TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

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FYI, i think there is a bootloop on the firmware that BrewFlashser is issuing for 1.1.3; when i download/install it i get white screen after successful programming.

If I pick the "alpha" 1.1.3 for TFT it works fine. not sure if i'm having a personal issue, but flashing any of the normal 1.1.3 versions (oled, usb-c) all seem to stay on white screen even after hard reset. Setting the TFT 1.1.3 alpha as the firmware works (as o

Sorry, meant to say i think the firmware BrewFlasher is grabbing is not correct... using BrewFlasher-1.4.0.Windows.x64 (just re-downloaded today when trying to reflash/update my bridges)
...uhhhh. I just fixed the bug. Let's.... just not ask what caused it.

Anyways, it works now! Sorry about that - thanks for reporting it.
Yep, offset from GMT.

That depends on a lot of things. :)
Tilts can last for years on a single battery - one of my Tilts is over 100 weeks in - but admittedly, it lives most of its life sitting on my desk. I’d say if you use it heavily, I’d change the battery every year-to-year-and-a-half.
What does the Battery Age number reported in the Web UI on tilt bridge represent?
Back from vacation, tried with BrewFlasher-1.4 x64.exe, FW 1.1.3 TFT (now TFT was delivered and connected) and worked on Windows 10 Pro 21H1 at first try.
Thanks Thorrak!!
My tiltbridge was not pushing data to google sheets. After some troubleshooting, I re-flashed the firmware. Now, the orange LED comes on but nothing is being displayed on the screen. I'd appreciate any help someone can offer!

Heltec 32
Brewflasher 1.4
Flashing Tiltbridge vv1.1.3 - OLED


I have the same problem with the Heltec 32. None of the files show a display on the screen.
Please help!

@Bushey @Oberhauser

I think I see the issue, and just refreshed the firmware in BrewFlasher. Try now.

If this one doesn't work, I also re-added v1.1.1 specifically for OLED. The differences for v1.1.1 and v1.1.3 are targeted at the TFT firmware - there is no difference in functionality for the OLED firmware.
Thank you for your fast reply.
I have tested both firmware - I regret to to tell you non show me a display.
There is no hardware problem, I used the Heltec with your firmware ( I do not remember witch one ) before.
Do you have any other idea for the problem.

Thank you for your fast reply.
I have tested both firmware - I regret to to tell you non show me a display.
There is no hardware problem, I used the Heltec with your firmware ( I do not remember witch one ) before.
Do you have any other idea for the problem.

Apologies -- I was rushing this morning, and grabbed the wrong firmware for v1.1.1. It should hopefully work now.

For v1.1.3, I'm going to have to find a test board and see if I can reproduce the issue on my side. We've not been spending much time at home this weekend, but I'll try to take a look at it later this week. Again though -- if v1.1.1 works, it's virtually the same as v1.1.3 for non-TFT boards.
Thanks a lot!
The v1.1.1 is now working!!!!
One request: Can you upload the version witch shows the temperature in Celsius please.
Best wishes

Hey Thorrak, thanks for your help, I flashed with the v1.1.1 firmware and my board is booting again. However, I'm having another issue.

I log in to the local tiltbridge network and successfully load my home wifi network on it. The device reboots, but I am not able to login to the tiltbridge.local config menu. I've tried re-flashing, reinstalling the wifi multiple times. I've tried to access the config menu via the tiltbridge.local as well as the device specific IP address (I can see on my home router software it is getting a good IP address). The mDNS name is the default tiltbridge.

I've tried 2 separate computers using chrome and edge, ensuring I'm connected to the same wifi network as the tiltbridge.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
Last edited:
Hey Thorrak, thanks for your help, I flashed with the v1.1.1 firmware and my board is booting again. However, I'm having another issue.

I log in to the local tiltbridge network and successfully load my home wifi network on it. The device reboots, but I am not able to login to the tiltbridge.local config menu. I've tried re-flashing, reinstalling the wifi multiple times. I've tried to access the config menu via the tiltbridge.local as well as the device specific IP address (I can see on my home router software it is getting a good IP address). The mDNS name is the default tiltbridge.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hmm. Just to make sure I understand - it doesn’t work with either the .local address or the IP address? What is the OLED screen displaying as you’re attempting this?

Are you sure you’re accessing via http (not https)? Is your computer/phone/other device on the same network as the TiltBridge?

