SWMBO props

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Active Member
Dec 31, 2010
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In my short time here at HBT I've had this feeling that SWMBO is usually meant as more of a derogatory term even if it is used in jest. It seems that She Who Must Be Obeyed usually must be obeyed when it comes to brewing in the house, making a mess of the kitchen, or spending money. Lately, the term SWMBO has come to mean something entirely different to me. Let me explain with a little bit of background first...

It was Christmas of '95 when my wife (SWMBO) got me a home brew starter kit with the plastic bucket fermenters. She did all the research and it was a total surprise. For the next 3 years or so I brewed extract batches and she was always supportive of the amount of spending (time and money) in relation to the hobby. After my first infected batch, a Pumpkin Ale, I mentioned needing to replace my scratched plastic fermenters with glass carboys and she said I should get them...so I obeyed. She was even supportive when I mentioned going all grain so I could make an Oktoberfest. However, life got in the way around the '98-'99 time frame and we moved a few states away. As a result, the home brew gear remained packed away while we went through some job changes, a couple more moves and the birth of two children. The gear waited patiently for me until late last year.

I mentioned wanting to start brewing again a couple of times last year but the thought of cleaning all of that dusty, dirty equipment kept me from doing it. When the equipment was packed away I don't think things like PBW and Star San were around so I thought a lot of manual cleaning would be involved. She kept telling me I should get my stuff cleaned up so I could start brewing again but this time I did not "obey". It wasn't until Christmas 2010 came around and Santa brought me a Pale Ale kit that I started to "obey" SWMBO. Over the next couple of days I managed to get all of the equipment out of the attic and get it cleaned up. It is amazing how many years of dirt & dust an overnight soak in PBW can clean! No manual cleaning was required other than disassembling the bottle tree (purchased by SWMBO many years ago) and running it through the dishwasher. So again, I "obeyed" and cleaned up my brewing equipment and ordered a few new things like tubing and racking canes.

I recently mentioned wanting to go all grain and again SWMBO was supportive of the idea. Even more so after finding out all grain would be half the cost of extract brewing :rockin: After brewing two 5g all grain batches in the garage with a turkey fryer I mentioned wanting to make 10g batches and she was in agreement so again I "obeyed" and purchased a Penrose Kettle, new burner, two 10g coolers from Home Depot and all of the stainless fittings needed to make a mash tun and HLT.

With warmer weather on the horizon I told her I was thinking about turning the laundry area in the basement into a brewery. This made sense to me since I would no longer have to take equipment to the deep sink in the basement to clean it and there are two natural gas drops already plumbed in the laundry area. The basement temps are in the low to upper 60's depending on the season so I could ferment down there year round without having to move carboy's down the steps. She thought that was a good idea so I again "obeyed" and the basement brewery was born. I figured since I would need a way to cold crash and maybe lager a batch or two I was going to need a fridge down there as well. Again I "obeyed" my SWMBO and found a nice full size fridge kegerator on Craig's List that made it's way down the steps last week.

I have been using picnic taps to dispense from corny kegs in the garage fridge since January. My original idea was to have two kegs on tap with two more carbing/conditioning. Now that I have a fridge in the "brewery" for carbing/conditioning I asked SWMBO if she thought having 3 or 4 taps on the garage fridge was a better idea than the originally planned two taps. I gave my "rationalization" that four taps would give us a Pale Ale, Blonde, IPA and a "seasonal" brew available. She suggested I plan for a future "expansion" and go with three taps now and get another one this fall. Again, I "obeyed" and ordered three Perlick faucet/shank combos and started to research the tap spacing required for four taps so I would have room for the fourth "expansion" tap for an Oktoberfest this fall :drunk:

Since the 14" drip tray I wanted was out of stock I ran this by her figuring the extra $30 for a drip tray would be a no go. I was surprised yet again when she said she liked the 4 hole drip tray better. She said since Keg Cowboy had a "cooler" name than the vendor with the "out of stock" drip tray I should order it, so I "obeyed" yet again :mug:

