StarSan rinsers?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2007
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Sacramento, CA
So, I've always used StarSan and then rinsed. With all the talk of soap-residue in your glass being able to kill head retention, and what with all of the warning labels on StarSan about burning your flesh and being poisonous when ingested, I figured that pouring 5 gallons of beer that I would eventually drink into a frothy cloud of StarSan bubbles just COULDN'T be wise.

And so I've never done it; I've always rinsed with plain tap water, and I've never had an infection as far as I know. I keep my kitchen clean using Lysol spray-sanitizers and my tap-water is good for brewing, and so I've never really worried about it. Ingesting acid is what worries me.

Anyone else rinse stuff out after using StarSan, or is it just me? :confused:
Ingesting acid is what worries me.

Do you drink soda? If so, you're already ingesting phosphoric acid in a diluted form. Diluted to the proper ratio, StarSan is not a hazard to either you or your beer. By rinsing, you are undoing your sanitization efforts.
Don't fear the foam!!


And I wouldn't say I'm "undoing" my sanitation efforts. I don't sanitize just so any bugs in my WATER will get killed; the main reason I sanitize is so all the crap that goes through my house AC and onto my equipment, all the dust and mites and sneeze particles, get killed. Water is the least of my worries...

Nonetheless, maybe I will man up and pour my next batch onto the foam... :(
the main reason I sanitize is so all the crap that goes through my house AC and onto my equipment, all the dust and mites and sneeze particles, get killed. Water is the least of my worries...

That's my point. As long as the surface is wet with StarSan, the nasties are being killed. You rinse away the StarSan, no protective barrier.

From the horse's mouth: The Brewing - :
If you rinse AFTER you sanitize then you cut the efficacy of the sanitizer in half. AND run the risk of infection from your tap water.

Starsan and iodophor are No Rinse, Wet Contact sanitizers, meaning that as long as the object is wet with the sanitizer any microorganism (airborn or from our hands) that comes in contact with the object is still killed...

Rinsing away the sanitisers means that more than likely the next micro organism that comes into contact with the object will happily land on it and more than likely nothing would happen to it, and it would happily f with your beer.

I'm sorry you're scared of it, but you are NOT using it properly, which means that you are playing Russian Roulette with your sanitization and potentially ruining your beer.


Starsan and Iodophor are the only FDA approved no rinse (foodsafe) sanitisers sold specifically for homebrewing (though there are plenty in the resteraunt industry you could use.) But those are the only two official homebrewing ones.

There's plenty of info and the links to the podcasts on iodophor and starsan here...You can choose not believe us, or the packaging or the information from the inventors of the products...but at least be informed...

Not to mention that the foam in starsan actually becomes yeast food when it is in the fermentor or the helps have good yeast health.
If you rinse off Starsan it serves no purpose at all. It is though you are buying it and slowly pouring it out on the lawn.
I don't think star-san is any more acidic than orange juice, or vinegar, and I ingest the crap out of both of those.
+24... Star San is good stuff, dont rinse it. Heck, sometimes I keg some Star San just for drinking. :D
I serve it cold, about 38F.... and I use a hint of Cascade.
Well, gees, thanks! I AM a much better pilot than I am brewer :mug:
Just garnish with an olive and you are good to go. I personally prefer the "aged" starsan with all the yellowy goodness in it

Actually starsan and a kiss of iodophor, and a japeno olive...oooyeah..

Starsan and Iodophor the gin and vermouth of homebrewing!!! :D

Beer is acidic, better stop drinking that.

This got me thinking...I have a question for you rph33. Why the he11 did you satart this thread? You seem set in your ways about rinsing.

Were you hoping that all the other rinsers would hop in and agree with you? Obvioulsy you were wrong on that one.


Are you truly not sure about your stance even though you seem adamant about it, and you sinerely want to be talked into it or learn the truth???
This got me thinking...I have a question for you rph33. Why the he11 did you satart this thread? You seem set in your ways about rinsing.

Were you hoping that all the other rinsers would hop in and agree with you? Obvioulsy you were wrong on that one.


Are you truly not sure about your stance even though you seem adamant about it, and you sinerely want to be talked into it or learn the truth???

Whoah whoah whoah gear down

I don't know how I seem "set in my ways"; I posted twice, the first one stating my worry about not rinsing, and the second one stating that I would "do my next batch without rinsing".

I don't see how that is "set in my ways", and if that's "adamant", then my understanding of the word's meaning is seriously off.

In short, thanks for the advice, I will rack onto the foam without worrying about it.
If you're worried about the foam (I sure as hell was - screw what everyone else says), taste test some of the diluted star san/ foam. If you're going to be racking onto it - ya better know what it tastes like - right?