For context, mDNS is super flakey with the latest ESP32 framework, but other functions are less reliable with the older framework versions. I have a handful of issues raised with Espressif’s Arduino & ESP-IDF teams on this, but they don’t seem to have much of a solution at the moment as it feels like the problem is in the (closed source) WiFi stack. This would impact .local name resolution on your network but it should still respond to the raw IP address.
The OLED screen is displaying the alternating Color/Temp/Gravity text then tiltbridge logo. I've tried the http://tiltbridge.local address as well as the specific .1.133 IP address assigned by my wifi router, which matches the IP address the tiltbridge shows on startup.

I've tried 2 separate computers using chrome and edge, ensuring I'm connected to the same wifi network as the tiltbridge.

When I try to ping the tiltbridge IP address from a command prompt, it is not successful and times out. I have not had any other issues with other devices on my wifi network, not sure why its giving me such a headache now.
The OLED screen is displaying the alternating Color/Temp/Gravity text then tiltbridge logo. I've tried the http://tiltbridge.local address as well as the specific .1.133 IP address assigned by my wifi router, which matches the IP address the tiltbridge shows on startup.

I've tried 2 separate computers using chrome and edge, ensuring I'm connected to the same wifi network as the tiltbridge.

When I try to ping the tiltbridge IP address from a command prompt, it is not successful and times out. I have not had any other issues with other devices on my wifi network, not sure why its giving me such a headache now.
Weird. It should work - that's not a symptom I'm used to seeing. I'm still unable to test with hardware locally tonight, but

For now, try this: Within BrewFlasher, flash the "WiFi Reset and Sensor Wiring Test" firmware. You can find it here on BrewFlasher Web or in BrewFlasher Desktop under Project "Other", chipset "ESP32". Restart the board, give it ~60 seconds or so, and then re-flash the v1.1.1 TiltBridge firmware.

The WiFi Reset firmware is designed for a different project of mine, but amongst other things it reformats the SPIFFS partition and deletes the WiFi credentials, which should result in the closest thing you can get to a "full factory reset". I'd guess that this has a less-than-10% chance of solving your problem, unfortunately, but it's a quick/free thing to try, and might work.
Weird. It should work - that's not a symptom I'm used to seeing. I'm still unable to test with hardware locally tonight, but

For now, try this: Within BrewFlasher, flash the "WiFi Reset and Sensor Wiring Test" firmware. You can find it here on BrewFlasher Web or in BrewFlasher Desktop under Project "Other", chipset "ESP32". Restart the board, give it ~60 seconds or so, and then re-flash the v1.1.1 TiltBridge firmware.

The WiFi Reset firmware is designed for a different project of mine, but amongst other things it reformats the SPIFFS partition and deletes the WiFi credentials, which should result in the closest thing you can get to a "full factory reset". I'd guess that this has a less-than-10% chance of solving your problem, unfortunately, but it's a quick/free thing to try, and might work.
So I was not able to get access to the OLED configuration page. I ordered a TFT device, flashed it and everything is working as it should. I'm just going to stick with the TFT for now. Thanks for all your help!
Hello! Winemaker here, lead to this forum due to this thread specifically.

I currently have a functional TiltPi, but I have the hardware on-hand to build a TiltBridge. I'm wondering if some of you in this thread could answer me this question and save me a bunch of time: is there any functional/feature advantage to TiltBridge over TiltPi?
Hello! Winemaker here, lead to this forum due to this thread specifically.

I currently have a functional TiltPi, but I have the hardware on-hand to build a TiltBridge. I'm wondering if some of you in this thread could answer me this question and save me a bunch of time: is there any functional/feature advantage to TiltBridge over TiltPi?

Hey there!

I don't/haven't used a TiltPi before, but the #1 differentiator is the obvious one -- The TiltPi uses a Raspberry Pi, while a TiltBridge uses an ESP32. Raspberry Pis have become scarce/expensive as of late, but for those of us that already have them handy, they are delightfully capable devices. ESP32s, on the other hand, are cheap, so you (or at least, I) don't feel as bad chucking them wherever you need to in order to pick up the signal from your Tilt/WiFi.

Other than that, I'm not sure which data "targets" the TiltPi supports, but TiltBridge supports sending data to Fermentrack, BrewPi Remix, Brewer's Friend, Brewfather, MQTT, and Google Sheets. It's possible that the TiltPi supports others that TiltBridge does not - and this would be a reason I would pick TiltPi over TiltBridge if there is a data target it provides that you need.

