that a fermentation chamber will greatly help my brews turn out better.

I honestly was stuck between a pump and a ferm chamber. But the ferm chamber will result in better beer while the pump will just be for ease of use

Again thanks everyone for your input!!

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I will update you guys with what actually happens once I do it to show you what I've done.

Hopefully will add some pics or something!

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#1 Fermentation Control
#2 Fermentation Control
#3 Plastic Big Mouth Bubblers

You can make the best quality wort in the world with the most super high end gear, but if you dont ferment it well it will just turn out to be an .. ok beer.

Temperature controlled ferments are what set Excellent beers apart from ok ones.
Certainly not as important as gear to regulate temperature, but if you're sick of hauling around 6 gallon glass carboys why not get a brew hauler? I've heard good things about them.
Just a thought.
I'm sure you all are eagerly waiting for a response from me. Probably all sitting there thinking 'i wonder wtf this guy bought, i just cant sleep!"

Well here is what i have done.

I picked up a black and decker mini fridge off CL for $50.
Wired my STC-1000 (had on my kegerator) up to it and i happen to have a real small electric heater that i have inside it.

Hefeweizen is now happily bubbling away at precisely 21 degrees C (well +/- .3 :) )

I'm very happy with my ferm chamber. it was a quick and easy and fairly cheap set up! one 6 gallon carboy with a blow off tube fits nicely inside. I just had to remove the plastic off the inside of the door.

This brew I also crushed my own grain for the first time! I picked up a corona mill off CL for $20

Still on the wish list, but down the road:
-Plastic big mouth bubbler
-bed frame mounted bathtub :mug:

Thanks for all your guys input!