Not bad actually - certainly not a taste that I'd worry about full strength, much less at the super diluted concentration it'll be at if you rack onto foam.
Viva La Foam!! for all. You;ll soon see rph33 why starsan rocks so much. It's the norinse that I think is the ONE of the Main benefits. less steps.
I was scared of the foam for a long time my self. Until about 4 batches ago where I said screw it and just did it. I have to say I did not see any negative effects. As a matter of fact I think my beer actualy fermented more vigorously than most of my other batches. On top of that I can't taste the starsan in the beer at all. Since then I gotta admit I'm a convert to the "don't fear the foam" philosophy.
I was scared of the foam for a long time my self. Until about 4 batches ago where I said screw it and just did it. I have to say I did not see any negative effects. As a matter of fact I think my beer actualy fermented more vigorously than most of my other batches. On top of that I can't taste the starsan in the beer at all. Since then I gotta admit I'm a convert to the "don't fear the foam" philosophy.

It probably did ferment more vigourously..we've said it repeatedly, that the remaining starsan becomes food for the a yeast energizer. So more than likely it did go crazy.
I regularly dunk damn near my whole arm into buckets of StarSan without issue. If it's diluted it won't hurt you.
This is taken directly from the Star San web site, look under the Safety section:

Now anyone telling me it is a safe to ingest product is gonna eat my shorts cause I'm sticking to rinsing the stuff out with plain tap water.

And... No... i do not drink soft drinks, ever, my health is something i do consider important.


Now, i am aware that usually the product is largely dilluted before use, but still, i dont want phosphoric acid in my system, it is known for affecting the bones system among other things.
And... No... i do not drink soft drinks, ever, my health is something i do consider important.

But beer is okay? I still don't get that one. Either way, if Charley Talley (I swear this is the 5th time I've typed out his name today) is willing to drink a glass of the stuff to prove how safe it is, that's enough to sell me on it.
This is taken directly from the Star San web site, look under the Safety section:

Now anyone telling me it is a safe to ingest product is gonna eat my shorts cause I'm sticking to rinsing the stuff out with plain tap water.

And... No... i do not drink soft drinks, ever, my health is something i do consider important.


Now, i am aware that usually the product is largely dilluted before use, but still, i dont want phosphoric acid in my system, it is known for affecting the bones system among other things.

As you say, these warnings are for the undiluted Star San product. There is no concern once it has been diluted properly. There is less phosphoric acid in properly diluted Star San than in a glass of Coca Cola. So you have to ask yourself, would you take the same precautions with a glass of soda pop? If you answered YES, then rinse away!

As you say, these warnings are for the undiluted Star San product. There is no concern once it has been diluted properly. There is less phosphoric acid in properly diluted Star San than in a glass of Coca Cola. So you have to ask yourself, would you take the same precautions with a glass of soda pop? If you answered YES, then rinse away!


Also...ever here about covering your ass with legal boilerplate in case someone does something stupid???

People are stupid...and Lawyers are smart enough to cover their clients ass with warning on cruise controls in campers, not to engage them, and get up and go to the bathroom...or other fun things like these...The Darwin Awards

Those who insist on rinsing can keep wrapping their fear in ignorance (until you get your first infection because you didn't use it properly. Or you can educate yourself instead....He even talks about drinking it here...

March 29, 2007 - Sanitizing with Bleach and Star San
Charlie Talley from Five Star Chemicals tells us best practices in using household bleach and Star San in sanitizing equipment.

I'm not gonna try to convince anyone..the facts are there for the believing, or ignoring...I don't care either way. I'm gonna continue using it the way the manufacturer intended, as a no-rinse, wet contact sanitizer....the rests of you guys can do what you think is best....but like I's Russian Roulette if you choose to ignore the info presented....


Care for a shot of starsan Jason? Lets leave the edited for clarity rinsers alone, wrapped in their delusions...:D
At the time I listened to Charlie Talley's segment on Basic Brewing Radio, I was still using acidified bleach. After listening to the facts about Star San and its benefits, I ordered some, put the Clorox back in the laundry room, and have never looked back. Don't fear the foam- Star San is wonderful stuff.
But beer is okay?

Yes it is.

I say Google it out my friend and see for yourself, i have heard of close people that have been drinking soft drink since youth and now are dealing with serious dental porous issues, cannot eat anything hard like nuts in fear of actually seeing their teeth break out in their own mouth... (True issue)

Beer will not do that to me.

and, home brewed beer is full of health benefits, Vitamin B complexes contained within the grains we use for brewing are not affected by the fermentation process, then the living yeast used in home brewing is proven to be very benificial to one's health.

Plus, I do weight training 5 times a week and eat mostly Bio food, am curently in Top shape condition and i am not going to let some funcky chemicals ruin it all on me.

Beer not being healthy?
Think again soft drinks advocate...

Want a hint of aspartame to go along with your family pack of phosphoric acid?

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