That said - the best part about TiltBridge is that the software is free, and setup is pretty easy. If you already have the hardware on hand, I'd just flash it up (BrewFlasher & BrewFlasher Web even makes that easy) and try it for yourself. :)
Other than that, I'm not sure which data "targets" the TiltPi supports, but TiltBridge supports sending data to Fermentrack, BrewPi Remix, Brewer's Friend, Brewfather, MQTT, and Google Sheets. It's possible that the TiltPi supports others that TiltBridge does not - and this would be a reason I would pick TiltPi over TiltBridge if there is a data target it provides that you need.

Nice of you to be the one to respond. :)

I think TiltPi only supports sending data to Google Sheets. I don't use any of those other sites (in fact, I'm totally unfamiliar with them), so I'll have to check them out to see if they are A) applicable to wine, and B) of any interest/value to me. I suppose that will then answer the TiltBridge value question.

Nice of you to be the one to respond. :)

I think TiltPi only supports sending data to Google Sheets. I don't use any of those other sites (in fact, I'm totally unfamiliar with them), so I'll have to check them out to see if they are A) applicable to wine, and B) of any interest/value to me. I suppose that will then answer the TiltBridge value question.


What features would you want that are applicable to wine? Just output in brix/plato, or something else?

Admittedly, I only brew beer, so I'm not as familiar!
I bought a Heltec board and flashed it with the 1.1.1 firmware based on the above posts but my display is blank. The Web UI responds and I see my Tilts in the dashboard and the display did show the Heltec logo when initially plugged in so I believe everything is working. Any suggestions?
I bought a Heltec board and flashed it with the 1.1.1 firmware based on the above posts but my display is blank. The Web UI responds and I see my Tilts in the dashboard and the display did show the Heltec logo when initially plugged in so I believe everything is working. Any suggestions?
Which firmware did you flash?
The OLED 1.1.1. Since then I also noted the UI would sometimes fail to respond as well. I flashed the same firmware to a non-display board and it seems to work perfectly.
Sorry, for the word count but I've been struggling with calibrations and I think there are a lot of variable to cover. Here's what I did:
  1. I went thought the three point calibration process on the tilt app. The adjustments were (1) 1.004-->1.000; (2) 1.057 ---> 1.052; (3) 1.095 -->1.087. The temperature readings seemed less reliable. My test wort was 74-75 per my thermapen, and my tilt gave me 66/69. I did this with two tilts and the second was 67/69.
  2. I went to the tiltbridge.local page and put those same three data points for gravity--hydrometer SG vs tilt SG--in the calibration tool and saved. I had some trouble getting it to save. But eventually, I got something to stick in the tilt calibration equation section.
  3. Then I sync with brewfather and attach the tilt.

I ran into two seemingly different issues:

First, the OG readings in Brewfather were far off. My OG was 1.069 but Brewfather showed 1.056. I THINK the tiltbridge unit said 1.056, but I'm not really sure. I know that the unit and brewfather match right now. So I think this is simply with the tiltbridge calibration. But this is off by a lot more than my tilt. I went back and looked at tiltbridge.local to confirm that the calibration equation stuck, which it did.

My sense at the time was that the calibration was not actually changing the output data. But when I ran the calibration (step 1 above), my tilt reading was reading 5ish points high, not 13 points low. The wort temp was about 68 per my inkbird, so I'm not in a zone where different temp readings would make a 15 point difference. My 1.069 hydro reading was before I pitched my starter, but a 1.5L starter into a 4.5g batch isn't going to make that much a difference.

Second, I checked again this morning. The tiltbridge.local page does not show any saved calibration equation. The tiltbridge unit reads 1.024. That matches brewfather. My tilt app shows 1.018 (and 1.022 pre-calibrated). I suspect that the calibration somehow got wiped, and the discrepancy is because of the temperature readings. My inkbird, which I think is correct, shows 75. My tilt now says 75 pre-calibrated, which is correct, but is adjusted to 81. That difference explains 1.022--->1.024.

There's no obvious point in the graph that would indicate a calibration change.