This week I brewed my first two 5g batches in the "brewery" and they are fermenting away nicely at about 66 degrees in my 62-63 degree basement. To make this whole situation even better the last two times I have asked her which beer she would like me to get for her, her requests were for a home brewed Sierra Nevada (Biermuncher's Clone Recipe) instead of the commercial version because my home brew tastes better! My SWMBO is mostly a fan of Pale Ales while I have been enjoying IPAs lately. Yesterday I asked her if she had any input on what I make next and she said Dogfish Head 60 minute (Yooper's Clone) so again I must obey. :rockin:

So as you can see, the term SWMBO has a whole new meaning for me now...I no longer think of it as a derogatory term but rather a term of endearment. Here lately, I don't seem to mind obeying my SWMBO at all :mug:
I agree 300%. My SWMBO has provided invaluable encouragement and support for my homebrewing aspirations :)
My SWMBO is coming to terms with all my brewing! lol

I have to say I am envious though! I think your SWMBO and my SWMBO need to hang out! lol
My SWMBO asked a couple days ago if she could help me with a Hefeweizen. She then thought I was kidding when I said I'd be thrilled to have her help.
Mine picked up the LHBS catalog when we were at the neighborhood brewpub one night. Thumbing through the catalog, she said the magic words: "I think you'd be good at this."
I have to say I am envious though! I think your SWMBO and my SWMBO need to hang out! lol
If we weren't so far away I would have to agree :D

My SWMBO asked a couple days ago if she could help me with a Hefeweizen. She then thought I was kidding when I said I'd be thrilled to have her help.
Mine doesn't "help" but she has stood around and had a few brews with me during the boil many times. I too would be thrilled if she wanted to help even if it was only adding pre-measured hops!

My SWMBO has always supported and encouraged me in what I do. She sees the title "SWMBO" as a term of endearment. :D
Same here no matter how silly of an idea I have had she has always let me run with it. I think mine will soon see the term as one of endearment as well. I may have to get her a t-shirt that says SWMBO on it with the actual words for the anachronym spelled out below it in parenthesis so our non brewing friends will understand :mug:
Mine would help me brew, but the hot humid smell of boiling wort (sans hops) bothers her. She doesn't mind it once there are hops in, though. She does love to give me ideas of what kind of flavors to have in a stout :)

I think a "SWMBO" t-shirt is an awesome idea!
A SWMBO T-shirt ought to come with membership along with the HBT bumper sticker.:rockin: I'd pay a few extra for it.

Major hijack: Someone with design skills should start a t-shirt design thread.
My SWMBO asked a couple days ago if she could help me with a Hefeweizen. She then thought I was kidding when I said I'd be thrilled to have her help.

Had the same thing happen. She thought it was sarcasm. No winning sometimes. But, after she "helped" by watching she's anxious to help by doing and is now telling me I need to brew again when she can be there.
After my SWMBO has helped with a few beers, I let her take over on a brew every once in awhile. I don't know what the hell she's doing, but she get's the craziest head retention. It's like a meringue! She's 2 for 2 on this, and I'm jealous.
After my SWMBO has helped with a few beers, I let her take over on a brew every once in awhile. I don't know what the hell she's doing, but she get's the craziest head retention. It's like a meringue! She's 2 for 2 on this, and I'm jealous.

That is great! I love it..... :rockin:
I think this is the first thread on this site that has made me cry!. Love is a beautiful thing, and then you add beer to it and !!!BAM!!!-heaven on earth.
That last post seemed a bit too sarcastic so I figured I better rectify it. I must admit the acronym SWMBO has always struck me as a bit insulting to both me and her. Of course I understand it is used mostly in good humor. At least its no as arrogant as IWMBO(although that has a nice ring to it)

