Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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My opinion is that we have about 20 bathrooms at the facility and only 1 disabled person. It doesn't make sense to reserve all the handicap stalls for him in case nature calls. I think the proper etiquette is the not use the handicap stall if others are open, but if the others are in use it's fair game. He'll just have to wait like everyone else.
I wouldn't go straight to the accessible stall, but if it's all that's left I'm in there.
And the short urinal isn't reserved for only short people.
Exactly. Thought at a McD for lunch break one day a coworker ended up at it and declared "How the <expletive removed> am I supposed to use this?!"

My addition to the thread, admittedly without having read the whole thing:
Those who want to finish work 5 minutes earlier so leave an hour worth of work to do first thing the next morning. They just don't get it "Well if you had of done that last night, you'd be done an hour earlier today." No no no, only think 5 minutes into the future.
Accessible stall is also known as the Executive Suite - it's fair game for all.

ANyway this just happened: there's a guy in our section who's on a conference call. me and this other guy start talking to each other - you know, a work break talk about stupid customer/provider whatever. phone guy does the 'move hands down to tell us to be quiet', and we laugh at him. Then he hits mute on his call, and screams at us to "YOU KNOW WHAT - **** OFF!" We laugh hysterically.

After he apologized, we laughed at him again.
Know what annoys me? The people that (in the name of revenue) ship my order early against my customers wishes and get it stuck in customs! Why is it stuck??? The did not send the paperwork through!
The fact that my co-worker is a lazy SOB, meaning I get stuck with the lion's share of the work?

Either that or the fact that he breathes. Yeah, that annoying use of communal oxygen, I wish he'd quit doing it.
Guys who F-off during the week then work Overtime.:mad:

I value my own time too much to do this, but it's really your boss that deserves the kick in the jimmies. If your coworker is scamming the system and your supervisor is too oblivious or stupid to notice, a part of me wants to say that you can't really blame the guy for gaming the system.

Now, if his jerking around is causing me added work, then he gets a steel toed boot to the lads.
The head of our sign shop is otherwise very organized and competent but writes all his emails as one long stream of consciousness ramble with no punctuation like this you cant tell where one sentence ends and the next begins I try to discuss matters with him on the phone or in person if possible but sometimes email is the only option and I dont like to be a grammar Nazi but it really drives me nuts to read and interpret if its any more than a couple runon sentences

(God, that was hard to type. :drunk:)

Guys who F-off during the week then work Overtime.:mad:

We have a few of these in my office. The one guy pretty much got himself run out of the department because he so actively avoided work during normal hours, then would stay late to rack up the OT. Not only that, but he'd wander from office to office for hours trying to chat with everyone (whether they wanted to or not), so he'd drag down everyone else's productivity along with his own. That stopped pretty quick the day the boss asked him to work on something with a tight deadline and he responded with, "I'm too busy for this s**t."
Guys who F-off during the week then work Overtime.:mad:

That's pretty much every pipe fitter and welder that works for my plant. They do nothing while the outside contractors do all the work; then at the end of the day, when the job is almost done, they will send the contractors home and take the OT to button things back up. Worthless.
I worked for a major communications provider for 4 years as my last job. There was this one guy that got into trouble for being screwed up on drugs at work. The company was trying to be progressive and offered him an opportunity to keep his job if he went to a drug treatment program. As it turned out, he went to the methadone clinic every morning before work as part of his treatment. He was sleeping at his desk all during the day. You could not wake this man up from his drug induced sleep. The company would not fire him for fear of him suing. After all, he was (technically) meeting the terms of his conditions. As a result, his work was farmed out to the rest of us. When it came time for corporate to do employee reviews for raises, guess who the only person in the facility was to receive the maximum raise? Yep, you guessed it. Methadone man. I was so pissed that I outright promised to reduce my own work quality to reflect my pay, using him as the standard. So, I did nothing. Ignored the phones, allowed the customer hate-mail to pile up, and so forth. Guess what? Instead of getting fired (which I expected), I got a promotion. It was an evil company. I'm so glad I'm not one of their minions anymore.
That's pretty much every pipe fitter and welder that works for my plant. They do nothing while the outside contractors do all the work; then at the end of the day, when the job is almost done, they will send the contractors home and take the OT to button things back up. Worthless.

