Sunday Morning

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Another cold Sunday morning here in western New York state, with yet another 6" of snow that fell overnight. The wind is blowing pretty steady and the thermometer is reading -6*F right at the moment.

We had the kids and the baby down for dinner last night, and talked them into staying, instead of trying to drive the 50 miles home, in what was near white out conditions.

I'm sure that omelettes, home fries, bacon, sausage, toast and coffee will be in order at some point this morning. Then the driveway will need to be cleared before the kids can get out. No small task as the tractor broke down on Friday. I'll have to beg a favor form one of the neighbors. Good thing they are all so great.

Then maybe I'll watch a western or two this afternoon and a hockey game tonight before falling asleep in my recliner.

Just another Sunday! I hope everyone enjoys what ever their Sunday brings to them!


There's a country song in here somewhere ;). Cheers!
On my second cup of coffee, listening to the Sinatra album du jour, (In the Wee Small Hours, 1955), and soon heading to the kitchen to make chicken and waffles. Today will be a good day.
Ooooo, chicken and waffles.......

Today is the first day in a month that it has been even close to the freezing point. Right now the thermometer reads 33*F and I feel that I need to go outside and do something! :rockin: Maybe I'll brew! :ban:

I hope everyone enjoys this day, and every other, like it was your last, cause you never know!
Cleaning up the house while enjoying some coffee. Gonna run some errands in a bit, then try to brew up a batch of white ipa and keg a DIPA. Might invite some of the kids' friends over too if the house is all clean.
Good morning, HBT! Here in the Ozarks, the coffee is flowing, the eggs are cooking, and we're settling in for a lazy morning. Maybe some light shopping later, and a visit to my parents. Happy Sunday, guys.
Just to be clear, I'm making the PA Dutch version, not the soul food version.

Not my preference, but I'm from the south, whereas my family was all born and raised here in Lancaster County.

I didn't know there was more than one "chicken and waffles". But how can chicken and waffles be bad?
Well I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt. And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert
I didn't know there was more than one "chicken and waffles". But how can chicken and waffles be bad?
PA Dutch is roasted or stewed chicken, with gravy. The other version uses fried chicken, and maple syrup.

Well I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt. And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert

PA Dutch is roasted or stewed chicken, with gravy. The other version uses fried chicken, and maple syrup.


Both sound good to me! :rockin: Chicken and waffles are two of my favorite things!:mug:

I don't know how you could go wrong putting the two together. Kinda like chocolate and peanut butter!
I was up rather later late last night howling at the moon in the home bar. I started a thread on said bar but it never gained any traction so I attached some pictures cause I think its neat to see. Anywho, woke up around 1130 and got the coffee going after some much needed water. SWMBO was up and about cleaning and what not. The dogs chose to stay in bed with me. After that, I got up and got going to check in with HBT and then worked on some homework for the Master's program. Ate some left over chicken soup for dinned and settled in with a Merlot for a night cap. Yeah, it was a good Sunday.

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Started my Sunday morning finishing a graveyard shift. Luckily it was slow. After a short nap while the family went to church woke up just in time to greet them home. After a quick bite sat to watch E.T with my kids. Their first time watching it. Man that made me feel old.
Breakfast has been made and served, the dishes are done and put away. We are now ready to face the day ahead, which promises to be a full one.

A neighbor had a friend get stuck about half way up his 1/2 mile long driveway and has asked for some help recovering her car. The weatherman is calling for another 6-12 inches of fresh snow on top of the 30+ inches that are already on the ground.

My wife has decided that she would like me to roast a chicken for dinner. I'm sure I'll be making mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy to go along with it. There's cheese cake left from dinner Friday night with the kids. A few Rye Pale Ales to top it all off and the day will be complete.

I hope everyone enjoys whatever the day bring their way!

MmmmmmmM........................BACON...............Thick cut BACON...............MmmmmmmmM.........
Good Sunday morning everyone. I am looking forward to another lazy Sunday here in a snowy Western New York. I brewed yesterday and my cascades orange ale in happily bubbling away. My chickens are pecking away at a pile of spent grain. My puppies got a fresh batch of spent grain treats. In a few short weeks I will have a wonderful beer to drink.

I don't know of any other hobby that makes everyone in the house so happy! :D

I'm thinking about making some thick cut bacon, eggs and home fries for breakfast. Thanks Uniondr. ;)
We still haven't decided what we will be having for dinner, but it is likely to be just the wife and I, so it will be something simple I'm sure.

Is spring ever going to get here?

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

Another Sunday & I'm at work. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day today, in the 60's, lots of sunshine; and I'll be sleeping away more than 1/2 of it cuz I work nights. Hope everybody remembered to set their clocks ahead 1 hr, well, except for those in AZ. It would be nice if the rest of the country would borrow a page from AZ's time change playbook.
Regards, GF.
Lazy Sunday so far despite the time change. Drinking some dark roast black coffee and reading back issues of Zymurgy on the iPad (great app btw).
Need to bottle a full 5 gals of Coffee Stout today. I wouldn't be dreading this so much if I just got into kegging. But it's the journey, right? :)

Good morning, HBT. Well I missed the damn time change so my " feel good sleeping in til ten" now feels like " lazy piece of **** for sleeping till eleven". Oh well.