So I guess my questions are:

1. Any idea why the OG would off so much?

2. Any idea why my calibration equation would disappear?

3. Does tiltbridge pull the pre-calibrated tilt data or does it use the calibrated number?

4. When doing the calibration, its says that if the reading is temp corrected, check the box and enter the correction. I don't understand this. Do I enter the temperature adjusted hydrometer reading as "actual gravity", the tilt pre-calibrated gravity as "tilt gravity", my thermapen wort temp, and the calibration temp of my hydrometer? My data points are: a) hydrometer reading; b) thermapen wort temp; c) a temperature adjusted gravity; d) a pre-calibrated tilt gravity reading; e) an adjusted tilt gravity reading; f) a pre-calibrated tilt temp readings; and g) a calibrated tilt temp reading.


If you made it this far, thank you for your time!
Sorry, for the word count but I've been struggling with calibrations and I think there are a lot of variable to cover. Here's what I did:
  1. I went thought the three point calibration process on the tilt app. The adjustments were (1) 1.004-->1.000; (2) 1.057 ---> 1.052; (3) 1.095 -->1.087. The temperature readings seemed less reliable. My test wort was 74-75 per my thermapen, and my tilt gave me 66/69. I did this with two tilts and the second was 67/69.
  2. I went to the tiltbridge.local page and put those same three data points for gravity--hydrometer SG vs tilt SG--in the calibration tool and saved. I had some trouble getting it to save. But eventually, I got something to stick in the tilt calibration equation section.
  3. Then I sync with brewfather and attach the tilt.

I ran into two seemingly different issues:

First, the OG readings in Brewfather were far off. My OG was 1.069 but Brewfather showed 1.056. I THINK the tiltbridge unit said 1.056, but I'm not really sure. I know that the unit and brewfather match right now. So I think this is simply with the tiltbridge calibration. But this is off by a lot more than my tilt. I went back and looked at tiltbridge.local to confirm that the calibration equation stuck, which it did.

My sense at the time was that the calibration was not actually changing the output data. But when I ran the calibration (step 1 above), my tilt reading was reading 5ish points high, not 13 points low. The wort temp was about 68 per my inkbird, so I'm not in a zone where different temp readings would make a 15 point difference. My 1.069 hydro reading was before I pitched my starter, but a 1.5L starter into a 4.5g batch isn't going to make that much a difference.

Second, I checked again this morning. The tiltbridge.local page does not show any saved calibration equation. The tiltbridge unit reads 1.024. That matches brewfather. My tilt app shows 1.018 (and 1.022 pre-calibrated). I suspect that the calibration somehow got wiped, and the discrepancy is because of the temperature readings. My inkbird, which I think is correct, shows 75. My tilt now says 75 pre-calibrated, which is correct, but is adjusted to 81. That difference explains 1.022--->1.024.

There's no obvious point in the graph that would indicate a calibration change.


So I guess my questions are:

1. Any idea why the OG would off so much?

2. Any idea why my calibration equation would disappear?

3. Does tiltbridge pull the pre-calibrated tilt data or does it use the calibrated number?

4. When doing the calibration, its says that if the reading is temp corrected, check the box and enter the correction. I don't understand this. Do I enter the temperature adjusted hydrometer reading as "actual gravity", the tilt pre-calibrated gravity as "tilt gravity", my thermapen wort temp, and the calibration temp of my hydrometer? My data points are: a) hydrometer reading; b) thermapen wort temp; c) a temperature adjusted gravity; d) a pre-calibrated tilt gravity reading; e) an adjusted tilt gravity reading; f) a pre-calibrated tilt temp readings; and g) a calibrated tilt temp reading.


If you made it this far, thank you for your time!

Go to settings > calibration settings > check enable calibration. Sorry if you already did that but I know I spent way too much time trying to calibrate my tilts without realizing I had to check that box in the settings. Hope it's that simple for you!
The OLED 1.1.1. Since then I also noted the UI would sometimes fail to respond as well. I flashed the same firmware to a non-display board and it seems to work perfectly.

I went ahead and ordered the D32 hardware so I could have a display my eyes have a chance of seeing so I'm planning to just use the ESP32 device without a display until the new hardware shows up in a month or so.
Go to settings > calibration settings > check enable calibration. Sorry if you already did that but I know I spent way too much time trying to calibrate my tilts without realizing I had to check that box in the settings. Hope it's that simple for you!
Thanks. I do have both boxes checked on that menu.
Looking back on this thread after a year or so. I want to buy a spare as I really like this TiltBridge software and mine is over a year old. The problem is that I can't seem to find a relatively new board that has a USB-C port. Is there a reason people prefer the legacy micro-usb port?

