Typical for me.

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Licensed Sensual Massage Therapist.
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Feb 10, 2008
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Reed City, MI
I admit I'm not that organized. I can be when I want to, but it's hard to spend time on that stuff when there are other things I could be doing.

So, I found this homer bucket with a label that said "IIPA MIX". I remembered that I weighed out some grains for a half batch of IIPA a LONG time ago but never brewed. I thought it would make a decent Saturday in the Kitchen while the wife was out if I did a BIAB on the stove and an overnight chill outside. You know, just to use up the grains.

I can't find my original recipe, so I fire up Beersmith and weigh my bucket (I just got done crushing the grain) and it's like 18 lbs... Ok, so I didn't notice that there was THAT much grain in there. That's a full batch.

I'm not prepared for brewing a full batch and I don't want to mess around in the garage at this time. I remember that I tossed the old half batch of grains because they were already crushed. So WTF is this other stuff??

Did I measure out more IIPA grains?? Was it some other recipe and I just placed it in this bucket and forgot to change the label??

I have no idea.

So now I have 18 lbs of crushed grain in a bucket and no idea what they are. I don't think I see any dark roasted grains, so it might be a IIPA, but even the 5 gallon IIPA recipe in my Beersmith only calls for 14.5 lbs of grain...

Got a starter of Cry Havoc going on the stirplate (had a sale at the lhbs) and I'm ready to brew it, but honestly, I don't know what I'll be making!
Mystery Beer! I guess all you can do is hope that it doesn't turn out so well that you want to brew it again..... That being said, this could be kinda fun!
I love it. Mash it and taste the liquor, see what it feels like, take a pre-boil gravity. Figure out what kind of hops you want to use, then decide if you want it balanced or hoppy, then hop on the fly.
It's like the "Iron Chef" of Home Brewing


I didn't think of it that way. I am afraid it will turn out too good and I'll never be able to reproduce it.

I can't think of anything else it could be except a IIPA based on the color of the grains and the amount.

Maybe this will force me to take more gravity readings and actually THINK about the batch as I'm brewing it. I should also probably not drink beer while making it. Ok, so maybe not drink too much while making it. :drunk:
sweet! can't wait to see how it turns out... my prediction is: gold medal winner at NHC next year.
Taste test compare with other base malt of same color. Couldn't be too hard to figure out.

Excited for this beer!
Good luck
Unless of course you've already used it all....

It was already mixed and then I crushed it.

Unless it was just some base malt that I threw in the bucket for safekeeping...

Oh crap. I just don't know.

HA! I might have the perfect beer for my Mystery Spot pint glass! :ban:
Now wouldn't that be a kick in the head?! Maybe look through your brew notes???

What a great idea!

Brew notes.

I'll have to remember that for next time.

I've actually been meaning to start keeping a brewing journal. I have a veyr nice leather book filled with blank pages of homemake paper that I picked up at a Renn Faire a few years ago (don't judge me).

I could use that, or maybe some preformatted brewers sheets.
Either or,both are good. I use a 1 subject spiral bound notebook for my brewing notes. I even marked the cover as such with a black caligraphy marker I keep for such things. And sinse my brew stand is to the right of the computer hutch,I keep it in the lil shelf above the monitor. I try to write down everything I can think of. Even I could do better at it.
What a great idea!

Brew notes.

I'll have to remember that for next time.

I've actually been meaning to start keeping a brewing journal. I have a veyr nice leather book filled with blank pages of homemake paper that I picked up at a Renn Faire a few years ago (don't judge me).

I could use that, or maybe some preformatted brewers sheets.

I bought a sweet leather bound journalistic thingy when I first started brewing. You know, being excited about a new hobby. I was sure that I'd have it full of my own sweet recipes at this point, almost 3 years later.

I have 1 recipe that I havent brewed yet, written in our "junk notebook" that I'm waiting on my Barley Crusher to brew up.

I used to be a big fan of Renn Fairs too....when I was 12 :p
I'd say to just go for broke, get someone else to make an ale yeast starter without letting you know the strain, let someone else do the hopping as well (not telling you which hops, how much, or when). Basically, make it a complete and total mystery. And then if it turns out to taste good, try and clone it.
Homercidal said:
I have a veyr nice leather book filled with blank pages of homemake paper that I picked up at a Renn Faire a few years ago

Ha! You lil swashbuckler :D
I used to be a big fan of Renn Fairs too....when I was 12 :p

Ha! You lil swashbuckler :D

I don't care. I think it's a good time. It's been a few years though. Meant to go this year but never found the time. I think the kids would love it, and I KNOW I love the food and drink and cleavage. :ban:
I'd say to just go for broke, get someone else to make an ale yeast starter without letting you know the strain, let someone else do the hopping as well (not telling you which hops, how much, or when). Basically, make it a complete and total mystery. And then if it turns out to taste good, try and clone it.

Wow. That sounds crazy. I've already picked out my hops though. I'm just waiting for a few hours to brew it up. Unfortunately, I my conscience is getting the better of me and I think I'll have to go to my mom's house and finish the drywall in her kitchen before I brew any more beer. It's been too long since I was over there working.

I only have a few strips of drywall to put up and some corner bead, then I can start mudding. I'm hoping to brew this weekend if they can help sand.
Homercidal said:
I don't care. I think it's a good time. It's been a few years though. Meant to go this year but never found the time. I think the kids would love it, and I KNOW I love the food and drink and cleavage. :ban:

I was just ribbin ya, I've been to many. Not since I was 15, but I would totally go now. It would be a cool place to take the kids. There used to be a world class one down in Sears Pt, now I think its in Holister. Got full plate armor jousting and boobies galore.
I've actually been meaning to start keeping a brewing journal. I have a veyr nice leather book filled with blank pages of homemake paper that I picked up at a Renn Faire a few years ago (don't judge me).

I could use that, or maybe some preformatted brewers sheets.

I judge you. That is great idea, similar to an old Monk Abby Brewing collection.

I would do it in a heartbeat.
The only problem would be preventing any writing mistakes. I make lots of mistakes since I started using a keyboard, but at least on the keyboard they are easily corrected!

I also have a Hobbit Journal. It's an old paperback book with pictures from the books and blank pages for writing in.

Hopefully that doesn't make me sound like too much of a nerd...
I keep journals for everything. I must have 6-7 journals going. Brewing, everyday, cocktails, woodworking, misc..... I love writing stuff down it is oldschool and helps me remember things later on.
That would be an awesome competition.

This round's mystery ingredients are:

Smoked malt
Northern Brewer hops
Brown Sugar

You have three hours. Brewers, begin!
I would add 6LBs of sugar and some turbo yeast and make some hooch...:) Call it paint peeler reserve ale
That would be an awesome competition.

This round's mystery ingredients are:

Smoked malt
Northern Brewer hops
Brown Sugar

You have three hours. Brewers, begin!

You are not going to believe this, but my homebrew club is doing an Iron Brew (google it), and you just randomly guessed two of the three ingredients.

They are:

Smoked Malt
Northern Brewer Hops
Bitter Orange Peel

I pulled the slip that said "bitter orange peel" and actually groaned when I read it.

My entry is going to be a wee heavy, since I was already brewing one up anyway with a bit of smoked malt in it, I just changed the bittering hops to NB and plan to do a tincture of bitter orange peel when I bottle some from the keg. I have already mashed the wort and have it in cold storage until I have a chance to do the boil later this week.