You know those little moments when your kids say or do something that just make you so damn proud? Makes you feel like you must be doing something right in raising them. I just asked my nine year old boy to please make me a pot of coffee. His response? " Sure" . And he went and made it. Made me so proud. Not sure why.
Got up at 10, made some coffee, talked to my parents on the phone for an hour, then ran out and got some fresh bagels for brunch. I feel a lazy day coming on.
Woke up at 10 with a wicked headache after partying till ?? and coming home from buying a keezer off a guy last night with some buddies. Aspirin. Water. Back to sleep. Up at 1 (I blame the time change) and moved from bed to couch. Check HBT for what's new and proceed to scheme on how to skip the grad school homework I need to do. Succeed in talking myself out of it. Look online for houses (moving soon) without much success. Subway for lunch and some tasty potato soup. Grocery store with SWMBO and then back home. Cringe at the thought of work. Failing to sleep thanks to me for waking up half way through the day. Looking forward to kegging my Sky Raider Maple Bacon Ale and waiting for the Merlin Red to finish priming.
Good Sunday morning HBT.

Another Sunday has again graced my life. Some late night drama from some young lovers who had celebrated St. Patty's day a little to robustly, had the wife and I up through most of the middle of the night, so our day is starting a bit later than it normally would. I think the window for breakfast has passed and am looking forward to a classic chicken and dumplings Sunday dinner with the wife and oldest daughter instead. I think I way to old for all that kind of stuff!

The wind is blowing hard and it is again snowing. Seems like Sunday should be renamed Snowday here in Western New York. After a week of sunshine and temps. near 50*, this 30* and nasty isn't very nice.

I need to rack and dry hop my orange cascades pale ale, and bottle my house rye. I'll make some time for that before dinner I think. Then I'll be able to do the clean up while diner is cooking. I can't wait to try the o/c. It's the first time I've brewed it although I've been wanting to for a couple years now. Reminds me of that catsup commercial from back in the day. Anticipation is making me wait....... :D

I hope that this Sunday finds everyone well, and that everyone enjoy's what ever life brings their way today.

Take the dog for jog, harbor freight to get castors for keezer, Costco for ribs in smoker, brewing Firestone walker dba ag, bottle or kegging Irish red(may miss st patty's with this one, unless I force carb), drinking Belgian double. Other than that just sitting's my birthday!
Good Morning!
Getting the family ready (8am over here) to head over to the San Diego zoo...sometimes I think I get more excited than my kid.
Take the dog for jog, harbor freight to get castors for keezer, Costco for ribs in smoker, brewing Firestone walker dba ag, bottle or kegging Irish red(may miss st patty's with this one, unless I force carb), drinking Belgian double. Other than that just sitting's my birthday!

Happy birthday!
We got more snow overnight now a blowing snow Sunday as well.
And the beat goes on.....
However , was itching to try a new batch of single hop columbus (5ozs total) IPA that i bottled
5 days ago and i seldom have a beer with breakfast but this morning was different .
Bacon, pepperjack cheese omlette, homefries, fresh baked multigrain/nut sourdough toast and a glass of columbus IPA made everything right in my world. The beer was quite tasty and already carbonated .
I like columbus :tank:
It's a good Sunday.

I'm home between road trips. I'm making waffles for my wife and daughter.

My mom got out if the hospital last night. She got a really nasty rotovirus infection (She's immune compromised because of a double lung transplant). This may have been her biggest health scare since she had the transplant.

I'll give her a call after breakfast.
Didn't sleep until 4am so I didn't wake up until around noon.

Just enjoying my Sunday before I start my new job soon. Orientation tomorrow, might start Tuesday might not start until the next week idk.

Spend the day cleaning up and will now in enjoy a few(hopefully just a few) brews and grill up something nice in a bit. The weather has been great for the most part but it's been pretty windy this past week, hope that changes soon.
Another Sunday morning & here I am at work. After work it'll be laundry & racking a couple of wines, provided my back is up to lifting 6 gallon glass carbouys. Hope everybody's Sunday is a good one, no matter what you do (or don't do).
Regards, GF.
Yet again Sunday morning dawns to see snow falling from the heavens here in Western New York. I was going to brew a IPA (EEpaw as per Billy) today. However, it looks like today might be a good day to get caught up on laundry and some house cleaning. It is currently 21* and the temps are supposed to fall all day. Combine that with the snow and a light breeze and the forecast for tomorrow is for sun and temps in the 40's, and I think I'll wait.

I think I'll fry up some hash and eggs for breakfast, and maybe even make a loaf or two of homemade bread.

I got to spend the afternoon with my daughter and grandson yesterday. That will be hard to top today so I don't think I'll even try.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day and that everyone enjoys whatever it brings along!


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