This is the one I'm looking at.

Also, huge thank you to LBussy that looks to still be active as a contributor and was kind enough to make me a case over a year ago!
It's not that we prefer the legacy port, it's that the currently compiled firmware is aligned to a specific board, and those boards use the older port. Until the firmware is adjusted/recompiled for the new types, you are left with the variants that are available.

So, you don't want a "relatively new board. For now. :)
Looking back on this thread after a year or so. I want to buy a spare as I really like this TiltBridge software and mine is over a year old. The problem is that I can't seem to find a relatively new board that has a USB-C port. Is there a reason people prefer the legacy micro-usb port?

This is the one I'm looking at.

Also, huge thank you to LBussy that looks to still be active as a contributor and was kind enough to make me a case over a year ago!
Ugh, Espressif's naming conventions strike again!

The ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C2, and ESP32-C3 are all completely different chipsets, with vastly different capabilities. Just because the ESP32-S2 is newer doesn't make it better!

Edit: One more point -- Just because the ESP32 is older doesn't mean it can't be USB-C compatible. I've been contemplating starting to sell pre-built, pre-flashed TiltBridge devices using an FCC-approved complete board design, which happens to be based on the standard ESP32, and uses USB-C for power.
Got my D32 hardware today, almost 3 weeks before I expected it and have it up and running. I just need to print the case tomorrow. Is it normal for it to flash the Tiltbridge logo every few seconds? Where I'm going to use it the motion is going to be annoying.
Got it all printed and assembled. The BT radio in the the D32 seems to be a lot more powerful than the other ESP32 boards I've used--connected right up to a Tilt that had gone dark to the ESP board and stayed connected consistently.
Hi there Thorrak!

Thought I'd come here to see if you (or anyone else) can help me. I just bought an ESP32 with a built-in OLED, specifically this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DKD79Y9?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Screen printing on the board says it's a HELTEC HTIT-WB32.

I have no experience with Arduino, don't have any of the Arduino software setup, etc. I was expecting to be able to do a plug and play flash of the TiltBridge binaries onto the ESP32 as described in the TiltBridge docs (just connect the ESP32 via micro USB, download BrewFlasher, run it and flash the binary). However, there's clearly something missing - a micro USB cable does power on the device, and I can use the PRG and RST buttons - but the device doesn't show up in Windows, and the BrewFlasher app can't find it.

Correction: I do see a "CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller" pop up under "Other devices" when I plug/unplug the ESP32 device. Do I need to install a driver or something?

Any hints on what I need to do in order to have the ESP32 device recognized in a way that allows me to flash the binaries to it using BrewFlasher?
Yep, thanks - just came back to close the loop on this part. I installed the driver, and am able now to use BrewFlasher.

I've tried flashing the v1.1.3 TFT and the 1.1.3 OLED versions. Neither gives me output to the attached screen on the ESP32 device. But, the v1.1.3 OLED version does boot and works, and I can access it from the web browser interface.

Any hints on which version I should be flashing to this ESP32 device to get screen output?
Yep, thanks - just came back to close the loop on this part. I installed the driver, and am able now to use BrewFlasher.

I've tried flashing the v1.1.3 TFT and the 1.1.3 OLED versions. Neither gives me output to the attached screen on the ESP32 device. But, the v1.1.3 OLED version does boot and works, and I can access it from the web browser interface.

Any hints on which version I should be flashing to this ESP32 device to get screen output?
Try v1.1.1 and see if that works.
Hey everyone! Sorry if this has been asked already, but I couldn't find anything in a thread search.

I currently use BruControl on my PC to control my fermentation devices, and I use Node-RED to get/put info between BruControl, my main Node-RED server, my Supabase database, and Brewfather.

Looking at the documentation, I see a ton of support for sites and other software, but no means to setup a custom endpoint. I'm looking to use a custom Tilt reader rather than the one included in BruControl's ESP32 firmware. Ideally, it will shoot data to my main Node-RED server, and it can push it to BruControl and elsewhere.

With the current TiltBridge firmware, is there a means or workarouns to setup a custom endpoint (URL, basic auth, etc.)? MQTT could be an option, but I haven't setup a broker. I mostly work with basic HTTP GET/PUT and JSON for my custom and BruControl hardware.


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