it was kinda the same in my shop in Wyoming, except it was a blend of contract welders and single hands. and they all would bust hump on regular hours, then milk OT like no tomorrow. the shop I'm in now is all single hands and most of them milk regular time & OT alike.
it was kinda the same in my shop in Wyoming, except it was a blend of contract welders and single hands. and they all would bust hump on regular hours, then milk OT like no tomorrow. the shop I'm in now is all single hands and most of them milk regular time & OT alike.

I'm an operator, so I have to go get the equipment ready for them. I'll go out and dump 50 gallons of product right at my feet, never complaining a bit, then some of them will be prima donnas and complain about a drip that we can't possibly stop. Other times, you can't get them out of the shop on straight time, but they wanna bust through the minimum 4hr OT in 20 minutes so they can go home. They'll come over and try to hurry me to get things don't fast so they can leave. Sorry boys, I have to be here anyway, I'm not gonna bust my ass so you can sit at home making double time for the next 3 hours.
So, I did nothing. Ignored the phones, allowed the customer hate-mail to pile up, and so forth. Guess what? Instead of getting fired (which I expected), I got a promotion. It was an evil company. I'm so glad I'm not one of their minions anymore.

I'm an operator, so I have to go get the equipment ready for them. I'll go out and dump 50 gallons of product right at my feet, never complaining a bit, then some of them will be prima donnas and complain about a drip that we can't possibly stop. Other times, you can't get them out of the shop on straight time, but they wanna bust through the minimum 4hr OT in 20 minutes so they can go home. They'll come over and try to hurry me to get things don't fast so they can leave. Sorry boys, I have to be here anyway, I'm not gonna bust my ass so you can sit at home making double time for the next 3 hours.

I welded mostly on methane side of things. but done some water reclamation plants and oil field stuff. from being one, working with many, and supervising them, I know from experience that pipe welders are a PITA. I do not envy you.

and I hated working around roustabouts. they were always trying to tell all the welders how to weld. funny thing is I never seen one with a stinger in their hand.
I hated working around roustabouts. they were always trying to tell all the welders how to weld. funny thing is I never seen one with a stinger in their hand.

I'd feel safer knowing that, We had a knowitall turn on a Lincoln with a rod in the holder laying on the grounded table Damn near sh*t himself. Quit about a week later the other welders had him crying in the office from the razzing :p
The one that reports to you every wrong every person in the building is currently commiting.

So many beers... so little time.
The guy that runs around gossiping about the poor woman that just lost her daughter
Some people deserve to be punched in the throat.

I graduated from a school of about 500 kids - around 125-130 per class in high school. We had the misfortune to lose at least one schoolmate Every. Single. Year. to car accidents. My senior year, it was two friends in the sophomore class. Obviously, the news devastated quite a few kids. One of their fellow classmates walked in to a room where students were grieving, looked around and commented "Jeez, it's like someone died in here". I don't know if he was trying to lighten the mood, or if it was some sick coping mechanism on his part...but he was damn lucky he got out of the room before some of the kids got a hold of him.
the guy that thinks just because he had an isolated incident, all results are the same. then proceeds to explain how to fix a situation he's completely unaware of. he needs to shut his mouth until he listens to the situation.
The unknown "coworker(s)" who leave their nasty, encrusted, dirty dishes in the sink for a couple of weeks; or until the rest of us get sick of it & throw those nasty things in the trash.

The a$$hole who steals food from the fridge. If somebody is going hungry, all they have to do is say something & I'm sure most, if not all of the rest of us would feed them and/or loan them money to buy food; but no, they have to steal food from others.
The a$$hole who steals food from the fridge. If somebody is going hungry, all they have to do is say something & I'm sure most, if not all of the rest of us would feed them and/or loan them money to buy food; but no, they have to steal food from others.

