Too much hop in hefe

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Steve brous

New Member
Aug 23, 2018
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Brewed a 3 gallon small batch hefewiesen yesterday. Read the recipe wrong should have put around .75 oz good ( hallertau). Bottom line I put 1.5 oz for the 60 minute boil. Will this ruin the taste?
Not really, but bitterness is a competing flavor so the yeast flavor may or may not be harder to taste.
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It shouldn't affect the clove or banana, just the bitterness, which you've apparently doubled. Might be drinkable.
let me know how it comes out, i always wanted to try with a more hoppy hefe but never had the guts to try lol. never know your beer could start a new fad like neipa or something :D
Brewed a 3 gallon small batch hefewiesen yesterday. Read the recipe wrong should have put around .75 oz good ( hallertau). Bottom line I put 1.5 oz for the 60 minute boil. Will this ruin the taste?
can you brew another batch and just not put hops in it, blend the two ...should be closer to what you want. Yeah Hefs are low IBU.
It will be very bitter. But note, there are a couple of commercial versions out there that have done this on purpose, and the beer is still what I would consider to be pretty good... if you can handle some bitterness. The remaining flavors would not be affected.
roughly 40 IBUs instead of 20, and it's a noble hop too...I really don't think it will be bad, not traditional for the style, but you might be pleasantly surprised that you created something new that you like....sorta like a hybrid between a Hefe and hoppy Belgian Strong Ale maybe?
You're really likely fine. When you tasted after chilling before pitching, what was it like? You did taste it didn't you? (I always do but to each their own.) I doubt you've irreparably harmed a perfectly fine beer.
I’m not a huge fan of bitter beers without some later additions or dry hopping to balance out the flavor. That being said, I just finished my last bottle of an American wheat that I added too much hallertau for the bittering addition and although it was more bitter than I preferred for the style... it was a very drinkable beer. It was also about 40 IBU. I think you’ll be fine