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Hero of the day! You just earned some karma points. Good job!

I'm drinking kombucha with a splash of tepache.
Thanks, really was just doing what I would hope any neighbor/bystander would do in that situation.

Hard to focus on work now though. Luckily the kid is going with the grandparents tonight, I'll tie one on.

Have more than a few. Good to see good people are still around.

Hop Sun, pregaming before I pour at an event.

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Anybody interested in watching one of the most bad ass, yet underrated, sports out there, check out the X Games flat track races tonight on ESPN @ 8:30 EST. #7 is my girlfriends parents rider and is not a small guy you wanna F with. Really is a crazy sport that a lot of people dont know about. Depending on the track, they are sliding anywhere from 90-110 mph through the corners. Check it out!



Anybody interested in watching one of the most bad ass, yet underrated, sports out there, check out the X Games flat track races tonight on ESPN 8:30 EST. #7 is my girlfriends parents rider and is not a small guy you wanna F with. Really is a crazy sport that a lot of people dont know about. Depending on the track, they are sliding anywhere from 90-110 mph through the corners. Check it out!



ESPN 8, the Ocho. Can't get enough of it.
I also saw this on a segment in OSC...Obscure Sports Quarterly.
Good looking out Psylocide. This makes me feel bad that I started the Pillow Club at work. The Pillow Club is joined by patients who piss me off so much that I want to put the pillow over their face and Hold down firmly until cessation of vital signs.
Good looking out Psylocide. This makes me feel bad that I started the Pillow Club at work. The Pillow Club is joined by patients who piss me off so much that I want to put the pillow over their face and Hold down firmly until cessation of vital signs.

Anyway you could send me an IV of electrolytes? solely becuase its what plants crave... :D
They call that misappropriation where I work and fire people for it otherwise it would be no problem

It is helps, its going to a good cause. Im preparing for when I can drink again and fear for the hangover that ensues my overindulgence. It was @beermeduffman 's idea. :D
Wow. Craziest lunch break ever.

TL;DR incoming.

There's an elderly lady that lives about 5 houses down that is fairly large, ~350 lbs (if I had to guess) and has a pretty hard time getting around. She lives alone and is always out front in a purple muumuu.

Well, I'm driving home and see her lying on her stomach on the garage floor. I pull over and start freaking out that I'm going to walk in there and she's going to be dead.

Luckily she was moving but told me she had fallen and was lying there for over an hour. She had managed to crawl from her driveway to the garage and yelled for help for the first 20 mins or so, but gave up.

I sat her up and told her I was going to get help. She said she didn't want any men to help, and I just looked at her and said, "Yeah, I'm going to get a couple of guys, there's no ladies on this street that could really help us out here." She knew what I meant but asked me to go get the neighbor lady next door to sit with her. I did that, then rounded up a couple guys that I knew would be home.

She had a gate belt so we got that on her and proceeded to lift her up into a chair that she had in the garage. She was able to stand up from there and walk around, but not before the neighbor guy told her to get a lifealert or something like that.

She didn't want to hear anything about it but was crying as soon as we got her in the chair.

Adrenaline overload. Had a beer and went back to work.

Good job man! Someone will be happy you saved their loved one!
It is helps, its going to a good cause. Im preparing for when I can drink again and fear for the hangover that ensues my overindulgence. It was @beermeduffman 's idea. :D

In the army the nurses always gave themselves IVs and they were too hung over. I wasn't a nurse then I was a combat engineer so I didn't benefit from any of tthose IVs
It is helps, its going to a good cause. Im preparing for when I can drink again and fear for the hangover that ensues my overindulgence. It was @beermeduffman 's idea. :D

I have a friend in Denver that does this sort of thing professionally, she is a registered paramedic that now is a VP of some company that provides the aforementioned services.

I'm going to hang out with her during GABF...for obvious reasons.

@finsfan maybe you end this streak in Denver? They can hook it up in your hotel room while you drink.

I bet if you ask nice you could get a catheter out of the deal. You wouldn't even have to go @Bucknuts off the balcony into the pool!
Doesn't have the "snap" that I look for and love in a heff. Not the worst beer I've ever consumed though.... no no no, that was the HB Nut Brown Ale courtesy of Black Rock..... Left me horrified and outraged! And drunk, it was strong and I still drank it..... I seriously considered dumping the whole batch several times, but after 4 of them I kinda forgot how ****ty they were. Thank jeebus they're done! On to HB Witbier next!

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In the army the nurses always gave themselves IVs and they were too hung over. I wasn't a nurse then I was a combat engineer so I didn't benefit from any of tthose IVs

Mortrin 800 was the USMC wonder drug. Missing teeth, Mortrin 800. Body hurts? Morris 800. Recent dental surgery removing all four wisdom teeth? Mortrin 800. I thought an IV was completely a fictitious lie cooked up my an officer promising a better life.
Mortrin 800 was the USMC wonder drug. Missing teeth, Mortrin 800. Body hurts? Morris 800. Recent dental surgery removing all four wisdom teeth? Mortrin 800. I thought an IV was completely a fictitious lie cooked up my an officer promising a better life.

Yeah the Marine Corps is on another level.
I have a friend in Denver that does this sort of thing professionally, she is a registered paramedic that now is a VP of some company that provides the aforementioned services.

I'm going to hang out with her during GABF...for obvious reasons.

@finsfan maybe you end this streak in Denver? They can hook it up in your hotel room while you drink.

I bet if you ask nice you could get a catheter out of the deal. You wouldn't even have to go @Bucknuts off the balcony into the pool!

that timing would actually work out perfect haha not sure I will make it this year. I need to in the future though!
Mortrin 800 was the USMC wonder drug. Missing teeth, Mortrin 800. Body hurts? Morris 800. Recent dental surgery removing all four wisdom teeth? Mortrin 800. I thought an IV was completely a fictitious lie cooked up my an officer promising a better life.

I had some rough times in the Navy and it was the same with the Motrin 800. Useless horse pills that I could barely choke down. More likely to die of choking than to have any useful effect.
I had some rough times in the Navy and it was the same with the Motrin 800. Useless horse pills that I could barely choke down. More likely to die of choking than to have any useful effect.

Exactly lol. Those things were monstrous. You knew no matter what was wrong with you, you were getting motrin. Might as well just skip it and treat yourself. I still do it today for the most part. I lived on aleeve for four years before finally breaking down and getting back surgery