Seriously though, any woman who will stick around a serious homebrewer with his insane hobby full of potential disasters, huge sticky messes, overpowering smells, hundreds of dollars spent on equipment and ingredients and hours sitting in front of a computer learning about beer and talking about it with other freaks that have the same problem, is by no means anything but a woman deserving the utmost respect.
I'll go out on a limb here but my thought is.... if anyone has a SHMBO they are in the wrong relationship. Married 38 years here. I tend to think of the acronym as shorter then typing girlfriend but 1 letter more than wife. I'm not sure when the term came into favor but I agree in most part to the rambler's second post.#14 Can I hear a ditch the SHMBO?
I have a feeling it may be a bit too entrenched to get rid if that easily, and besides that I dont know of a good substitute.
I have a feeling it may be a bit too entrenched to get rid if that easily, and besides that I dont know of a good substitute.

Wife, Girlfriend, SO (significant other) or how about BF (Best Friend).... but you are right SHMBO is entrenched.
I think to get rid of it completely, something better will have to get tossed out there and gain some traction. I'll let my brain stew on it a while.
You made me read a novel and a half? Only to find that you came to the conclusion that SWMBO is a term of endearment?????? Well, DUH!!!!! What was your first frickin CLUE?????

Sir, brevity is NOT your strong suit. I could have said the same thing in two sentences.

I would love to brew a whole batch with her. Really gotta think about getting a babysitter or the in-laws at least so we can have a whole brew day together. I usually get her to come and watch when lautering because that is cool to watch and explain. She knows I love brewing (sometimes she says I love it more than her to bug me) but I think I would love brewing with her once in a while even more because then I have someone to talk about it with.
I've always thought of it as a term of endearment too. It's like, they put up with us making messes, taking over the kitchen, dripping stuff on the floor, taking up tons of space with our equipment and bottled beer, not to mention listening to us go on and on about "I have a great idea for a recipe" and "I learned a great new trick reading HBT - it's where you blah blah."

Must be obeyed? Yep, a bunch of "yes, dears" on other subjects is a small price to pay to have her put up with all that. ^^^

Still, I'd never say SWMBO to her face ...
My wife was reading a thread in the cider forum with me and SWMBO was used, so she asked me what it was. She thought it was great. She still rolls her eyes though when we walk through the grocery store and I start talking about how this and that might make a good cider. She left me on the juice isle looking at labels and had them call me over the intercom to come to the check out. I'm glad my wife has a great sense of humor, because the first rhino fart I had she was laughing so hard she almost wet her pants when I was gaging trying to air out the man cave closet.
My wife is pretty understanding of the brewing obsession. But, when she starts to get tired of it I just tell her that maybe I should take up golf. Then I could spend $1000 on a set of clubs and another $100 for greens fees to be gone every Saturday. At least she gets beer out of the brewing.
My lady friend is very supporting. I now have my keezer running. She even made sure I had more room for more taps for expansion. All it took was making her a raspberry beer and she is happy. The man cave in my house is now complete.
It would be better if my wife didn't dislike beer, she dislikes everything except vodka.

It's a complicated thing. On one hand she likes it because her father brewed when she was a child. On the other hand, there are issues due to him being a raging drunk.
I think that I might have met more resistance early in our marriage, before she knew that I stay in control of my actions and my temper.

I would like for her to brew with me. Unfortunately, one of her main jobs while I'm brewing is keeping our one year old boy away from all the danger, despite his desire to "help". Our four year old girl is allowed to be outside with me if she stays away from the burner and kettle.
My wife wasn't too crazy about the SWMBO thing. But she loves my beer & now thinks she could do it too. So I'm going to oversee her brewing the pale ale she loves so much. She just really likes my beer better. Better flavor & balance in her mind. Cool!
I roflmao'd at the rhino fart bit. I remember one night where we were sleeping, facing away from each other,our black lab lying between us. His head was def in the wrong place. We farted in stereo,his head snapped up,GRRRRR! He then jumped up & left the room! funny stuff! Just as a point of interest,my pale ale went real well with the skin on Bavarian style hot dogs we bbq'd last evening. Gube stoff,baby!:rockin:
I don't know how I forgot to mention this, I should've put it in my first response, but the same thing happened to me as a couple of you other guys... We were at Dry Dock Brewing, which has a brewing supply store attached to it. We were walking through, looking at brewing supplies, and SWMBO said, "I think you should brew beer. You like it enough."
I owe my new addiction to my wife as well, now that I think about it. Its something I'd thought about doing for a long time, but it wasn't until she said "hey, there's a leisure class coming up this semester that I think you'd like." It was the art of homebrewing, and that gave me the kick in the pants I needed. :-D
I dont think mine will ever get over the fart issue. Although she is pregnant and enjoying all the "sweet" revenge she can handle.