I used to design security and CCTV systems for museums around the country. The only place we were ever asked to install hidden cameras was in employee breakrooms watching the refrigerator. We had numerous clients that insisted on it.

A lot of workplace drama is lunch related.
The a$$hole who steals food from the fridge. If somebody is going hungry, all they have to do is say something & I'm sure most, if not all of the rest of us would feed them and/or loan them money to buy food; but no, they have to steal food from others.

Truly a sad state of affairs when people need to padlock their lunches. Worst part is that the person stealing food is someone you know or work with. Like stealing from your neighbor as opposed to a stranger. Both wrong, it's that personal slap in the face that really gets me.

Similar topic on lunches, people who don't care what happens to someone elses. My work takes me away from the shop daily, I bring a lunch with me because I have no idea if there's any stores nearby. And buying a lunch every day is pricy. Too many times people will toss things out of their way, or carefully set it somewhere different on it's side because the small cooler fits into a small space better. We move household goods and occasionally the truck will get a little tight on space near the back. The part that angers me: I take care every morning to make sure that my lunch is loaded in a way that it won't get destroyed. Having a can of cola bouncing on top of a banana for 120 miles down the road isn't going to do it any favours.

This thread is depressing.
The a$$hole who steals food from the fridge. If somebody is going hungry, all they have to do is say something & I'm sure most, if not all of the rest of us would feed them and/or loan them money to buy food; but no, they have to steal food from others.

Part of the reason that my lunch goes in the insulated lunch bag when I leave the house in the morning and doesn't leave said insulated lunch bag until it is moved into the microwave at lunch time.

Amazing technology these days in that it is still cold just a few hours later even without outside refrigeration!
The guy who sits next to me who doesn't wash his hands after using the can.... and I mean after taking a leak or DUMP :eek:

Just f-ing disgusting!!!
Pretty sure wearing headphones is an int'l sign that I'm busy but some colleagues like to walk over and have an entire conversation. At some point, to not appear to be a ****** I have to remove them, say 'uhuh' a few times then indicate that I 'really need to finish this'.
For those who didn't read occupation thread, I am a professional truck driver. Tractor trailer, big rig, 18 wheeler, call it what you will. What annoys me is when other drivers are too lazy to hang up the airlines and electrical connector after unhooking a trailer. I counted today it took 15 seconds to do it all. End result: Air lines covered in slush, snow and ice miserable to handle. Then after the lines may not hook up to the next trailer, or they're blocked and don't pass air at all. Depending on which line is blocked it means you can't take your parking brake off, or you don't have trailer brakes when rolling. Both very bad.
The guy who sits next to me who doesn't wash his hands after using the can.... and I mean after taking a leak or DUMP :eek:

Just f-ing disgusting!!!

There's several girls that do that here, I can hear them flush thru the wall, but never hear any water running.........
There's several girls that do that here, I can hear them flush thru the wall, but never hear any water running.........

I guess the amount you care about that depends on what they look like. Maybe not. Still nasty either way.

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In the interest of not turning this thread into something terrible can we include "Poor hygienic practices" and move on?

I'll add the coworker from today - the weasel. Always has the suggestions, the plan, the answer, but never to be found when it's all put into action.
I work in a restaurant as a shift leader and server/cook and I constantly hear servers complain about guests asking for too much (example: jellies, napkins and condiments) ITS YOUR JOB TO SERVE.
You've heard of the study that you can't predict when I cow will lay down based upon how long it has been standing. But when a cow lays down, you can predict how long until it stands up.

My works corrillary: You can't predict when a policy decision will be made. But as soon as a policy decision is made, the likelihood it will be reversed increases with time.
I'll add the coworker from today - the weasel. Always has the suggestions, the plan, the answer, but never to be found when it's all put into action.

That's still slightly better than avoiding any part of the decision-making process, then showing up to take the credit for whatever is done.

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