I think I may have come up with a good substitute for SWMBO. It came to me this morning as I was driving. Its SWSMT-She Who Shares My Testicles.

I figure that captures in vivid way more of the truth in the relationship and doesn't sound so oppressive. What it says to me is that she has just as much of a vested interest in me as I do. And it also means she can inflict long term nauseating damage if treated unwisely.

What do y'all think?
True she does hold them ...but so do I, hence the sharing, even if it is often onesided.
I don't know why I would use a complicated acronym when I can just call her my wife--the term I used before I started reading and posting on these forums. Really, for me "SWMBO" is right up there with those soft porn avatars that some dudes posting here have. I scratch my head.

Then there's the fact that some brewers posting here don't have SWMBOs. They have boyfriends and husbands.
I never thought of it as a derogatory term, more just as a kind of sly funny way to refer to your lady. When it comes to brewing, it takes up a lot of equipment, space, and money, so calling her SWMBO makes sense for all us brewers... you gotta get the okay from the other half to even get started and often there's some criticism of the space and money used up on brewing, so just about everyone can relate to the term.
I don't know why I would use a complicated acronym when I can just call her my wife--the term I used before I started reading and posting on these forums. Really, for me "SWMBO" is right up there with those soft porn avatars that some dudes posting here have. I scratch my head.

Then there's the fact that some brewers posting here don't have SWMBOs. They have boyfriends and husbands.

SWHoldsMT makes it a little more personal.

She must be really strong, mine could never hold the mash tun!
.. calling her SWMBO makes sense for all us brewers... you gotta get the okay from the other half to even get started...

ALL US BREWERS??! oh Please :rolleyes: SOME OF US happen to be women.

And as far as obeying.. oh brother ... my husband and I are in this together. Remember for better or worse? Our kitchen does not belong to either one of us exclusively. What a silly notion. Yes, I'm better at chemistry so that makes me the better cook, but he is better at mechanical engineering so he gets stuck fixing things I can't figure out. It's a great balance. We have never thought of our marriage where we dictate, "you're not doing that in MY kitchen" or "you're not doing that in MY garage."

It was my husband who got me into this brewing mess in the first place. He understands my love of beer and wants me to be happy. So he bought me a kit and a lot of equipment. He and I support one another in our respective hobbies...

"all us brewers" indeed! bleh!!
You go girl! After my wife tasted my ale,saw some videos on home brewing,she said,"I can do that". She agreed that it's pretty much like making & canning soup,etc. Which we did together for years. Pretty much the same thing. Props to your & your significant dude.
FWIW, my wife loves the term. My knickname is The Hillbilly Philosopher, or The HP for short. Now when I mark a cup at a party HP she marks hers SWMBO. I love that woman. (Married 18 years )
ALL US BREWERS??! oh Please :rolleyes: SOME OF US happen to be women.


"all us brewers" indeed! bleh!!

Well you don't have a "her" so obviously it doesn't apply.


It's a thread talking about wives and girlfriends of HBT brewers, do I really have to qualify my post with a gender in this case?
Well you don't have a "her" so obviously it doesn't apply.


It's a thread talking about wives and girlfriends of HBT brewers, do I really have to qualify my post with a gender in this case?

so you're saying I'm not a HBT brewer? Do you really want to go there?

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